President Obama’s National Security Advisor Susan Rice and Trump ally Lindsey Graham have battled each other for years, and in this new interview, Rice discusses their most recent war of words and knocks President Trump for lying, obstructing justice, abusing his office and breaching his oath. Aired on 10/29/19.
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Trump Ally Lindsey Graham Responds To Obama Aide Dubbing Him A ‘Piece Of Sh**’ | MSNBC
Well……….She’s right.
Hanfists Hand- Yep!
Hamfists man- Lol!! My phone changed your name… Lol!!
Lindsey Graham is responsible for so much human suffering that I hope he will reap an eternity of shame after he shuffles off this mortal coil.
“How’s about nowish?”
He’ll never live up to John McCain’s legacy of personal and professional integrity. I have a little conspiracy theory of my own about the RNC hack in 2016, and why nothing was ever leaked or released as a result of it. Whatever Graham is protecting from public knowledge (if he is) it isn’t worth it.
Who wanna care about his soul, better see his balls hung up now.. Right?
Anyone with half a brain knows exactly what Trump did. He’s always thought he was higher than the law but now he’s going down.
oh yeah? and what is that?
You don’t have a clue what was done because none of the truth has been brought out because the Democrats are doing everything behind closed doors the way things have never been done in the history of impeachment. If you can’t do things legally and in front of the American people you know there’s something wrong
Robin Thiessen You are completely incorrect. The way they are holding this investigation is according to the rules made by Republicans back in 2013. This isn’t a trial. They are following the rules but Republicans can’t put a spin on anything if they don’t know what’s being said. The next step is public but you are completely incorrect. Democrats are following the rules made by Republicans to a T. This is exactly how they did it when Republicans tried to impeach Clinton. And Matt Gaetzs Little flash mob Stan was just for publicity. 12 of the Republicans demanding entrance behind closed doors were actually part of the committee and allowed to be there but they needed more numbers to look sad. The impeachment hearing will be the next step and that will be completely in public but you are listening to right wing talking points if you believe this isn’t the way it’s been done. Do your research and you would know what you were talking about.
Robin Thiessen also, we’ve seen the transcript and we’ve heard Trump and Giuliani repeatedly brag about quid pro quo. It’s all there on television to see. Even without witnesses, evidence, or collaboration we have trumps own words which is enough for at least two articles of impeachment. Country before party my friend.
@Michael Diederich And Mulvaney as well.
Sorry Repthugs this is a DEAD END!
Trump is a catastrophe plain and simple
………. and the greatest asset to Putin that Putin has ever had.
No, she is a pos!!!!! And so is Ari
@Yvonne Farmer Explain that for me. As i suspect your reasoning is flawed.
He’s not just a piece of
. He’s a hypocritical piece of
john lee and then they’ll screw him after he’s past his value and destroyed the country I used to think he loved
So; your Mom still whorin for crack or has she moved on to heroin?
Not just a POS…a HUGE PILE of SH*T!
Is anyone else getting sick and tired of listening to these republicans deflecting and projecting,
hemming and hawing, gibbering and jabbering, in their hopeless attempts at trying to defend Trump?
It is truly disgusting.
There is a chance, small at present but it’s there that when the Senate is forced to sign on th dotted line, “I do support and stand with everything Trump stands for” or “I don’t support and stand with Trump”….there’s a chance that they will NOT want to own that for the rest of their days on this planet. If they say, “I’m with Trump”, it will be on their political resumes for ever, long, long after Trump is gone.
@88Gibson LesPaul
It’s too late for that now. They’re stained with Trump already.
Freewheelin’ Franklin It’s true. Most of them will be remembered for protecting Trump but the bottom line will be the Senate vote. When the hearings begin and more detailed evidence comes out we will see who puts country before party
I suspect many of these republicans would be willing to sell off their own grandmother in order to retain their precious seat in Congress.
I would have voted for her for President any day.
hindsight is always 2020
I did. Wouldn’t have near the scandalous b.s. and our allies wouldn’t detest the USA. We’re going to be in huge trouble should we ever need them to stand by us again. I think we’ll hear crickets and laughter.
Me too.
Because you are a MORON. Bet you Voted for KILLARY TRUMP 2020
She is right. Graham is despicable…. hypocrite… no moral compass.
@Otto Mulberry lol…. a troll like you wouldn’t know many Americans (obviously) but many of us choose lives that are focused on living and service to others instead of chasing money….
@Karin Meyer he is a partisan hypocrite…. demonstrates it constantly… amoral… reminds me a bit of Joseph Lieberman…
@Everblue Freediving i still remember when americans invaded the middle east for weapons of mass destruction, even though everyone on earth knows its for oil and profit. And when americans sanctioned russia for annexing crimea, but continues to sell arms to Saudi Arabia and encourages the kingdom to start proxy wars with their neighbors so weapons sales can go up. And when americans claimed to sanction north korea for human rights abuses but lets their own citizens die from stupid stuff like preexisting conditions, so big pharma and med companies can have larger profit margins. After decades of enabling murder for profit for everything from humanitarian rights to gun control you still have the audacity to call him a troll? If anything you’re proving him right. Just like how trump calls any negative reporting on him fake news, you’re just a trump replica calling anyone who speaks the truth about americans: trolls.
This has been decades in the making. Where’s all these americans you claim to exist over the last 5 decades? Oh thats right enabling murder for profit while using every trick in trump’s book to slide the blame like the nation of lying hypocrites the world already knows americans are. None of the 7 billion people on earth are going to ignore their own eyes and ears to further a fake narrative you invented to make yourself feel better about being murder for profit scums.
@Tyler Delacroix lol…. I call him a troll because he is one. Look at his channel…. and, by the way, project much? I, and most Americans are no more responsible for gov malfeasance than we are responsible for some white people that owned slaves 200yrs ago. More than half of Americans have less than a thousand bucks in savings and are one paycheck from disaster. If you wanna talk corruption dont blame poor people. Ever been homeless? I was, 6 yrs and just got out of it 2 yrs ago… get in touch w reality… and check people’s channels… trolls dont have content but they have subscribers…
Even after 3 years of this novela, “President Trump” still are too contradictory words.
well, at least they didn’t boo him at the world series,,,,ooooh, wait a minute,,,,,Doh!!!
Was like music from real AMERICANS

Trumpy is after their oil, on top of having them slaughtered!!! Oil he doesn’t like poor people, he rips them off to enriched himself, because is him him him the dumb genius knows it all. The best computer dummy hamberderr.
I think of Lindsey Graham is an empty space, formerly occupied by a man.
Graham is a disgusting, slimy, cowardly politician. As bad as they get.
I love when they show Lindsay Graham during the Clinton impeachment and now. It’s shows what a hypocrite he really is.
No kidding. Unbelievable!
like who takes anything Lindsey Graham got to say as truth he says 1 thing and 2 hours later he saying something else class A rubber neck
If John McCain could rise he’d be so ashamed of lindsay graham being his friend. He’s a true embarrassment to our nation. Sickening waste of a human being.
America must flush its biggest toilet: The White House. The toxic, noxious, odour is encircling the globe! Flush the steaming trumpturds down the tubes!
She is so good! I appreciate her eloquence.
Graham is a true steaming 3 coiler! just like Doofus,the failing liar POTUS