Trump And The President Of Finland Have A Bit Of A Complicated Relationship | All In | MSNBC

On Wednesday, the President of Finland got to visit on the day Donald Trump's whole world was coming apart. Aired on 10/02/19.
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Trump And The President Of Finland Have A Bit Of A Complicated Relationship | All In | MSNBC

Trump And The President Of Finland Have A Bit Of A Complicated Relationship | All In | MSNBC


    1. @Carlos Carlos Last I checked, Finland doesn’t have deserts or droughts.They’re surrounded by water and the climate is completely different. The trees are mostly coniferous, which hold moisture differently for that “evergreen” characteristic.
      And that forest service was supposed to be federal while the orange moron railed on the state. Again, showing us what a “stable genius with a large a-brain” runs his mouth about when he’s clueless.

    2. @SkyGemini I don’t know or care about Finland’s fauna , but taking the floor of the US forest is a good practice to prevent forest fires . You seem obsessed with Trump

    3. @Carlos Carlos I am in NZ and I am obsessed with the great imbecile…I fantasize about getting him off the news

    4. Carlos Carlos Really? Where in the evolution chain do rakers come in? Fires have been the natural way to clear the forest, that’s why they do control fires.

  1. The most cringeworthy human being imaginable. Trump is offensive to the senses and the intellect. Impeach this child. He needs a timeout.

    1. Not one iota of civility, class, integrity, manners, intelligence, honesty, decency, humility, dignity, grace or any of those empathic traits we humans come with. Repulsive, selfish, and, you said it, Offensive. And has been for his whole miserable life.

    2. @SkyGemini It is exactly the transparency of his flaws that I thought people would see and prevent him from being elected. It’s just common sense, right? But his fans got the taste of blood and they wanted more.

  2. Wow, that was a very quiet, desperate plea from the Finish President. That tells you the thoughts of the World right there.

    1. Finland doesn’t represent “world opinion” ….Finland, I’ll have you know, is one of the closest allies of Russia!
      They have mutual defence treaties and buy arms from Putin!!
      But suddenly, the Fininish President is Jesus Christ now, all because you hate Trump!
      So essentially you love a foreign leader over your own President… doesn’t that make YOU a traitor!???

    2. @Allon mielke “In 1917, Finland declared independence. A civil war between the Finnish Red Guards and the White Guard ensued a few months later, with the Whites gaining the upper hand during the springtime of 1918. After the internal affairs stabilized, the still mainly agrarian economy grew relatively quickly. Relations with the West, especially Sweden and Britain, were strong but tensions remained with the Soviet Union. During the Second World War, Finland fought twice against the Soviet Union, first defending its independence in the Winter War and then invading the Soviet Union in the Continuation War. In the peace settlement Finland ended up ceding a large part of Karelia and some other areas to the Soviet Union. However, Finland remained an independent democracy in Northern Europe.”

    1. I feel so sad for the Americans. You are stuck with a manchild with stone age mentality while the whole world is progressing.

    2. @Hissam Ullah thank you. Yes, it’s so difficult, and most of us are very upset about it. Thanks for being kind, and for not hating on Americans.

  3. “Mr President. You have here a great democracy. Keep it going on” Oooo. Love the nudge from Finlands president.

    1. Can’t wait to see Fox News turn that into “Finland’s President endorses Trump for 2nd term to continue making America great again.”

    2. @rvborgh yet at the same time, you ARE “Representative democracy”….your Congress is one example of representative democracy….or are you denying that? Yes you are Republic of states, but at the same time your elections are based on the ideas of democracy….and thats what he or anyone else means when talking about US…

      I mean heck Finland is officially called “Republic of Finland”…..cause although we have quite different system from US, its not THAT different…while we dont have states, we have “regions” and the way our elections work here when we elect our goverment is that people from each region vote for people that are in the elections from that same region, just like you would vote ppl from your own state in USA.

      So really you are nitpicking when you say that “we are not democracy, we are republic”, cause yes your elections are based on the exact same principle of democracy….even if your states all have their own special rights and laws from eachother, thats the biggest difference and ofc your President holds more power than most presidents of western nations.

  4. I started out laughing but by the end of this clip I was very sad by the Finnish presidents words . I’m afraid trump has destroyed our democratic experiment

  5. It is to the point were when I see Any “World Leader” meeting with tRump my 1st thought is they must be corrupt too.

  6. Trump: “Ask the President of Finland a question!”
    American Reporter: “Uh, how’s it going in Finland, I guess?”

  7. He can’t stop. He just can’t stop himself. He’s so out of touch with reality. And honestly, he seemed drunk during that whole thing.

    1. I don’t know how someone could take an argument about Trump personally and turn it into a conversation about conspiracy theories. Do you understand what a logical fallacy is? I just want to make sure you are in touch with reality first.

  8. Finnish leader “…. You have a great democracy here keep it going”
    What a mic 🎤 drop on trump
    Bravo sir n thank you for that

    1. So much better than “Be a shame if something real bad was to happen … Say, I got a favor to ask.”

  9. It’s like you’re trying to make a good impression for someone, but then your drunk uncle shows up and ruins everything.

  10. Rude, inconsiderate pig. Not only can the pig not keep his hands to himself but interrupted the President of Finland on several instances. He is not you buddy, Trump. Keep your hands off of people.

  11. So, here we have a guy whose approval rating has been consistently high in his own country… and then there’s some kind of loudmouth.

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