Trump Already Working To Undermine Credibility Of 2020 Election | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC

Marc Elias, founder of Democracy Docket, talks about why Donald Trump is impotent to change the date of the election but that hasn't stopped Republicans from trying to make it harder to vote as Trump continues to attack the ability of the U.S. to conduct a fair election. Aired on 7/30/2020.
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Trump Already Working To Undermine Credibility Of 2020 Election | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC

Trump Already Working To Undermine Credibility Of 2020 Election | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC


  1. Dear The Lincoln Project, Republican Voters Against Trump and other GOP groups & Independents that support Biden… What specifically will you do to protect the election? What will you do to stop all voter suppression efforts and to protect everyone’s right to vote for all elections? Will you Honor John Lewis by passing a new Voting Rights Act in his name? Thank you.

    1. @Barry Walls – We can call/write/email our congress people in numbers, start an online movement be it through a petition, peacefully assemble outside our state capitals. These are our rights, protected by the constitution. THAT is what we can do. At least right now.

      What we WILL do at a future date, if possible, if vote out the corporate politicians & elect officials who are willing to change the things we want changed; i.e. universal healthcare, a living wage, reformation of the justice system from the top down, reformation of the tax system (closing loopholes that let corporations & the top 1-2% avoid paying taxes altogether). That’s another start, or perhaps step, in the right direction. Politics takes time. It’s a long-game. We just have to have the fortitude & intellect to play it.

    2. The problem was caused by SCOTUS gutting the 1965 Voting Rights Act with their infamous 2013 decision in Shelby County v. Holder. Even if a new Voting Acts Right was passed by Congress, what is there to stop John Roberts and his fellow “conservative” judges from again setting aside the will of the people and their elected representatives? The most undemocratic thing in a democracy is the power of the judiciary to overturn measures favoured by the people. A clear recent example is in Florida, where a two thirds majority voted in a referendum to allow former felons to regain the right to vote. The Repubs appealed ( why have a referendum, if the result can be appealed, if it doesn’t go the way you want?), and sure enough, the SC overturned the referendum result. How democratic is that?

    3. Put them on the spot! Protect the U.S. Postal Service…(at least till Nostrodumbass is voted out). 😁😁😁😘

    4. @Michele Z Not democratic at all! The US is not such a well oiled machine that it wants to present to the world.What fools we make of ourselves that we elect ourselves to monitor elections all over the world to prevent voter fraud. Who should come in to monitor our apparently not so perfect elections?

  2. Closing
    polling, targeting minority and students with id restrictions and attacking our
    voting rights with surgical precision even undermining the postal service
    during a global pandemic

    1. @COOKIE CAT It’s funny how the Demokkkrats whined and cried about the President using Covid-19 press briefings as a campaign rally. Obummer uses a funeral for a rally. Dems motto “when they go low, we go lower”

  3. It has become increasingly clear, at least to me, that the majority of Republicans in Congress and in the White House are an existential threat to this Republic.

    1. @Patricia Queen republican oath of office

      I do soullessly swear, I will menacingly support and defund the Institution of Public Safety of the United States; against all humanity, American and Patriotic; and that I will induce true evil and alliance to the same; and that I take this psychological manipulation freely, without any mental awareness or of common sense; and that I will, well and faithfully discharge the duties of the swamp in which I am about to enter.

      Fixed it for ya.

    2. @laksh nayyar – ??? No, you are Delusional. The existential threats to our country are the Corrupt politics of Radical Liberal Political HACKS and their Liberal Anarchist Voter base of Street Thugs. This should be a total concern to every True and Patriotic American Citizen. Are you a True and Patriotic Citizen of this country laksh? It does not look like it.

    3. @srgreeniii You trump supporters can’t speak a foreign tongue, but you can’t even speak and write English. You guys are very uneducated.

  4. Imagine if you will, if President Obama had suggested delaying the elections when he was in office. 😲 Yikes
    Conservative evangelicals would have been in church with their eyes rolled back in their heads, speaking in tongues, and spinning rattlesnakes in each hand. Hannity and Lou Dobbs would have both stripped naked, bolting out of fox studios, and ending up in time square, running around in circles, waving their hands in the air while making siren sounds with their mouths.

    1. He has to leave by Jan 20. The Constitution is clear.

      If there were no winner of the presidential election by Jan. 20, the Constitution dictates that the Speaker of the House – currently Democrat Nancy Pelosi – would become acting president until a successor was confirmed. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

    2. David J. The record shows thar Mr Trump’s career is based on obfuscation, delay and delinquency. It’s a strategy by which others would have been prosecuted. All the while he has skilfully fooled enough people to allow himself to masquerade as a wealthy successful basic business man, to garner credit, stay out of jail, build hotels, own casinos, start a fake university, have his own airline, to become a successful game show host, and finally president. It is something which deserves admiration. Why would he not now apply the same tactics to remain in the White House?

