As states reopen, Trump is taking to calling people warriors seeming to suggest the death toll across the nation is necessary collateral damage to get the American economy going again. But most polls show consumers are not ready to take to stores and restaurants again. Aired on 05/06/2020.
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Trump As U.S. COVID-19 Death Toll Nears 74,000: 'It Is What It Is' | The 11th Hour | MSNBC
Trump doesn’t give a crap about anyone but himself… is what it is.
@that wasn’t.chicken FEAR, false evidence appearing real.
They hate people who don’t run around in fear like them.
@Ace of Spades Any proof. NOPE
@Twin possible KT
Dr. Lance Dodds On Trump:
“He can only do what he does.
And he is limited by the limited capacity of a person with early emotional development.
He doesn’t have much complexity to him. Truth means nothing to him and other people mean nothing to him.
Once you get that concept that nothing matters, no conscience, no morality, than everything else falls into place.”
@Jordan P No other President has made everything about themselves like Trump does. One of the reasons we are in such a mess now is because Trump was more worried about how a pandemic would make him look instead of the threat it imposed. We never had a President who behaved like a baby all the time.
Denise Hall You are just figuring this out he said this along time ago but then again who was I supposed to vote for that scum of a human Hillary Clinton?
He hasn’t got a clue what he’s doing or what’s happening nor does he care.
@beverly allison Why would i care. Go crack a back.
” He hasn’t got a clue what he’s doing or what’s happening nor does he care. ”
Dan it’s been like this since day one. American’s are just now waking up to that fact???
crazybongo5 Who does care murdering Hillary.. The New York governor who allows murder after the birth of a baby. Go away
@beverly allison Any more has been irrelevant figures you wish to bring up? Bob Dole? Al Gore? Kerry? Oof that deflection comrade.
@Bryan Mayer Trump only cares about getting re elected so he can continue to bleed the people dry. “Only leftist” boy oh boy do i have news for you.
Calling people “Warriors” or “Heroes” makes it OK for them to die for their country.
Nurses, Doctors and Essential Workers did not sign up to be “Warriors”
@Kristina *try this, God I ask you to protect me and my family with you Lord Jesus no enemy can come against me. Amen. Kristina the future is not promised but with pray how could any evil come against you. Remember the battle for your soul is waged in your mind!
@David Galloway Ok. I’ll try.
But I’ve already told you this isn’t for me, and that it’s not a religion I practice any longer, I’ve been an atheist for almost 22 years now. (Thank you middle school science education).
“Santa Claus I ask you to protect me and my family, with you Easter Bunny no enemy can come against me. Ramen.
…I know this goes agsinst science, but I believe in you guys, so please fight for my soul! With imaginary friends like you- who needs science? Peace be with you, and also the tooth fairy.”
Fingers crossed.
Kristina * – I do not believe that you are an atheist – I have not seen you at any of our gatherings recently. You need to lay off David Galloway, he called me a chicken earlier.
Anyway, we need more of our medical practitioners to be religious. (How am i doing with this sarcasm thing)
Kristina * – R0 of 3 is only because of Social Distancing and quarantining. Can you image what the R0 would be, if this virus had a free reign.
I am going to stay distanced for many months to come yet. My 4 year old daughter is going to be home schooled until she is 25 or until the vaccine is readily available.
@Tahir Ali I’m done with him. All yours “atheist chicken.”
For the sake of humanity, he should take his fake tan and hair and just GO.
A Dolf Chump I hope you are well compensated for your troll efforts
The name is Agolf, Agolf Twittler.
@Moe Snert A pro troll you are … Russian or North Korean ?
@Moe Snert i bet you skipped human evolution
Remember people this is the president who said he could shot someone in the middle of Fifth Ave and get away with it, he’s now managing to let thousands of Americans die and he plans to get away with it!
I don’t think there is a bigger ego or a more disgusting human than Trump. He has all these deaths on his hands. The numbers are actually higher.
Lynne you should take control of ot as you are more capable, smarter and powerful
DOHC616 an inanimate object is smarter than Trump.
@Mark Ball boy you sure like cherry picking don’t you. Yes just ignore all the things he should have done and say wherever fits your narrative. Btw the so call ban from China went very well didn’t it
@Dark Iris Wow I can not wait to see your comment on the great job the democrat governors and mayor’s are doing in these states they run and control ,which are suffering the most,,,,It is the governors who decide all the guide lines
The PilotMaster There is no “but” WTF?
