With Donald Trump and Joe Biden set for a critical showdown in Cleveland, OH for the first presidential debate, more details of Trump’s wealth and his taxes are revealed from extensive New York Times reporting. Aired on 09/29/2020.
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About Deadline White House: Before getting into cable news, Nicolle Wallace worked in politics, including as President George W. Bush’s communications director during his administration and for his 2004 re-election campaign. Those experiences helped contribute to the knowledge and unique point of view she brings to this program. Wallace leads dynamic discussions on the political stories driving the news cycle with Washington insiders and well-sourced journalists. She also provides in-depth reporting while delivering up-to-the-minute breaking news to viewers.
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Trump And Biden Face Off As The Country Learns More About The Charade Of The President’s Persona
Donald Trump killing this country
@Bud Fudlacker Trumps impeachment ended in Jan – the Public wasn’t notified by the Trump Admin until late Feb-March (while Trump lied and downplayed it while Americans died) … get your facts straight little boy.
@Mike the coronavirus was known during the fake impeachment you liar!
@Bud Fudlacker You reek of desperation… as do your skidmarked drawers
Ohnoitsthatguy lest report if they are copy/paste trolls.
btw. I would love to see a trumper calling you a snowflake with that profile pic! lmao
Bud Fudlacker apparently you are too* stupid to differentiate “to” from [too*]
Come on man Joe Biden 2020
Broke, under employed, dying of a plague, divided, angry, and burning down.
It wasn’t like this, just 4 years ago…
@________________ I’m not holding him responsible for the pandemic. I’m holding him responsible for his REACTION to it. You should too. His lies have costed lives that might otherwise have been spared.
@Daedum sniffle sniffle
@________________ SNOWFLAKE
Trump is paying his debt back to Putin and the Russians. Trump’s Republican Fools are his enablers.
________________ Imagine finding, every time, an excuse or someone else to blame for every single mistake the cult leader made.
on top of that imagine being so miserable to look for an argument with people you don’t know at a channel you don’t agree with.
wow imagine that!
Donald Judas Trump really is the Trumpkin:
Vote! Him! Out!
Orange on the outside
Empty inside
Has to be thrown out in November
Good one

…we will vote…he will lose…!
Trump’s gonna win!
The world according to tRump seems to be falling apart.
Americans are ready to put the nonstop chaos and darkness of the last 4 years behind us, and in the rear view mirror where it belongs. But in order to do that, we have to leave the most toxic and corrupt president in American history behind. Trump and all of the chaos, corruption and malevolence that comes with him, can’t come with us in 2021.
Lmao, you’ll get that in 2025. But trump will be followed by another republican president
@Logan McLean Says the Russian LMAO.
Trump will be Taken out.
The wrong brother’s died!
Don Anderson, think about the number of American lives that would have been saved had that happened.
Ever seen Lucifer? Tv show?
He’s no deal maker.
He is the fake news president
M G trump looked pretty uncomfortable, and this isn’t Hillary.
Dave Haynes bet you all the change in my pocket trump will call for Wallace to be fired.
and I agree, trump got very nervous the last 20 minutes of the debate.
M G He’s got a pretty sketchy record to defend. It’s gotta weigh on him.
canuQ pats senseless drivel from the propaganda machine.
canuQ pats bajillions and bajillions, just like dr. Evil
Who cares about a thief ? Dorks like you and your friends in the Kremlin.
Don The Con … Commander In Cheat
Captain bonespurs draft Dodger likes to play golf .. has paid no taxes for decades… tax payers must be for losers
Watch CNBC: Three reasons why a Joe Biden win could be good for the U.S. economy: Moody’s Zandi
sam Iaint, Joe Biden has experience in fixing republican made disasters. Dow increase under the Obama/Biden tenure 164%, the best Trump/Pence ever achieved was about 50%. The Obama/Biden team decreased unemployment from 9% to 4.5%, and Trump/Pence took that 4.5% and increased it back to 9%.
Trump got nothing to give in debate except BS, deflection and denial!!
Vote Joe Biden November 2020/ Vote Amy McGrath Kentucky November 2020
I heard humor said Biden too corruptions
Charm Gem hmmm account opened in 2019 and English is illegible.
looks like russia is out of budget and canceled the English classes at the troll farm.
poor comrade, you will only get half potato since now on.
this joke of a president should not only be voted out, he needs to be held accountable for what he has done. Injustices, abuse of power, lies, even the death of thousands of Americans. Remember, under the Former Presidents Act, there are several lifetime benefits presidents receive at the end of their term. Trump does not deserve any of them. It wouldn’t be fair, it would not be morally right.
Bravo!! Bravo!
Mari almz trump was one of the first people to open his resort to black people. You are being deceived and brainwashed.
He’s right.. I’m a everyday American and I pay taxes.. this man a billionaire and scamming the government over taxes.. trump gotta go.. straight to jail
Ray Best He is Broke!! The crime boss will want his $400Million soon!!

The fireworks will happen then!! Trump will pray for prison, as will his family of
He broke no laws
get lost bot
The Trumperor’s new clothes need to be an orange jumpsuit.
Hey trumpers, you’re gonna love this. trump is unveiling his new campaign slogan……
Vote trump
Donnie killed the GOP party
And America
Only took him 4 yrs
Mass murder
McDonald employees paid more taxes than Trump
Check yourself into the mental home if you believe that
He doesn’t have to. As a tax preparer of 30 plus years, I have teenagers and college students who work part time or during summers who pay more than $750 in taxes…
The greatest scam Trump ever pulled off was the WH.
Yet he got nominated for the peace prize 3 times