Trump Announces He’s Tested Positive For The Coronavirus | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

Early Friday morning on the East Coast, the president announced on Twitter that he and the First Lady had tested positive with the coronavirus after his close aide Hope Hicks tested positive for the virus. Aired on 10/01/2020.
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Trump Announces He's Tested Positive For The Coronavirus | The 11th Hour | MSNBC


  1. they knew thursday morning about Hicks and he still went to his rally, that shows he cares about nobody but himself

    1. Anybody who believes anyone has covid19, with all the lies and deceit that has gone on regarding testing, any common cold or normal flu being called covid19, hospitals all over the world lying/fudging statistics, and no physical evidence of any “new strand” of coronaviruses, is a brain-dead media zombie. All political leaders all over the world, including Trump, are puppets to Bill Gates, his money, control, and power over the world medical industry’s AGENDA. Trump, just like his buddy Bolsonaro in Brazil, eventually succumbed to power of the plan-demic agenda.. The few of us with intelligence know what’s going on and cannot be fooled.
      Do not believe the media and politicians lies. Let’s stand up, fight back, and get our normal lives back!
      This hysteria is not about any virus (that we know has never been proven to exist). This about an AGENDA. Why do people still believe this c-virus nonsense? This is not how humans are supposed to live. Just use basic logic and common sense. This is a well-orchestrated hoax virus that is part of a worldwide pharmaceutical industry, Bill Gates (the biggest funder of the WHO and CDC), and media agenda to scare the entire world into believing the only solution is mandatory vaccinations. No medical or science degree is needed to know this. Almost EVERY “test” will be “positive” for common colds or normal flus because it is part of the planned agenda. Nobody has died or is infected (cases) from covid19 (an alleged “new strand” virus that has NEVER been proven scientifically to exist), and do not allow them to keep you muzzled (masks) like zombies and caged (locked up in your house) for their agenda. The daily, scare-tactic images, reports, theories (e.g. asymptomatic), and statistics of unknown/nameless people are part of the brainwashing. Do not just blindly believe and comply to all of this nonsense. This has gone on too long!
      The goal is to create FEAR everywhere in the world. Constantly seeing people in masks creates constant fear. The constant fear leads people to accept anything that will alleviate the omnipresent fear. The (fake) vaccinations for the (fake) virus is the savior in the minds of people all over the world. And B. Gates and his WHO will go down as the saviors of the world. This guy (Gates) has been evil with his vaccination ideas for Africa and the world for years now. Now, he’s going full scale to implement his plans by getting many governments and politicians involved.

    2. Mary Jan3 Cordova
      Why are you unable to argue me on the topic and can only insult me and accuse me of being a liar or a racist?

      Biden’s plan will take guns from people in cities (more often minorities) and leave them even more defenseless against criminals who don’t follow the law. Background checks will effect minorities at much higher rate. If you support background checks you’re not black. I promise you MLK or any black panther would NEVER vote for Biden. They would have protested him. The 2A is most important to those who the system takes advantage of. If people think the system is racist, the last thing anyone should do is not want a gun.

      If you chose not to own a gun you chose to let a criminal be ultimately more powerful than you. What you can’t do is tell other people they can’t defend their self or a gun.

      If Biden passes or tries to pass background checks laws he will be found treasonous by all supporters of the 2A. There are millions of us, who will not stand for it. The only thing background checks will achieve is skew the amount of guns in good people’s hands vs bad people’s to in favor of the criminal.

    3. Aquarius Eight
      Are you a bot? Are you people all bots? Or are you 12? You can’t be this incompetent. I linked BIDENS OFFICIAL PAGE where he talks specifically about taking away guns. Do you think taking guns will solve problems? If so tell me why and we can discuss it. But so far, you’ve proven yourself incapable of standing for your own opinion.

      Go back to your safe space.

  2. But it’s probably another lie… He was just loosing and being exposed miserably for the crook and con he is, and that’s he latest scam.

