In a preview of a potential Republican presidential primary showdown, Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis held dueling Florida rallies as the two men battle for supremacy of the Sunshine State and the heart of the GOP.
The former president will welcome supporters in Miami, the third stop in a four-city tour that has effectively made Trump a leading player in his party’s fight for control of Congress. Meanwhile, the Florida governor is headlining his own events in three counties on the state’s opposite coast – Hillsborough, Sarasota and Lee – steering far clear of Trump as he seeks to close out his bid for a second term.
For the past two years, Trump and DeSantis have coexisted on opposite ends of Florida – Trump plotting his next move from his Mar-a-Lago estate in Palm Beach and DeSantis building himself into a household name from the state capital in Tallahassee. But as these midterms come to a close and with a decision looming about their political futures, even on a peninsula 450 miles long, it has become increasingly difficult for the two to avoid each other. #RandiKaye #ac360 #cnn
Trump and DeSantis rivalry spills into public view

Good, let them fight. Hopefully they will take each other down.
I can provide weapons for each of them…
DeSantis looked like a ventriloquists dummy when Crist asked him if he would commit to serving a full four years.
@IntuitLife Dreamcrafting Angel Readings You mean he followed the rules of the debate like an adult unlike like Charlie lol.
All this proves is that you didn’t watch the debate. Watch it and you can see that he answered the question fairly quickly and confidently.
@Butter Finger then he shouldn’t run for governor. One or another.
Lol. You all keep believing he froze. He’s a lawyer ffs. He’s smarter than trump, not to mention that brain dead mental midget in the White House.
Your saying he looks like biden with Husayn Obama LOVER BIG MIKEs something up.his butt…🤣🤣🤣
“Let them fight”
@Helen Patterson She would be a lot better than that space cadet Kamala.
I’d like to see them run together,
I’ve had enough if Pence!
Robust and spirited debate! Nice
Lol lol either way One of them will be the next president and then DeSantis for eight more years the house the son of the Supreme Court conservative Nirvana it all starts tomorrow hallelujah hallelujah freedom from liberal immoral destructive politicians
Donald Trump
Donald Trump
Donald Trump
Donald Trump
Donald Trump
Donald Trump
Donald Trump
Donald Trump
i honestly think Trump fears DeSantis. DeSantis has essentially become the new Trump of the Republican party while Trump has been out of power. whether or not DeSantis can be a real threat is another story, but i think Trump fears the guy.
@Jiren The Gray
Good Luck Tuesday
@Do Nothing Tuesday? I’m just going to watch America implode from abroad 🤣🤣
@Jiren The Gray
Overseas cowards that depends on 🇺🇸 for protection.
What’s new. 🙄
You go have fun 🌈. 🤗
@Do Nothing No. Just laughing at stupid Americans that believes that white power is supreme lol when it’s NOT LOL! Hahaha. As an Independent American, I can’t wait for Trump to turn you idiots over to your true overlords: Putin and Xi. Again, pick your new citizenship buddy! 😂😂😂😂
Trump would wipe the floor with Desantis which is why Ron isn’t going to run for the presidency in 2024. That and Desantis is too young to be in the white house IMO. Id rather see Kari Lake in 2028, then Desantis 8 years later.
Imagine ron DeSantis is the one that selected as the republican representative instead of trump. January 6 in florida is likely.
Republicans can’t and won’t do it because of the threat of the Trump base. You think what they did on Jan.6 was outrageous, wait till they invade the RNC.
This comment is full blown brainwashed lol
Me. Ron isn’t worried about any Maga person threatening him and your statement is one.
a peaceful protest set up by the democrat party and FBI who incited a riot by firing flash bangs into the crowd at head level while they sing the national anthem? Hmm… if you think that was an insurrection, next time they might bring their guns and show you what one really looks like.
It’ll be interesting to see who the National Republican Party sides with.
Those suckers will go with the con man that takes most of their money.
it has to be PUBLIC … so we know what we are getting ….. they need to speak up in public so they are not phony as always . .
What? If you don’t know the evil they are already, then God help you!
So should epstines black book but you know here we are…
Never trust a former president who wears Jim Bakker’s haircut and Tammy Faye’s makeup.
@Plen122 And then there’s you….. typical dem, Biden, Obama, Hillary supporter 😵🤪😂
And……. Never trust a lifetime politician that can’t tie his shoes, falls up the stairs, thinks there’s 54 states, thinks Jackie’s still alive, thinks he’s in Iowa when he’s in Michigan, thinks he had a visit with the insulin inventor, claimed his wife was the president, thought his daughter was his wife, loves to sniff children, thought he had 80 million votes, thought he was part black, said gas was 5.40 a gallon when he was selected to the WH, can’t find his way around a 10 ft square, said during babbling speech he is a us senator, thought George Washington was the 3rd president…….. and on and on. Any guess who this is? U got it! Ole dementia joe. Trump….STILL living in your heads rent free! 🤪😜😂
@LYNN5 sounds like Biden lives in yours tho buddy.
