The Trump administration's GSA has finally approved the Biden transition after a 16-day delay, but the president still says he will fight on refusing to concede to Pres.-elect Biden. Aired on 11/24/2020.
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#Trump #BidenTransition #MSNBC
Trump Allows Biden Transition To Proceed, But Won't Concede | The 11th Hour | MSNBC
Emily Murphy should never work again in Washington. Full stop.
@Tony Lupone
@Nakasha love
2016, 2020.
@Regulatory Affairs post a link about Donald.
@Regulatory Affairs Do you have a link to a reputable news source? Not Twitter, YouTube, Instagram etc. because you and I both know that anyone can post anything they like on these sites. I’m talking about a reliable, believable source?
@Skins Skar He doesn’t have it.
Man, that tree lighting ceremony is going to be AAAAKKKKWARD
@currency collector Cheato dust*
I really don’t care – do u?
@Cicakkibin LMAO!!!! Spot on.Now do who gives an eff about Christmas.
@Robin Durfey Guess you did not hear. Having a party.
I heard the funniest thing on NPR this evening as I was driving home. I literally laughed out loud… A few years ago when Trump pardoned the turkey he made a joke about demanding a recount. Déjà vu.
Jenna and Emily need to be ashamed also they should never find another job in politics ever again after this
@Eureka Garlic
I should eat more allium.
Be well my fellow youtuber.
Yes I agree
@Jacqueline Bouffant Try to expand your sources for news- seriously- you sound like you graduated from Trump University- and trust me- there are other better universities
@Jacqueline Bouffant boooo, baby wants her bottle

. Ask Mama Chump for baba
@wrath of the lamb
Lilith always admired us demons.
Adam’s loss.
the twilight of the deadlyoledonald
in which the flailing and damage is not over
The GSA woman has no honor or integrity. Another Trump liar..
@Ann TwoShoes and the real racist takes over
@Mari Murphy denial of reality is a dangerous place. God bless you, find something to worship not of this world and is not guilty of negligent manslaughter
@Mickey Mars do NOT send me videos.. thanks
Seeing the truth hurts doesnt it? Oh wait,the truth doeant matter to socialists
Transition of a grifter from the WH to a lock-up can finally begin too.
I feel sorry for America, with all these highly educated people out there, what could go wrong.
Sooo Sad… lets keep praying until God will be install the good platform in office..
I think we need to investigate whether Murphy is lying about “not being pressured” to delay Biden’s transition into power.
Be nice to her.
She was purposely put there years ago.
Today she felt the American Promise. Do Your Duty to the Constitution.
Thank you Emily.
Thank you America
Murphy needs to be called to Congress regardless. Let her testify under oath!
Isn’t it obvious? Somebody drove by and offered her a bushel of Tasty Cream!
Who gives a F ….Get a job. You will still be broke no matter who is in power
I’m sick of having a mentally unstable third-rate mob boss wanna-be as my president. As far as the inaugural goes, I wouldn’t set foot on the White House grounds unless it was certified disinfected by Lysol and really, who would want to ride in a car with Trump?
She is lying when she found out she will be taken 2 Court she decided to do the right thing even though it is late she steel go to jail
@ErrorCode 96 You can stop crying now. It’s over.
@ErrorCode 96 you need a tissue person women man camera tv is done its over
It seems like she can not see that trump’s ship has sunk and she was refusing to get into the life boat.
Trump is not in the position to allow or not allow transition. Its not his decision.
Well said!
@fmH Accord obstruction of justice, abuse of power, betrayal of the Kurds, attempted extortion in Ukraine. A real AG is coming and he won’t get away with it this time.
@Mainely GO NEW YORK!!!!!
@TheInvisibleSwordsman 1 imagine using “as now” and using that as your evidence
@Ice Backpack I’m not sure your insinuation. I’m just stating the facts as they are.
He is currently President-Elect.
He *will* be President January 20, 2021.
Sounds pretty cut and dry to me.
Rudi:”still legal avenues to pursuit”=”keep collecting the $20,000 per day before NYSD comes”
Barack Obama and Michelle Obama a hundred million dollars from Netflix which produces cuties. And he was negotiating this deal while President. He’s also on his fifth memoir lol pathetic.
Giuliani is the gift that keeps on giving!
Don’t bother responding to Jimmy James. This account was opened a couple days ago and is obviously a poorly conceived bot.
If we ignore the loser, the loser will quickly become irrelevant.
Their strategy is to use this bad American justice, use just like a cat chasing its tail, but he is just hurting America not Biden. I wonder why they even claim to be a patriots trump, and his supporters, and the Republican Party, next time they try to use being patriot well we all know who they really are, traitors of the USA.
They claim to be Patriots but they are actually Anarchists
Who cares if he wont? He lost,now we can move on, without his orange face.All votes that we’re recounted still found no fraud. It’s over.
No fraud whatsoever.
@Pascal Friedmann Delusional cultists. BYEDON!!!!!!
@Stainsteel0 That and NTD.Infowars, Qanon and more bs. Alex Jones is out there spewing bs even after losing in court. Vile pos.
@Mark Diastan Devil worshipper who believes in CONSPIRACY BS.
@power angel More CONspiracy bs. Clowns.
Simply make everyone an “acting” official.
Then hold her responsible for the delay.
Dude. She was in an awful circumstance.
Yet time and the American spirit prevailed.
I forgive her. She lived years in just 3 weeks.
People can change.
America must celebrate our differences.
Anyone who has ever served this country knows that you put country first; if your boss pressures you to do otherwise you have to stand up and do your damned job anyway.
Emily Murphy needs to never work for the government again – ever.
“I did not receive any orders, and I definitely did not shoot that delicious plump-breasted pigeon.”
Good to see Blackadder, particularly “the insanity of General Melchett” phase, is not forgotten.
Before I sentence the deceased..I mean the defendant….
Who cares if he wont? He lost,now we can move on, without his orange face.All votes that we’re recounted still found no fraud. It’s over.
Where is the roflol button?
Rudi:”still legal avenues to pursuit”=”keep collecting the $20,000 per day before NYSD comes”
I would be curious to know whether Trump pays his bill…
Rudy said they are going to settle up later. He wont be getting a cent
@154angel154 James is a badass! One of best votes I made.
@Lilli C No. Long list of people he owes.
Giuliani – ‘there are still legal avenues” ……….translates to “I need my $20,000/day for as long as I can get it””!! What a sleaze bag!!
Rudy is conning the conman?
Rudi:”still legal avenues to pursuit”=”keep collecting the $20,000 per day before NYSD comes”
I still want to know what makes him think Trump is actually going to pay him…the man is going to be totally broke by the time the foreign banks get done with him
@Hai Coai

Biggest loser on YouTube.
Yeah right, no pressure from the WH , lies,lies, and more lies.
Let’s break the lies of the devil in Jesus name.!
@Mark Diastan Suicide never saved anyone.
Biden needs to immediately fire Emily Murphy
Id second that option
He going to
What makes you think she will stay in her position?
@Demo Cracybecause the Democrat don’t have the balls to do what is suppose to be done.
The more real Trump gets, the more unreal everything else gets!