    1. Anybody who believes anyone has covid19, with all the lies and deceit that has gone on regarding testing, any common cold or normal flu being called covid19, hospitals all over the world lying/fudging statistics, and no physical evidence of any “new strand” of coronaviruses, is a brain-dead media zombie. All political leaders all over the world, including Trump, are puppets to Bill Gates, his money, control, and power over the world medical industry’s AGENDA. Trump, just like his buddy Bolsonaro in Brazil, eventually succumbed to power of the plan-demic agenda. The few of us with intelligence know what’s going on and cannot be fooled.
      Do not believe the media and politicians lies. Let’s stand up, fight back, and get our normal lives back!
      This hysteria is not about any virus (that we know has never been proven to exist). This about an AGENDA. Why do people still believe this c-virus nonsense? This is not how humans are supposed to live. Just use basic logic and common sense. This is a well-orchestrated hoax virus that is part of a worldwide pharmaceutical industry, Bill Gates (the biggest funder of the WHO and CDC), and media agenda to scare the entire world into believing the only solution is mandatory vaccinations. No medical or science degree is needed to know this. Almost EVERY “test” will be “positive” for common colds or normal flus because it is part of the planned agenda. Nobody has died or is infected (cases) from covid19 (an alleged “new strand” virus that has NEVER been proven scientifically to exist), and do not allow them to keep you muzzled (masks) like zombies and caged (locked up in your house) for their agenda. The daily, scare-tactic images, reports, theories (e.g. asymptomatic), and statistics of unknown/nameless people are part of the brainwashing.. Do not just blindly believe and comply to all of this nonsense. This has gone on too long!
      The goal is to create FEAR everywhere in the world. Constantly seeing people in masks creates constant fear. The constant fear leads people to accept anything that will alleviate the omnipresent fear. The (fake) vaccinations for the (fake) virus is the savior in the minds of people all over the world. And B. Gates and his WHO will go down as the saviors of the world. This guy (Gates) has been evil with his vaccination ideas for Africa and the world for years now. Now, he’s going full scale to implement his plans by getting many governments and politicians involved.

  3. It’s a sympathy ploy, another one of his endless supply of lies, I’ll only believe it when he’s placed in a coffin….

    1. Anybody who believes anyone has covid19, with all the lies and deceit that has gone on regarding testing, any common cold or normal flu being called covid19, hospitals all over the world lying/fudging statistics, and no physical evidence of any “new strand” of coronaviruses, is a brain-dead media zombie. All political leaders all over the world, including Trump, are puppets to Bill Gates, his money, control, and power over the world medical industry’s AGENDA. Trump, just like his buddy Bolsonaro in Brazil, eventually succumbed to power of the plan-demic agenda. The few of us with intelligence know what’s going on and cannot be fooled.
      Do not believe the media and politicians lies. Let’s stand up, fight back, and get our normal lives back!
      This hysteria is not about any virus (that we know has never been proven to exist).. This about an AGENDA. Why do people still believe this c-virus nonsense? This is not how humans are supposed to live. Just use basic logic and common sense. This is a well-orchestrated hoax virus that is part of a worldwide pharmaceutical industry, Bill Gates (the biggest funder of the WHO and CDC), and media agenda to scare the entire world into believing the only solution is mandatory vaccinations. No medical or science degree is needed to know this. Almost EVERY “test” will be “positive” for common colds or normal flus because it is part of the planned agenda. Nobody has died or is infected (cases) from covid19 (an alleged “new strand” virus that has NEVER been proven scientifically to exist), and do not allow them to keep you muzzled (masks) like zombies and caged (locked up in your house) for their agenda. The daily, scare-tactic images, reports, theories (e.g. asymptomatic), and statistics of unknown/nameless people are part of the brainwashing. Do not just blindly believe and comply to all of this nonsense. This has gone on too long!
      The goal is to create FEAR everywhere in the world. Constantly seeing people in masks creates constant fear. The constant fear leads people to accept anything that will alleviate the omnipresent fear. The (fake) vaccinations for the (fake) virus is the savior in the minds of people all over the world. And B. Gates and his WHO will go down as the saviors of the world. This guy (Gates) has been evil with his vaccination ideas for Africa and the world for years now. Now, he’s going full scale to implement his plans by getting many governments and politicians involved.

