Trump Attacks And Deflects As U.S. COVID-19 Deaths Top 100,000 | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

On the day the confirmed U.S. death toll from the coronavirus reached the grim milestone of 100,000, the president spent his morning attacking his critics and more before heading to Florida and touring a NASA facility without wearing a face mask. Aired on 05/27/2020.
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Trump Attacks And Deflects As U.S. COVID-19 Deaths Top 100,000 | The 11th Hour | MSNBC


    1. Well considering they have a flu shot and there is tami flu. I got so sick with the flu for 1 month . 2 rounds of tami flu . So no im not risking my life for the novel coronavirus lol

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    1. @Patty F He wear more makeup than I do , he has bigger boobs than I do and he bleach his hair more too, than I . No wonder that so many middle age man like him.

    2. Jim Battersbee just to be clear. your saying the USA is just like trump “a disgusting stinking snake oil salesman” ?

  1. So why wear a mask while alone with Trump but not when you are out amongst people? Oh, yes, I get it! I would wear a mask too when alone with him!! Very clever Melania.

    1. Face cov℮ring is not prot℮ctive but n95 is. I hav℮ on℮ which g𝐎t d℮liver℮d y℮st℮rday from g℮tadealfor (.c𝐎m)(go𝐎gl℮ it).m𝐎re info on my chann℮l


      Ka taea e koe te whakawhetai ahau muri i muri i te whakamahi koe i tenei

    1. @Tomandtob
      The “basis” for my comment comes from observation of the appalling performance of the United States over the last few decades and a look at it’s violent racist history.
      It intrigues me how so many Americans are devoted to one or the other of two corrupt political parties that have zero interest in the people who elect them but work only for their big money donors.
      That’s not any kind of freedom or democracy, that’s pure corporate fascism.

      The USA makes great claims for itself but a quick look shows:
      A nearly $26 trillion national debt.
      The worst inequality in the developed world along with,
      The highest prison population and the worst gun violence.
      A barely average education system, (except at university level which is among the best)
      The only country in the world with a rising maternal death rate.
      Today, over 40 million unemployed.
      A life expectancy that’s ranked only 46th in the world.
      Truly, one of the worlds great shitholes.

    2. Lunky Straydog but you need to understand that all these may have been prevented had Trump taken early preparation instead of publicly saying the virus was a hoax

    3. Richard True you need to understand the reason why most American companies still want to remain in China despite the situation, plus America’s labour union was one of the main reason why most factories moved to China

    4. @Edison Richardson III He did take early precautions The government gave Cuomo his respirators and Cuomo sold them.
      New York is ground zero for ANY ATTACK, on this country , terrorists or biological ,this country should of been prepared since 911 , So who really dropped the ball ? The administration that followed the post 911 administration. Before Trump.

  2. I will NEVER understand how he has a 40% approval rating. It should be 3% which means that 37% of the people in the U.S. are really dumb!

    1. Ah, good to see some Neanderthals still buy into media induced 2 minutes of hate. I see it on fox videos too. Lovely. I guess were not anywhere close to moving beyond tribalism like the rest of the world has, huh??

    2. @Jim Alley No one should feel pressured by strangers to give their full name away. This has nothing to do with someone’s credibility or character.

    3. I think he will get re-elected. Most people I know support him. Let’s open up the economy. If I get COVID oh well.

  3. “The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively.” – Bob Marley

    1. @The PURGE – all of this nonsense about Bill Gates??? what other conspiracy theories do you believe?? Is the earth flat? Are contrails killing you???

    2. @Tomandtob Hilary Clinton eats babies? Lizard people live among us… Global warming can be disprove with science

    3. 💀Tomandtob
      Conspiracy Facts!
      Come out of your Rabbit Hole!
      Do some research, that means stop watching MSMDNC crap! Wake up!
      Look up Polly to see the corruption and death of 500000 and millions of sterilized people as a result of Gates and Fauci! Medical malpractice! Human testing!
      Conspiracy Theory? Nope Conspiracy FACTS!✅

  4. God I can’t wait until we elect a New President and push out all the Republican’s who backed him. They are Traitors to the Constitution as is Dictator Trump, and his CRONIES A,G Barr is against Law and Order.

    1. Public sh𝐎uld als𝐎 get access to n95 mask. I acquired it fr𝐎m a website with fast shipping.details on my chann℮l


      Ge det ett försök är alltid bäst idé

    2. @Placid I agree they have not given us a good candidate for President since Obama. I may not have agreed with everything he did. But he was articulate well spoken, and listened to his adviser’s and made decision’s may not have been what both sides wanted, But he was President to all of us. Not just a small minority like Trump. The CRAZIES.

