While in office, former President Trump asked the DOJ to look into 'Saturday Night Live' due to the show's depiction of his presidency, according to Daily Beast reporting.
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Trump Asked If DOJ And FCC Could Investigate 'Saturday Night Live'
How anyone sees this insecure little man as strong is beyond me.
@Blue Lagoon
How some still follow this Fraudulent Traitor and Thief is beyond understanding.
@Mike Cooper
Love Q’aren. Gots to use it.
@Dean Foyle
I guess Dolt 45 didn’t have the caliber to be a real Leader.
@Joe He’s nothing now.
You made one of the most profound poignant analysis of that fella ever, right here on YouTube.
Yet his cult, simply won’t care about his mental/emotional fragility, anymore than they do his incompetency, lack of humanity dignity humility integrity & just lack of civic decency.
I’ll take a boring Biden’s over stupidity by the Golden Shower dude at Maga-Lardo, any day!!!
@Jonathan Devereaux no one has given money to russia or Iran
@WSOX Man it is still balanced, it hasn’t changed,
@adam therolf and you think gas and groceries are more expensive because of President Biden?!!! WTF? Where do you even get your logic from?!
MAGA-Lardo!! Brilliant.
Maga Lardo is perfect LOL
D trump NEVER had a shred of humor, especially about himself. One of his most (among many) unappealing qualities –
And that’s why you vote for a president? Weak.
SNL skits were far from funny. More like mean and political. You drank the liberal bs.
Better than “…injecting disinfectant…”, WSOX.
It’s part of the job to be made fun of.
Ask Rudy and Matt.
@WSOX Man When you can laugh at yourself, no one can ever make a fool of you. Joan Rivers
@WSOX Man “And that’s why you vote for a president?” No one has said anything of the sort, and way to entirely miss an unmissable point. Of course this is your guy.
I’m only shocked he never went after Stephen Colbert and Trevor Noah too

you think trump has the acumen to understand colberts jokes? probably doesnt even realize he’s being insulted
Weren’t they the “others”?
Those two are over Trump’s head.
I’m sure those comedians were lumped into the list of “late night comics” getting under Trump’s skin.
Colbert was very upset that he was lumped in with ‘other late night mischief makers’
Tiny Ego can’t compete with SNL or Jimmy Kimmel…he’s a coward.
Being made fun of by SNL is part of the job at this point. He couldn’t even handle that…
@Panchito Estelita still is
@Amos Alphonso the thing is, he can’t even tell a njoke, he’s just plain mean
I’m wondering if the Trump SNLskits had higher ratings than the Apprentice?
@Rebecca Elliot Nixon was gone by the time it started, October ’75
Actually, I think it’s somewhat of an honor when SNL seems you worthy to be roasted.
“He never had the makings of a varsity athlete.”
Daily Reminder: The 1/6 insurrection was all because Mango Mussolini refused to concede and peacefully transfer power.
@Hakapelika I say cicada, you say cicada. I say tomato, you say tomato. OK, wait. I say insurrection, you say you have dementia.
@Hakapelika Ya, a demonstration of how to perpetrate a potential coup
@Bob Cubellis No, if that was the case he would have just rambled incoherently. Clearly he’s just stupid
@Adam Baum You are a true Patriot!
@Bob Cubellis Yep, a loyal tax paying proud American citizen who is constantly being called a communist by trump and republicans. And then they whine and cry about why we hate them.
so con dons as petty & thin skinned as we knew he was
may RICO end the madness
The Freedom of Speech party wants freedom of speech to go only one way
That would make sense if this story were even true.
Found the trumpette
The selective cancel culture of the do as I say crowd, GQP
Everybody free speech, accept for Democrats and independents.
That a cry baby of this magnitude exists anywhere outside of a special care ward is ridiculous. He truly was, as per George F. Will, America’s child president.
thin skinned man-baby is appropriate as well…
And a malignant child at that.
A child would have done better..
Perfect “cry baby
“ hahaha
he’s a spoiled brat rich kid who was sheilded his whole life from anything negative, of course he’s still a toddler
The whole thing sounds like an SNL sketch
.. the essense of white fragility….. hopefully they will make a skit on it
And that’s the “tough guy” the MAGA folks admire.
The Chosen One is the beta male they all want to be.
@Markus Andrew the same old man with make up picking fights with a teen girl activist on social media?
@D1Nonly1 4ever and making fun of disabled people plenty of times
Makes me laugh. He got his fee fees hurt. The Maga crowd always talks about Trump living in peoples heads. Not even close but the reverse is true Trump can’t let anything go.
Two words “Beta Bus” he’s a beta
Did Trump forget that SNL was making fun of him for years before he was president?
But the impotent crybaby didn’t have the DOJ to back him up against those vicious bullies then
His reply to the story is so much like a SNL skit that it can hardly be considered parody.
Every time he releases one of these statements I genuinely go back & forth with myself over whether or not it’s real. But this one… this one **truly** read as a sketch.
And then there’s the fact that he doesn’t even realize this. The cue cards write themselves lmao
Trump’s presidency was a difficult time for comedians. Satire became reality.
Never trust a humorless “human”.
I had a great mentor in my late teens (a Buddhist monk) who would say never trust anyone who can’t make fun of themselves. Self-deprecating humor represents a balanced personality because it requires people not to take themselves too seriously. Trump (and pretty much all Republicans) literally can not make fun of themselves. They’re too busy arrogantly telling us they are always the smartest, wisest, most adult people in the room (and by extension, the rest of us are just drooling children desperate to be told what to do), all of which indicates they are none of the above.
That is very, very good news! If the dog yelped, it means the stone that was cast hit its target.
Or in Trump’s case, he’s got fleas. Big fleas. The best fleas.
Very trump like to be cruel to dogs
when trumpy said he wanted to control the media, he wasn’t joking. gop still sees nothing wrong with that? what kind of kool aid are they drinking?
@jose carlos
I always wondered how jim jones got so many to drink the Kool aid. Now we see it. This didn’t happen in the jungles of Guyana, but rather right in front of us.
They want to end democracy! The sooner we start speaking plainly about this, sooner we can collectively address it. They speak about dissenters as if they are an enemy. They wish an authoritarian military state, with only their views. It will be too late for the dregs to consider, but perhaps one day they won’t share the GQP machine’s opinion!
nevertheless, he was able to control the media…meaning: FoxNews
That’s only ‘media’ for people who like The Enquirer. So I Married an Axe Murderer comes to mind lol
the dictator kind of Kool Aid of course
He legitimately has the thinnest skin I’ve ever seen
@Jen D He lost it a long time ago, if there ever was one at all.
@Jay Manz Yep, he flunked the great umbrella IQ test, twice!
I know. Kids in grade school can take more than this man baby can.
…and Republicans call everyone else a snowflake.. classic projection
Lol thats what the msm/democrats do because this current administration sucks so bad they have to talk about president Trump as a deterren!!
Projection, deflection and Whataboutism….classic far right art forms.
@RYNNY KITTY deterren?
@RYNNY KITTY Most pointless, empty, weightless, ridiculous string of words posted this evening.
@stu wilks Yep, they got it down to a science pretty much