“Some of you May Die, But it’s a Sacrifice I am Willing to Make” Shrek 2001.
“May you lived forever “ 300
Michael Duggan
Trump’s response, is what a complete lack of empathy looks like.
Bruce Bryant if you wanna take it at face value that’s on you. There’s a lot more to know
@Moe Snert Trump’s response, is what a complete lack of empathy looks like.
Bruce Bryant yea I know u need coddling. Tune into Cuomo. He can be your daddy politician
@Moe Snert man you got problems
Alex Power is what a lack of empathy looks like
Trump has no empathy or sympathy for the people he is supposed to be governing. Only concerned how he looks and money.
Thats the murican way deal with it or leave
@Hello You mean the capitalist way. Trump is a new Hoover. He will be replaced with a new FDR. This way or another. Or the whole thing falls apart.
Well he looks like sh*t!
ah somebody got triggered!
Only reason he is keeping the task force is because it’s “popular” smh
Liz Penguin a hole in the head is popular. Maybe he should get one.
Abe Soloman yes. His lemmings and no one else… one party country for him.
Nah. I think he was manipulated by someone/some persons (plural) who persuaded him to rescind the decision in in order to better his standing of re-election & putting it in terms he would respond to, t play on his narcissism by spoon feeding it to him that way.
Yall are really brainwashed. This is the best president this country has ever seen and the fake news has yall saying and believing the lies yall hear
@Yancey Chapman Talk to me about how 14.7% unemployment — the worst since the Great Depression — makes him the best President… how does making the US the sickest, most diseased country in the history of the US make him the best President… how is it that people can’t pay their bills, don’t have jobs, can’t feed their kids, are lining up at food pantries, without healthcare DURING A PANDEMIC and he’s the best president this country has ever had? Webster: “excelling all others”
Clearly he is NOT the best…maybe the best liar but President not even close. You really need to get a hold of yourself. If you want to vote for him for whatever reason you have go for it. It’s the US. But you can’t say, in the middle of a train ride to a Depression while people continue to die that he is The Best President we ever had. He doesn’t even make in the “best in modern history” category. GW Bush is still better. Look at the world. Stop watching FOX and CNN and MSNBC and look at the world. If you think this is all fake, you are in more trouble than you know.
This man is the most insensitive, out of touch, ego maniac this country has ever seen
@Abe Soloman and how much of the wall has been built?
Please give the length in feet or metres which ever you have to hand.
And what is the length of the border.
Trumps attitude towards China has caused a massive problems, he has antagonised the Chinese government.
Getting the charges dropped for Flynn is an act of a mafia Don.
Do you agree that trump had a larger inauguration audience than Obama?
The only people who approve of Trump are his followers.
The rest of the world who have free access to free media know what he is.
@Herbie Shine Fake news media u mean!
@Abe Soloman that’s very easy to say and not back up.
You disregard what media says, you belittle the media then you don’t have to listen to it. You say blindly, it’s fake but where is your evidence.
There is evidence of Trump constantly lying. He says something in an interview or press conference, he sees how badly it’s gone down and then when he is asked about it he says he didn’t make the original comments.
“What about using disinfectant”
“I was being sarcastic”
If you choose to be blind to his lies then you are indorsing his lies.
If you agree to belittle and degrade the media you will end up with one media source like you get in countries that have a dictator as leader.
That’s what someone who wants to rule as supreme leader will do. Slowly erode people’s trust by constantly lying and undermining the free press.
You still haven’t said how much of the wall has been built. But that’s because the wall was a lie. Another lie. A great biglington beautiful lie.
Where are the facts you have please
We have plenty of room in Australia, you are welcome to come over, at least we have political stability ! !
You’re hawt
“If we do more testing, we’ll have more cases”… That’s when you know how simple his mind is… Simply incapable os understanding, caring or handling any of this.
Yes, someone needs to tell him that the “Emperor has no clothes.”
It’s obvious that Trump’s actions follow a predictable line in psychology: he is dealing with a virus the same way he’s dealt with problems before: just get rid of it, rather than approach it intelligently.
With Corona, for the first time in his life, he’s overpowered. No amount of force, money, power or manipulating succeeds in forcing Corona to do what he wants. Trump is stuck because he has never learnt to actually _deal_ with a problem intelligently.
So he does the next best thing that you see with people with any arrested development: he’s getting rid of the _evidence_ that there’s a problem…such as the people who _confirm_ that there’s a problem. He’s in denial.
and you are incapable of spelling
When his press secretary said that this week i could of have done a spit take. These people are insane.