@brian williamson she’s the stray cat you fed once and now won’t go away!!
There is no difference between these two men, they are both sides of the same coin. America will ve just as screwed if either of these men become president.
Biden is already a piece of crap I mean president, Trump is just trying to carry the torch to make our country better.
I disagree. DeSantis is loathsome, but he’s not a traitor. Yet.
I’d love to see Trump and DeSatan go up against each other! Trump would have the biggest meltdown. I’d pay to watch that debate
You pay more now without even realizing it
@Logan P on what planet do you live? Coz it sure as hell isn’t earth
Thunderdome 😂🍻
@Jaffa T i watched the debate, clearly you didn’t.
I’d like to see them settle it WWF style.
Trump already has wwf experience
That’s how elections will be decided in the future.
Well at the end of the day, that’s what US politics is – a 2.0 version of the WWE 🤷🏻♂️
They already look like sumo wrestlers.
The funny thing is Trump has actually appeared in the WWF.
Him calling anyone sanctimonious is hilarious. He himself is sanctimonious.
@DONKEY Hmm, an apt name you chose for yourself. Anyone that doesn’t have TDS by this stage needs to have their morals and ethics questioned. You’re clearly anti-democratic if you think Trump or anyone one of his cronies deserve to be anywhere near the bastions of power.
@newf newf Someone had to have said it and him being a parrot, repeated it.
@newf newf democratic baby lol. keep crying
@aden no tears here sweetie, the GQP is eating itself 🤪
@DONKEY & your idol worship is pitiful 🤪
Rarely do we see such clear examples of a person who sees everyone as tools to be used or thrown away, nothing more. If that doesn’t scream sociopath, I don’t know what else does, aside from a few dozen other traits and behaviors exhibited by the same person.
@Becky Nance
Haven’t you been paying attention….that is not a Trump trait…
@Mojo Joji Andrew Cuomo did a great job. – Joe Biden, Democrat 😒
@Eggs Benedict trump lost tho
Donald Trump
Donald Trump
Donald Trump
Donald Trump
Donald Trump
Donald Trump
Donald Trump
Donald Trump
@Becky Nance Trump is the Republican Party now and Desantis who I really like can wait his turn in 2028
Ron d’Sanctimoneous . . . Evangelicals have always revered and cherished Trump’s Name-Calling and Bullying, it’s one of their religious tenets.
@AMG Guy — Not all Christians have bowed a knee to Donald Trump.
@LOSE THE WORLD, KEEP YOUR SOUL well thank the lord!
@LOSE THE WORLD, KEEP YOUR SOUL ur one among very few tho
@Ceegee — I do, many times every day, because I deserve nothing of the good He does for me every day.
@Ger Miley — I think there are probably a lot more than there might seem to be, because not all Christians are Republicans or conservatives.
I can’t stand either one of them—but hopefully they’ll destroy each other.
cmon man
They’ll unite the right! Smile
Desantis moral compass lol
Hello how are you doing
I wouldn’t count too much on it.
I was hoping it would be “Little Ronnie.” Simple and dumb, but effective. Like everything else Trump says.
These are some very very strange times we are living in. Everyone is so Angry. Does anyone know how to keep calm anymore.
@Ceegee Actually, the Republican party was begun by a coalition of which Lincoln was not a part, though his views coincided with it and he was an early member. His views, like the parties, were in direct conflict with the “American” party who preached nationalism, inequality of the people based on ethnicity, distrust of immigrants, smaller government, essentially an 1850s version of MAGA. Their views were so unpopular they were also known as the “Know Nothing” party, being a semi-secret organization.
Republicans haven’t been “The Party of Lincoln” since the mid 1960s when they turned their back as a group on their noble beginnings.
@Shawn Hartmann they did turn their backs, didn’t they? I hadn’t thought about it that way before. Thank you.💙
@Ceegee why would you vote blue ? That’s a wasted vote. We got blue and things aren’t going so well
I use cannabis in between rages! PUFF! I’d pass if you were here!
DeSANTIS 2024 🇺🇸 🇺🇲 🇺🇸
Y’all wish…
The Dems need to make it through the midterms first 😂
Two power hungry gentlemen.🇺🇸🦅