President Trump announced an executive order that encourages police apartments to adopt the "highest professional standards." The president claimed reducing crime and holding police accountable are "not mutually exclusive" and warned that "without police there is chaos." Aired on 06/16/2020.
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Trump Announces Order For Police To Adopt 'Highest Professional Standards' | MSNBC
What a joke and waste of time. Another avenue for a campaign rally. 5 min for police reform and 25 min of nothing.
@Uncle Ed prove it otherwise fake news,
Vaughn Besley give me one reason to vote for Biden
Uncle Ed A potted plant would be better than the orange turd.
@Vaughn Besley And what if YOU are the fake news? Or just a sycophant for propaganda. What if?
@Shawn Corbin “What if” exactly. your claims could be wrong That’s why I ask proof for links or somewhere you get information
He is a master of erecting an effigy and criticizing it and taking a victory lap.
Trumph is a master of NOTHING
It’s easy when things go well the true mettle of a president is how he responds to a crisis
Trump is like all 3 Wizard of Oz characters rolled in one. He has no brain, he has no Heart, and he has no courage.
@Trevor Guthrie Gee…sorry Trev! Maybe you should have a translator de-geek your incoherent cleverness ? Danke schoen, darling, danke schoen, lolPutz…kma
Don’t forget to vote blue, gameboy!
No brain=Trump,
No heart=McConnell,
No Courage= The rest of The GOP Republicans
@Puttentane Same vid views
MSNBC 6 hours 8.2 thousand.
*Pewds 1.1 million* gamerz gonna game. Boomers goin boom. Legacy media is dead. Zoomers gonna zoom. In the internet bloodsports arena the Red Pilled are decimating the soybois 10/1. Major Septic Media 6 leftist for every center (or was you would call them alt right)
American Media ranks below cancer but slightly higher than Congress and the police. MSNBC is dead.
@Maria C. Mascaro Big brain Hillary
(How much money did you loose)
Heartfelt (Tulsi Gabbert/Yang gang)
No courage *every liberal who does not stand up to the Marxist sympathizers destroying the Bill of Rights* “In a time of universal deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary Act” – Orwell
if you’re going to be a bs artist.. at least be a good one. on one hand, he has no real power to tell the police what to do but he’s hoping we dont realize that. on the other hand, even if he did have such power, calling for “high standards,” while issuing no specific guidelines demonstrates exactly how useless he is in terms of actual leadership
This guy doesn’t mean a word he says…so PHONY!
Well that’s normal for your side. You never believe the truth. What’s new?
@The Ropes of Renovation Hilarious example of projection on your part. If I show you a very sick and disturbing truth about Trump, then I bet you’ll still defend him.
@Tessmage Tessera I’m not a Trump fan but I am a supporter of the Republican supporter. Live with it.
3 seconds… He lasted 3 seconds before he forgot what he was ‘supposed’ to say before…well, whatever this is.
@R Thomas i knew it, you aint black!
Ralph and Theo what percentage of the minority vote is Trump expecting….10%
@R Thomas no, 100%. dont lie, YOU AINT BLACK!
Ralph and Theo on a different note… I can’t wait for Nadler to grill good ol’ Bill Barr… is there time for another impeachment before November? I think so
@R Thomas trump wont be impeached so better go and vote or else, You Aint Black!
Just what the country needed: A big, fat nothingburger with a side order of empty words.
The Ropes of Renovation change is coming this November… are you ready?
Democrats have no platform
Uncle Ed what’s Trump’s plan for a second term… more chaos?
@Uncle Ed no it’s actually the Republicans who have no platform. It consists of destroy everything Obama did and fire lots people. Meanwhile be as corrupt as you wish cuz we won’t hold you accountable. Too busy investigating our political rivals to no end. No matter what it costs. No matter if we convict/indict anybody at all. At least our brain dead voters love it. MAGA!!!!!!! What a fking joke. Lmfao
You’ve just described every single thing that Trump has done since he took office.
then after this he will go back in and start twitting rubbish. stupid man.
Stop your whining and crying and if you don’t like it don’t listen to it but stop your f****** crying
I support the police but i will not support police brutality !
Russian collusion was a hoax
Without a platform from a corrupt media, tell me what other option he has?
BAM! The devil
Communist media mob and corruption party propaganda should not speak for the BLM since you need to check below link. Super awesome video clips from a black conservative young lady. 

The leftist communist media mob fake news is very manipulative, control and brainwashed the people who depend on the social media and don’t know to research for true news.
Tear gassing the people doesn’t work.
He even fails as a dictator.
vicious dogs and ominous weapons are the best way to deal with these liberal terrorists
@apauls More like Shill King…
@NDW 100 if they’re setting fires sure but protesting just to get to a church? No fing way
@NDW 100 – *He Teared Gassed Peaceful Protesters In Lawful Free Assembly!*
Why is it you guys go nuts when you can’t get a haircut in a lockdown, and get all “Don’t Tread on Me!” but actual repression of citizens constitutional rights and all of a sudden people should do what the government tells them?
Summary: Do better, but if I don’t like what you do — like being Democrats — I’ll come in and make sure I impose violence to achieve law and order…. P.S. I destroyed America… I am great. We left the WHO and have no access to all of the science to vaccines… we are smart and will have vaccines before all the people ahead of us… maybe… probably not… not at all… COVID is a hoax anyway and last but not least, I hate China except I’m still having my merchandise made there so I’m supporting communism which is only fair after my Trump Socialism money.
What this orange Mussolini considers highest professional standards and highest honor tells me that we’ve still got a very long way to go.
“don’t be too nice to them, take the hand away”
he claimed we have a ”vaccine for AIDS” during this speech. NOT
There’s tons of vaccines for AIDS there’s no cure but there’s vaccines
Yep…. Trump thinks an AIDS vaccine is more important than a HIV vaccine, it’s 4th in line….
@Russian Bot no vaccine to PREVENT HIV which caused AIDS. gramma says go back to your hole
@Rascal Why not engage in discussion over insults? Oh yeah, you can’t do it.
@Shawn Corbin no discussion needed, there is NO VACCINE to PREVENT AIDS but it FEELS so good to tell an IGNORAMUS to stfu
Last week Trump went all the way to Dallas to hold an event/discussion on race issues and policing, but doesn’t invite the 3 black law enforcement officials who are responsible for law enforcement in that city. Just think about that for a moment. How can anyone take him seriously when he doesn’t invite the Police Chief, the Sheriff, and the District Attorney, to a meeting about policing.?!?!
Because they were explicitly excluded from the “guest list”?
#DespicableDonaldTrump thinks he knows everything. Unfortunately he knows nothing. VOTE BLUE. Remove the #Repugnicans
Another Law that says nothing and does nothing,
The dumbest person in history as a “leader”.. This same moron said choke holds are beautiful and innocent or some crap like that..
So they weren’t already holding them to the “highest standards”???
… cannot understand why anyone is still listening to this guy
(personally, don’t understand why anyone Ever listened to him)
Because he’s a comedy show. Smh
“they run toward danger….” while the president runs for the bunker !
This was so horrible he didn’t do or address anything at all .
Not surprised
Yeah he just kinda babbled
Frankie I agree with you all he did was talk a out his campaign. this man is a embarrassment to this country we have the stupidest hateful president in are house can wait to see this out office.