NBC News reports that the Trump administration is in talk with key senators on gun control legislation, but The New York Times reports the president may not be willing to spend political capital to get it done.
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Trump And Senators Are Talking Gun Control, But Will Anything Really Happen? | The 11th Hour | MSNBC
What’s PLAN BEE if you don’t VOTE” – FROM CANADA —is it TRUE that Trump went BANKRUPT 6 TIMES ????? AND YOU ALLOWED HIM IN OFFICE ?????? You should update your laws.
He never filed for personal bankruptcy. Corporate bankruptcy is different. Let’s assume you start a successful cupcake business and grow it into a national chain. You incorporate. Democrats begin making it illegal to give sweets to anyone under age 21. You lose customers and file bankruptcy on the business while retaining personal wealth because you were responsible enough to incorporate.
Anne-Marie it was incredibly easy to support trump over the lying corrupt democrats and their creepy media. Tell the rest of Canada since you think you speak for them
The NRA would rather watch more people die than agree to rational gun laws.
The government would rather disarm the people so it can run roughshod over freedom lovers like the Chi-comms do.
HR8 would make it felony for a rancher to hand a rifle to a ranch hand who is a better shot to protect a calf from a predator without going to a gun shop, waiting days for a background check, temporarily transferring the rifle to take the shot, then returning to a gun shop to transfer the rifle back. This is just one example of a myriad of irrational provisions in the two current bills.
More Americans die from texting while driving than assault rifles. Where is your outrage? Guess you would rather see more Americans die than give up your cell phone.
Trump reports Beijing regime is “Massing Troops on the Border with Hong Kong”; he grovels in abject appeasement, calling the “Hong Kong Thing … a Very Tough Situation … I hope it works out for everybody, Including China”; This Greenlights the looming crackdown, making immediate impeachment mandatory.
Doing nothing is the GOP strongest Strategy since 2010 when they control the congress and senators.
People who BUY access to politicians, to influence policy: in ANY other country, that would be called, “Corruption,” right? What am I missing, here? Ban LOBBY GROUPS! Problem SOLVED, America . . .
The thumbnail is my favorite view of Trump. It’s always great to see the back of him.
No, of course not… They will just talk in up and then let the subject drop until the next shooting… Then, rinse repeat…
gun control = more crime you dumbo
Why should it happen now under this President who thinks teachers should have guns when it should have been happen decades ago? Let’s face it: Things are obvious. Peoples lifes in this country are not priority if it is about interests of the NRA.
What do you suggest that’s constitutional??
If the decision on better gun control is left up to ivanka and donald trump, pheomelaninated people are truely in bigly trouble, huge trouble. It’s so big
There are two types of people NEGATIVE and POSATIVE i belive TRUMP TO BE NEGATIVE
Expect no action. Moscow Mitch will block everything. Trump is useless unless you need more lies and hate.
Carry your gun.
Save some lives.
Carry ur walther ppq and save the world
Ivanka who?

Donald Trump cannot play on both sides of the wall
The NRA orchestrated a .22LOR ammo shortage
so, they could raise the prices
all they had to do, was raise prices… this shows how their malformed brains work, they rather lie and cheat, than do what is right
they use the gun magazines they own/opperate, to push poorly designed, cheaply made firearms
they could have led
they could have taught
they could have shaped the narative
but, instead, they lie, and conive, all for what… a cash grab
any who support the NRA are enemy to this nation
What more can the federal government constitutionally do on this issue?
Trump and senators are talking about the several investigations going on in regards to the corrupt Obama Administration.
The bitter and jealous propaganda still festering at msdnc
Repeal Citizens United, Ban Lobbyists, Require politicians to wear Logos of backers on their chests.
A global dysfunctional family of orphaned nations used to have in the U.S. at least the guise of a wise Parent Figure. Without this comes increasing bouts of sibling rivalry, reminding us how fragile the lifeline of Life On Earth is. From Climate Change to an overheated emotional climate, Fear + Rage are in the air, leaving us to our druthers. Votes are the new guns. Use them with care: SIMPOL.org
CLASSIC Republican B$, SCREW THE CITIZENS!!!!!!! The ONLY thing that matters is getting re-elected.