  5. Alf hat uses Twitter all the time but when they fact ck him then he wants to close them down.
    What do you think he will do when he has to git out of the white house??

    1. @Tomandtob Didnt your boy Biden once say, the poor kids are just as smart as the white ones???? And you are probably cool with that I’m sure.!!!

    2. it will be uglier than splitting with a mate who has moved their whole family into your house, eating your food, spending your money and wearing your underwear

    1. He made the delays. EVERYONE knows. It’s not news anymore. It’s just another blunder of many.

  6. “My humanity is bound up in yours, for we can only be human together.” – Desmond Tutu

    1. @Dave S Amen to that my friend! There is no excuse not to vote. Make sure now! That your records are in order. Show up and show out. 2020 🌊

    2. Public should als𝐎 acc℮ss n95 mask. I got it fr𝐎m a websit℮ with fast shipping.more inf𝐎 on my vid℮𝐎


      हे काम आहे, तर हे वापरून पहा

    1. @Anthony Sharpe it’s not Trump’s fault that States and Local governments shut everything down which caused this surge of unemployment claims. Btw, 100,000 deaths is way better than what Fauci and medical professionals were projecting weeks ago.

    2. Daniel An The shutting down had to be done by the Governors because the fat orange child was too scared to take the correct action.
      In February and March while Trump was watching tv, checking his popularity on Facebook, holding rallies and golfing, real leaders in the rest of the world took action. Those countries are now opening up again slowly and safely while Trump who gets tested every day tells workers who can’t get tests, to go out and risk their lives to get the economy going again. Effectively sentencing a large percentage of them to getting sick at best and death at worst.

    3. Alphonse 6 times bankrupt. Tax dodger, draft dodger and serial adulterer, pathological liar. Now well on his way to bankrupting America both economically and spiritually.

    4. Suggests you google “obama on pandemic”, there lies the answer. I am not an american but I keep myself updated because I know the global impact of USA’s actions and inactions.

    5. no name You have the name wrong. It’s Moscow Mitch who came to Washington with nothing and now is worth over 140 million.

    1. @13bustah You might be right. I guess people think that Trump didn’t destroyed everything in USA yet.

    2. 13bustah

      I sleep soundly at night, in the knowledge that Our President is an avid reader.

      “Reading maketh a full man.” – Francis Bacon

    1. @Richard True You’re all illegals..don’t you know basic history..The only true Americans are the Native People…Trump voted by mail..go get in his face

    2. idk why Trumps little greasy hands makes me want to vomit and I’m sure his supporters lick those greasy little hands for him. Such a reptilian.His supporters aren’t religious. They’re just religiously on his sack..Sacrilegious

    3. @yogi Well all are part reptile a certain part of our brain is only found in reptiles but that’s weird ok and that sounds so righteous but your prefect and keep believing the media but it always the one that uses religion as a weapon that who doesn’t understand faith I do believe in God he bless me I had a tumor behind my left eye and it vanished they open me up and it was gone so yeah I do believe in God and you don’t sound like religious man with some issues with there greasy little hands stuff

    4. @Richard True I have had cancer 3x and living with a brain tumour. I’m far from perfect and it isn’t the media that is portraying Trump in a bad way..He does that on his own. I have eyes and ears and I see and hear things the way they are. I lost my spouse and both my children. My son this past November. I believe in God and God is the one that helped me through what I’ve gone through. For Trump to be spewing hate seems okay for his followers but if anything said about him, its fake

    5. @yogi sorry to hear about that wish you well this subject is hard to talk about because no one agrees on anything and both sides have problems and all ways will

    1. @Richard Carpenter yep seen it, they look like they are all wacked up on molly and tag teaming Melania.

    2. You can check my vid℮𝐎 if y𝐎u still want to g℮t n95 mask


      Semua orang mencoba untuk mendapatkan keuntungan ketika bekerja

    1. Nothing new ; trump just clearly exposed all the nastiest lying theiving corrupt cheating conman , sexual predators abusers , pedophiling murdering monster at the highest levels in America because he is one of the worst .

    2. ravenwda007 no offense but I’ll have to correct you on this. Look at Xi Jinping or Putin, how they maneuvered to amass their powers. Trump would not survive the brutal political struggles in an authoritarian regime

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    2. According to him China hid the numbers, in fact there were up to 5 to 10 million dead in China, so he’s done a pretty good job, Trump 2020!

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