    1. @Eddie Figueroa Let me guess…”Q” told you? rofl. The old “Q” who has made over 2,000 predictions that never came true?

    2. Forrest Trump. The record shows thar Mr Trump’s career is based on obfuscation, delay and delinquency. It’s a strategy by which others would have been prosecuted. All the while he has skilfully fooled enough people to allow himself to masquerade as a wealthy successful basic business man, to garner credit, stay out of jail, build hotels, own casinos, start a fake university, have his own airline, to become a successful game show host, and finally president. It is something which deserves admiration. Why would he not now apply the same tactics to remain in the White House?

    3. Will never happen the Dems has the power to Vito he request herald that on the news he has no authority to do anything to the election he’d be charged.

  5. Trump is terrified of what’s waiting for him after he leaves office, when he no longer has the cover of the office of the presidency, and the protection of Bill Barr. And considering the amount of crimes he’s committed before and during his time in office, he should be terrified. I have no doubt that if he doesn’t end up in prison, he will definitely be financially ruined, and spend the rest of his unnatural life in legal jeopardy, and in court.

    1. DEMOCRAT oath of office

      I do soullessly swear, I will menacingly support and defund the Institution of Public Safety of the United States, against all humanity, American and Patriotic; and that I will induce true evil and alliance to the same; and that I take this psychological manipulation freely, without any mental awareness or of common sense; and that I will, well and faithfully discharge the duties of the swamp in which I am about to enter.

    2. @Eddie Figueroa i don’t see your pattern.. OH female VP – nope not a pattern, harbinger, or any sort of viable indicator. America despises Trump’s corruption and we refuse to be his victims while he limps on bone spurs crying woe is me. He’s not the outsider any longer

    3. @Eddie Figueroa You know what, Mr. Figueroa, if that’s your real name, I can tell that you’re here to trigger lefties, as it were, with your vapid rhetoric, but at least these Democows won’t immediately try to belittle you by implying that you’re illegal and/or a Mexican and/or on welfare and/or can only work landscaping white people’s property and/or picking their fruit.
      Merely because of the fact that I use “José” as my eww-toob moniker (since it’s actually my middle name), and despite the fact that I write better than 99.9% of all eww-toobers (even though writing is my weakest academic skill), the ratpublicans, whom you love so dearly, constantly throw each of the insults at me which I described above.
      In fact, I am Italian, born in New Jersey, and hold undergrad degrees in both Chemistry and Physics, and a graduate degree in Mathematics. All this matters not to your vile ratpublican playmates, whom you love and defend so vigorously. You should be ashamed of yourself, if indeed your name is Figueroa, and you are of Hispanic heritage. But if you’re a fat white slob male ensconced in your Moscow _Masturbasement…_

    1. @Patricia Queen Trump killed seven babies, but you think that’s ok? Democrats want to bring healthcare to every American, put money into infrastructure to build up America, improve the education system and increase access to university and college education. Democrats believe in social programs that help feed, cloth, and put a roof over the heads of those who have fallen through the cracks, and for those who have jobs the democrats want an increase to the minimum wage so these people are not exploited for their labour. Democrats believe in trade deals with the rest of the world, growing the US economy, and increasing the countries GDP. Balancing the budget and taxing the richest 1% of Americans to fully fund the government including programs like Social Security, Medicaid and Medicare. It is the GOP and Trump who have ruined this country and spent the US devastatingly into debt by giving huge tax breaks to the richest corporations and billionaires. Trump calls Mexican’s rapists, bans Muslims from entering America, and sides with white supremacists, he sides with Putin over his own intelligence agencies and abandoned America’s allies, the Kurds, in Syria. He deploys ‘troops’ to American cities in violation of the US Constitution, he separates children from their parents and puts them into private prisons run by members of his own administration. Trump is the swamp, the democrats are going to clean it all out and repair the damage that’s been done.

    2. Matt700. I am not an American but I have been to America and I have many friends there. I remember an American saying ‘if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it’s probably a duck.

    3. @AM News – “Can’t be hacked” ??? No, but Paper ballots can be purposefully lost if they are votes for Trump. There must not be a way for the Democrats to rig this election against our President.

    4. @RAP How would in person voting change that? Either you have faith in your election officials or you don’t. In 2016 they looked at three random counties in Wisconsin and they found that the election official that reads the numbers that come out of the back of the voting machines had mis-read the numbers in all three counties. Always in favour of Trump, and by a total of over 6,000 votes in just those three counties! Now Trump won Wisconsin by only 27000 votes; notice now when you look it up the number is 21,000 votes, that’s because of these three counties. Now what if we had checked all the counties in the state? then maybe we would have found out that Trump didn’t win Wisconsin. My point is, the cheating in elections is always done by the republican party. So if you want to add more voting security to make sure every ballot is counted and then recounted just to make sure the first count is accurate; then be my guest, I think it will end up helping the democrats though, so be careful what you wish for. I’m a democrat so I’m all for this idea, should we have them all wear body cams, I’m down for that!