    1. So do you want to vote him out because you don’t like him, or because you want to live in a Democratic Communist Country led by the Communists behind the scenes telling Biden what to do and what to say.

    2. @Brian Kearnaghan when it’s all said in done, your foolish president got COVID-19 if you believe it’s true. Either way he’s proven to be a horrible leader for this country as well as embarrassment to the world. So keep talking and convince someone else you INNER TRUMP LOVER.

    1. Anybody who believes anyone has covid19, with all the lies and deceit that has gone on regarding testing, any common cold or normal flu being called covid19, hospitals all over the world lying/fudging statistics, and no physical evidence of any “new strand” of coronaviruses, is a brain-dead media zombie. All political leaders all over the world, including Trump, are puppets to Bill Gates, his money, control, and power over the world medical industry’s AGENDA. Trump, just like his buddy Bolsonaro in Brazil, eventually succumbed to power of the plan-demic agenda. The few of us with intelligence know what’s going on and cannot be fooled.
      Do not believe the media and politicians lies. Let’s stand up, fight back, and get our normal lives back!
      This hysteria is not about any virus (that we know has never been proven to exist). This about an AGENDA. Why do people still believe this c-virus nonsense? This is not how humans are supposed to live. Just use basic logic and common sense. This is a well-orchestrated hoax virus that is part of a worldwide pharmaceutical industry, Bill Gates (the biggest funder of the WHO and CDC), and media agenda to scare the entire world into believing the only solution is mandatory vaccinations. No medical or science degree is needed to know this.. Almost EVERY “test” will be “positive” for common colds or normal flus because it is part of the planned agenda. Nobody has died or is infected (cases) from covid19 (an alleged “new strand” virus that has NEVER been proven scientifically to exist), and do not allow them to keep you muzzled (masks) like zombies and caged (locked up in your house) for their agenda. The daily, scare-tactic images, reports, theories (e.g. asymptomatic), and statistics of unknown/nameless people are part of the brainwashing. Do not just blindly believe and comply to all of this nonsense. This has gone on too long!
      The goal is to create FEAR everywhere in the world. Constantly seeing people in masks creates constant fear. The constant fear leads people to accept anything that will alleviate the omnipresent fear. The (fake) vaccinations for the (fake) virus is the savior in the minds of people all over the world. And B. Gates and his WHO will go down as the saviors of the world. This guy (Gates) has been evil with his vaccination ideas for Africa and the world for years now. Now, he’s going full scale to implement his plans by getting many governments and politicians involved.

  4. If this is true, trump will probably blame Joe Biden for it. I’m not 100% sure this isn’t a stunt he’s trying to pull.

    1. Anybody who believes anyone has covid19, with all the lies and deceit that has gone on regarding testing, any common cold or normal flu being called covid19, hospitals all over the world lying/fudging statistics, and no physical evidence of any “new strand” of coronaviruses, is a brain-dead media zombie. All political leaders all over the world, including Trump, are puppets to Bill Gates, his money, control, and power over the world medical industry’s AGENDA. Trump, just like his buddy Bolsonaro in Brazil, eventually succumbed to power of the plan-demic agenda. The few of us with intelligence know what’s going on and cannot be fooled.
      Do not believe the media and politicians lies.. Let’s stand up, fight back, and get our normal lives back!
      This hysteria is not about any virus (that we know has never been proven to exist). This about an AGENDA. Why do people still believe this c-virus nonsense? This is not how humans are supposed to live. Just use basic logic and common sense. This is a well-orchestrated hoax virus that is part of a worldwide pharmaceutical industry, Bill Gates (the biggest funder of the WHO and CDC), and media agenda to scare the entire world into believing the only solution is mandatory vaccinations. No medical or science degree is needed to know this. Almost EVERY “test” will be “positive” for common colds or normal flus because it is part of the planned agenda. Nobody has died or is infected (cases) from covid19 (an alleged “new strand” virus that has NEVER been proven scientifically to exist), and do not allow them to keep you muzzled (masks) like zombies and caged (locked up in your house) for their agenda. The daily, scare-tactic images, reports, theories (e.g. asymptomatic), and statistics of unknown/nameless people are part of the brainwashing. Do not just blindly believe and comply to all of this nonsense. This has gone on too long!
      The goal is to create FEAR everywhere in the world. Constantly seeing people in masks creates constant fear. The constant fear leads people to accept anything that will alleviate the omnipresent fear. The (fake) vaccinations for the (fake) virus is the savior in the minds of people all over the world. And B. Gates and his WHO will go down as the saviors of the world. This guy (Gates) has been evil with his vaccination ideas for Africa and the world for years now. Now, he’s going full scale to implement his plans by getting many governments and politicians involved.