We’ll be sure to celebrate the day you die, Trump. It is, what it is.
I have already booked Kool & The Gang !
“Celebrate good times, come on!

Celebrate good times, come on!
It’s a celebration!
Celebrate good times, It’s what it is.. “
“Sometimes — history needs a push.”
― Archimedes
@Arvid Nergård Don’t celebrate to fast…did you not notice that he is bussy to make his daughter and son in law (Omen666)his successor. Thats how dictators grab power.
Chlorox Donnie is maffia and has no good intention for the USA and the world. The guy is dangerous.
Oh I’ll be partyin like there’s no tomorrow. Can’t freaking wait.
We need to have Ross play the bagpipes and Phoebe singing along.
Trump : how did I loose the election?
America : it is what it is
but in this case, tRump will risc a civil war to keep his chair – belive me this will happens in nov. – dec.
Cause yo electoral voters told ya it is what it is
Trumps voter’s died of Corona

15 infected: “dont worry it will disappear”
74k dead: “it is what it is”
Exactly right!
Most everyone has already forgotten the time when Trump could have acted and didn’t. The often careless Trump wisdom of doing too little for too long has always created crisis for Trump throughout his life.
Trump’s actions follow a predictable line in psychology: he is dealing with a virus the same way he’s dealt with problems before: just get rid of it, rather than approach it intelligently.
With Corona, for the first time in his life, he’s overpowered. No amount of force, money, power or manipulating succeeds in forcing Corona to do what he wants. Trump is stuck because he has never learnt to actually _deal_ with a problem intelligently.
So he does the next best thing that you see with people with any arrested development: he’s getting rid of the _evidence_ that there’s a problem…such as the people who _confirm_ that there’s a problem. He’s still in denial.
That will be the new slogan, because things sure aren’t “great again”
TRUMP doesn’t care about

mass casualties ; he ONLY
cares about his ratings and
And that’s it in a nut shell !!!
Who’s going to be left alive to vote if this keeps up he doesn’t care never did when asked about the number of people dead he said it is what it is.
You forgot money.
From the start.
@Monique Lawrence I know I am just an uneducated deplorable, but I think it is simple math really. Even with them padding the death toll it still amounts to next to nothing percentage wise. You sheople are a hoot. I came here just for the comments!
“It is what it is” ONLY a psychopath can say that with a straight face and mean it.
He relies heavily upon rote sayings, which he (mistakenly) believes to be appropriate. This is a feature of sociopathy, having to LEARN reactions simply because they cannot FEEL them. I don’t claim that society has few high-functioning sociopaths; they are everywhere, and many in high places who hold great power & bring great benefit to society overall. However, this particular sociopath has had his image of himself shattered; his beloved rallies curtailed, his second term threatened, and all by an enemy he cannot SEE. This has left him somewhat similar to the damaged android ‘Ash’ in the first Alien film – spinning crazily, attacking without self-control, disarrayed speech & reactions. This is his Wound, and he is leaking oil badly – the Coronavirus puncturing his carapace as the Ichneumon wasp lays her deadly egg within the body of the caterpillar. A dreadful image, a mortal wound.
@Lesley Wynter A lot of psychopaths are academy award winners. In order to blend successfully into societal norms they must master certain idyosyncrasies and behaviors that come naturally to most normal mentally stable and healthy individuals in order to be accepted and not stand out. donnie’s innate narcissism is on full display every moment of every day. Corruption and chaos are all natural traits he endures in and encourages amongst his sheep minions. Truly a scourge cancer worthy of annihilation.
He should be saying, “It is unacceptable. “
Nah, it is actually the first intelligent thing he’s said. It’s the first step to _accepting_ that there _is_ a problem. Before, Trump was spending his time & energy on denial (“It wil magically go away.”). This makes things worse, as we’ve seen.
When you’re in denial, you don’t take actions to tackle the actual problem. You’re just trying to get rid of _the results_ . When you start seeing that there _is_ a problem, you are starting to approach it intelligently.
America’s need to get rid of this self serving narriccists mam.
Let me rephrase for you. America needs to get rid of this self serving narcissistic man. Also, America has much to do, in a hurry!
Anne Timmins What about if we had Hillary Clinton she let people die also
@hoffer54 Trump 2020
When Trump looses the Fall election we can just shrug out shoulders and tell him: “It is what it is!”
That’s That!
Yea, but he’ll be calling for his racist horde to stand up for him