  6. Trump is a “cornered rat”. Nothing he says or does from here on out is going to be a surprise. We need to think outside of the box and stay one step ahead of him to be prepared for his next move. The man is psychotic! Vote 2020.

    1. Watch for legal ballots as he’ll try that,postal workers have to be guarded & polling stations guarded.That tweet was just a warning,read it again.Leave out the change date part & re-read the rest carefully,he means it.!!!!

    2. Trumps base are starting to open their eyes. His actions and what he says does not line up for the working class.

    3. EOTP I hope you’re right. I don’t have a problem with people that don’t like me because of something I said or did/didn’t do, but to hate me because of the color of my skin is the lowest of the low. Anyway, I’m not mailing my ballot in. I’m hand carrying it to the City Clerks Ofc. in my town. Seeing that the Postmaster General is a Trump heavy hitter donor and Trump is making all these waves about the mail, I’m just going to avoid the mail at all costs for the elections this year.

    1. @Jayne Berkleyl – “Trump or America” ??? We the GOOD People of America select Trump and America. On November 3rd, he will be Reelected in a Massive Landslide BLOWOUT Victory over Mr. “Truth over Facts” Biden. Wait and see!

  7. I can’t even begin to imagine what Trump might do as a lame duck president. If you think he’s done bad things so far, just wait….you ain’t seen nothing yet!
    The most powerful man on Earth, wanting revenge…. 🤦🏼 It ain’t gonna be pretty.

    1. Hillary warned the American people about this, but trump lied about emails and guess who the people believed?. What happened to those emails? What happened to him putting her in jail when he became president? What happened to him releasing his taxes after he became president? All the lies the American people believed. Boy trump conned the people really good. Now that he is in power he has no plans on leaving..

    2. We just have to be prepared and deal with his next move, the move after that and so on. He will not stop until the fat lady sings and probably not then. The fight is on.

    3. @Callie Mae Bordley its suffering that we haven’t seen since the great depression. The health side of it is even worse.Thanks repugnicans


    1. Trump 2020.
      Vote straight Red.
      Reclaim the House, secure the Senate.
      Save America from the lunatic left.
      Just look at Portland.

    2. If you are a Republican Party voter. When the MAIL IN BALLOTS come to your home for all the voting age people that reside in your household. If there is anyone that IS NOT going to use that Ballot to cast their vote, please do not let that opportunity pass you by. Also remember as the head of your household you have an enormous ability to persuade your loved ones.

    3. @Maharajji NKB Poland has fallen to the fascists there, the government is destroying the free press and lying to their people; just like Trump and the republicans. Hopefully Poland will hold on until their next election and then they can bring back democracy! The NKB in your name must stand for North Korean Bot; am I right?

    4. @Tidbit Here, the fake press is lying to the people. President Trump is not a fascist, a racist, etc. Fake news – the enemy of the people.

    1. If you are a Republican Party voter. When the MAIL IN BALLOTS come to your home for all the voting age people that reside in your household. If there is anyone that IS NOT going to use that Ballot to cast their vote, please do not let that opportunity pass you by. Also remember as the head of your household you have an enormous ability to persuade your loved ones.

    2. I mail my ballet in doing the primary and I like it better than going to the poles cause Russia caught hack the mail in ballets like. In 2016 when Russia hacking agencies hack our voting machines changing votes that did not vote for Trump am a independent

    3. @•• “as the head of your household you have an enormous ability to persuade your loved ones.” read as bully and abuse.

  9. All this because Putin has dirt on Donnie, risking OUR nation, government and civility because one man is being blackmailed.

    1. @Allosaurus Fragilis Wanna know something scary for the whole world?
      1:4 Americans (probably Trump supporters) think Russia is an ally.

      Perhaps more troubling: 46% of US military families think Russia is our ally

      “The second annual Reagan National Defense Survey, completed in late October, found nearly half of armed services households questioned, 46%, said they viewed Russia as ally.

      Overall, the survey found 28% of Americans identified Russia as an ally, up from 19% the previous year.”