  5. If he tested positive in the morning and went to a fundraiser where he could spread the virus, how can you support this monster?

    1. @Dave Z you think i’m a Trump supporter? hahahahaha I just wrote that your clown of a president tried to assassinate Joe Biden! I am a Bernie Sanders FANATIC !

    2. @Dave Z , yeah, it’s moronic to be married to a chain immigranting wife that came here to “model”, while telling his base he’s anti immigrant.
      It’s moronic to claim; ” the bikers love me” and then go on to back a boycott of HARLEY DAVIDSON.
      It’s moronic for an American president to salute a commie dictator’s General.
      It’s moronic for a President to not visit American WWII dead in Normandy.
      It’s moronic to hump the National Colors on stage as a display of patriotism
      It’s moronic to claim to be the biggest coveefee business man , of which the world has never seen . Having been bankrupt 6 times. And currently in debt beyond the likes of anything somebody has ever seen
      It’s moronic for cult members to applaude when he MOCKS a POW

    3. Anybody who believes anyone has covid19, with all the lies and deceit that has gone on regarding testing, any common cold or normal flu being called covid19, hospitals all over the world lying/fudging statistics, and no physical evidence of any “new strand” of coronaviruses, is a brain-dead media zombie. All political leaders all over the world, including Trump, are puppets to Bill Gates, his money, control, and power over the world medical industry’s AGENDA. Trump, just like his buddy Bolsonaro in Brazil, eventually succumbed to power of the plan-demic agenda. The few of us with intelligence know what’s going on and cannot be fooled.
      Do not believe the media and politicians lies. Let’s stand up, fight back, and get our normal lives back!
      This hysteria is not about any virus (that we know has never been proven to exist). This about an AGENDA. Why do people still believe this c-virus nonsense? This is not how humans are supposed to live. Just use basic logic and common sense. This is a well-orchestrated hoax virus that is part of a worldwide pharmaceutical industry, Bill Gates (the biggest funder of the WHO and CDC), and media agenda to scare the entire world into believing the only solution is mandatory vaccinations. No medical or science degree is needed to know this.. Almost EVERY “test” will be “positive” for common colds or normal flus because it is part of the planned agenda. Nobody has died or is infected (cases) from covid19 (an alleged “new strand” virus that has NEVER been proven scientifically to exist), and do not allow them to keep you muzzled (masks) like zombies and caged (locked up in your house) for their agenda. The daily, scare-tactic images, reports, theories (e.g. asymptomatic), and statistics of unknown/nameless people are part of the brainwashing. Do not just blindly believe and comply to all of this nonsense. This has gone on too long!
      The goal is to create FEAR everywhere in the world. Constantly seeing people in masks creates constant fear. The constant fear leads people to accept anything that will alleviate the omnipresent fear. The (fake) vaccinations for the (fake) virus is the savior in the minds of people all over the world. And B. Gates and his WHO will go down as the saviors of the world. This guy (Gates) has been evil with his vaccination ideas for Africa and the world for years now. Now, he’s going full scale to implement his plans by getting many governments and politicians involved.

    4. Its Fake News remember, this time it may be truly Fake News, he does crave attention andplays the victrim

  6. “Trump announces …” So what are we supposed to believe? Has it been independently verified yet?

  7. He lies so much and encourages those around him to as well…. don’t know whether to believe it or not… we all remember his “physical” which was BS and a “doctor” blatantly lied.

  8. If Trump really had tested positive he would furiously deny it. He just wants to avoid any further debate.

    1. Could it be that he already saw how much monies Biden raked in during the debate and trying to suppress that??? LOL

    2. Anybody who believes anyone has covid19, with all the lies and deceit that has gone on regarding testing, any common cold or normal flu being called covid19, hospitals all over the world lying/fudging statistics, and no physical evidence of any “new strand” of coronaviruses, is a brain-dead media zombie. All political leaders all over the world, including Trump, are puppets to Bill Gates, his money, control, and power over the world medical industry’s AGENDA. Trump, just like his buddy Bolsonaro in Brazil, eventually succumbed to power of the plan-demic agenda. The few of us with intelligence know what’s going on and cannot be fooled.
      Do not believe the media and politicians lies. Let’s stand up, fight back, and get our normal lives back!
      This hysteria is not about any virus (that we know has never been proven to exist). This about an AGENDA. Why do people still believe this c-virus nonsense? This is not how humans are supposed to live. Just use basic logic and common sense. This is a well-orchestrated hoax virus that is part of a worldwide pharmaceutical industry, Bill Gates (the biggest funder of the WHO and CDC), and media agenda to scare the entire world into believing the only solution is mandatory vaccinations. No medical or science degree is needed to know this. Almost EVERY “test” will be “positive” for common colds or normal flus because it is part of the planned agenda. Nobody has died or is infected (cases) from covid19 (an alleged “new strand” virus that has NEVER been proven scientifically to exist), and do not allow them to keep you muzzled (masks) like zombies and caged (locked up in your house) for their agenda. The daily, scare-tactic images, reports, theories (e.g. asymptomatic), and statistics of unknown/nameless people are part of the brainwashing. Do not just blindly believe and comply to all of this nonsense. This has gone on too long!
      The goal is to create FEAR everywhere in the world. Constantly seeing people in masks creates constant fear. The constant fear leads people to accept anything that will alleviate the omnipresent fear. The (fake) vaccinations for the (fake) virus is the savior in the minds of people all over the world. And B. Gates and his WHO will go down as the saviors of the world. This guy (Gates) has been evil with his vaccination ideas for Africa and the world for years now. Now, he’s going full scale to implement his plans by getting many governments and politicians involved.

  9. Trump: I don’t wear masks like him (Biden). Even when he’s 200 feet from people you’ll see him in the biggest mask.

    MORAL OF THE STORY: Life is not without its sense of irony.

    1. @Brenda Lester …..really????? I thought a child trafficking charge would be enough to disqualify Biden from becoming President. thats a dumb comment to make since during the debate Trump brought up the $3.5 million payout to Hunter Biden for Child Prostitution??? You know what Im talking about. I know you do. Russian Mayor payout to Hunter for Human Trafficking ?????……….Breaking news: Democratic Congressman and Pennsylvania Governor
      admit wearing a mask is a hoax!
      PA Governor Tom Wolf and Rep. Wendy Ullman
      Caught On Hot Mic Playing “Political Theatre” With Masks!
      The Republican Florida Gov does not even require masks and everything is open.

    2. …..really????? .thats a dumb comment to make since during the debate Trump brought up the $3.5 million payout to Hunter Biden for Child Prostitution??? You know what Im talking about. I know you do. Russian Mayor payout to Hunter for Human Trafficking ?????……….Breaking news: Democratic Congressman and Pennsylvania Governor
      admit wearing a mask is a hoax!
      PA Governor Tom Wolf and Rep. Wendy Ullman
      Caught On Hot Mic Playing “Political Theatre” With Masks!
      The Republican Florida Gov does not even require masks and everything is open.

    1. @Aaron Chavez finally passed a test but are we sure he’s not cheating!? The CREEP would do anything for some sympathy these days. Anyways great comment! 👍👏🍻

    2. @SuperbeNain it could be that he trying one of his cheap tactics to get into office because he knows he’s in trouble. Or his taxes. I couldn’t pay because I was in quarantine. You can never trust a crook. That’s why he’s still rich. Making money off the little man to fit his little boy ego. This will bring him down. But unfortunately he will not go quietly or alone.

    1. possibly…but at least we can daydream a little😏. me personally, i was thinking it’d be nice if he needed a ventilator—& nobody can find him one cause they are ALL being used or broken. & none of our allies will send one, & neither will putin…🤞🏾

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