    2. @Allosaurus Fragilis My dear, Putin loved old Hillary a helluva lot more than he will ever love Trump. And she loved him so much that she sold a lot of your Uranium to him. I think you are a bitty confused, as the biggest threat is not from Putin, but from China. They have most of your technical and scientific knowledge, smuggled out through the Embassy in Houston, and the 400.000 Chinese students who ALL “studied” science and technology, and they can cripple you, as they took all that knowledge with them. The RUSSIAN that was supposed to be THE INFORMER, now turned out to have been an American, living close to Washington, a sleazebag I heard. Putin must be giggling himself to sleep.

    3. @Lars Jones Russia in the end may just be your unintentional ally against the BIGGEST threat of all, CHINA.

    4. @Callie Mae Bordley Oh jesum. you shouldn’t worry about Putin, he is NOT interested in you, rather have BIG worries about Xi and China, and the bribes of millions of dollars that was laundered through Hunter Biden, into the pockets of the rotters in the previous administration. Those dollars were for all your technology and scientific data given to them, and the manufacturers that were allowed to go there taking YOUR jobs with them. I wish you people would ditch the FAKE hatred of the president, and get some REAL info, like the Republicans are doing. they are so clever.

  10. It’s obvious. He’s clearly not trying to win this with votes. He’s trying do it with power.

    1. Cry baby.Bunker boy.Atgolf Twitler.They share the same name Trump.
      Is USA an authoritarian country now?

    2. If you are a Republican Party voter. When the MAIL IN BALLOTS come to your home for all the voting age people that reside in your household. If there is anyone that IS NOT going to use that Ballot to cast their vote, please do not let that opportunity pass you by. Also remember as the head of your household you have an enormous ability to persuade your loved ones.

  11. Trump is so stupid he doesn’t realize that “Mail in” and “Absentee” are the same thing. This leads our country because Republicans wouldn’t remove him after impeachment. Trump was Impeached and Senate Republicans were warned. They are to blame.

    1. @Christien du Preez Please…remain where you are. You should get along with the likes of Putin perfectly.

    2. @Christien du Preez Ah! You say “ignorance will be the downfall of your country.” So you’re a paid troll from some other place outside the USA. Now your crazy comments make more sense as you’re just trying to sow division and misinformation in America. You’re an enemy of the USA.

    3. @mugwump242 if you had half my intelligence, you would know that as America is the leader of the free world, my freedom, and every free country’s future is on the line if your Country goes the communist way with the far left radicals. Believe me, I have a communist government carried by China, and they are turning a blind eye to hundreds of murders every day. They have bancrupted my once rich countty, and 80% of black people are jobless and live in shacks. iF AMERICA FAILS, ALL OVER THE WORLD THIS COMMUNIST REGIMES WILL BECOME LIKE AFRICAN COUNTRIES, WHERE GENOCIDE IS THE ORDER OF THE DAY. If America falls to communism, which will happen if Biden wins, YOU my dear will have no future, neither will your children have one. I only hope you use your godgiven brain to vote the right way, the FREEDOM WAY.

    4. @Gail Hitson I will trust him way above your radical idiots leading the Dem party. He is not taking bribes from China for dubious favours, and he is not behind the wars in the Middle East that killed thousands of American soldiers, and innocent people. I will trust him way above your criminal leaders, who are selling YOU out, BIG TIME, as he had never committed TREASON against HIS OWN voters. Believe me, he is way above your radical idiots when it comes to the welfare of his own.

    5. @Tidbit Gosh, you are naive. And who will verify that a ballot coming back through the post was signed by whose name is on it? Ok, if people of the opposite party is employed to count and verify the details of every ballot, fraud could be minimized, but I have my doubts.Who is going to check to see if the voter ID is valid? And how many ballots will end up on dungheaps? Remember the 2016 election, where thousands of VERY DEAD Democrats voted? So why were there so many people killed with the riots? A small girl killed when 8 bullets were sent into her granny’s car? Just because she drove too close to such a riot. A daddy gunned down while walking her across the street? I watched a teenage girl cry for her 13 year old sister that was gunned down, and I really got angry at people like you, who just refuse to see consequences.

  12. You really want to know what the American people should do get those Iranians ready so they can come take trump off of the American people’s hands

  13. The wrong question was asked. “Is there a _legal_ way for Trump to delay the election?” Donald doesn’t care about it being legal or not, and he has Barr to help him circumvent the law.

    1. @Maurice Byron: None of the parties control Congress. Democrats control the House of Representatives and the Republicans control the Senate. The House can bring up charges when the president breaks the law and then the Senate decides whether the law should be upheld or not. The Senate has clearly demonstrated that they will not convict Trump.

    2. @Adam Taylor: No system works when the players are cheating. That’s why we must always be vigilant and always act early against corruption. Everywhere.

    3. Remember Cornelius Vanderbilt? ” The law! Why should I care about the law? Ain´t I got the power? “

  14. All orchestrated and planned: He’s slaughtering the population, children included (forced to school). Thus planning people to prevent voting.

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