With the White House still reportedly worried about the economy, Trump stood before the press and attacked Obama, the Danish PM, and aired a slew of grievances.
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Trump Airs Grievances, Blames Obama, And Doubles Down On Anti-Semitic Trope | The 11th Hour | MSNBC
“too fast, too furious” – DJT 2019. I haven’t laughed so hard in years, thanks Donald.
@Vendetta COVFEFE
you mean the recession that Barack Obama Hussein created after bush left office I remember that
Are you really that stupid?
No…seriously…I want to know.
I mean this is a very simple fact to find on google.
According to the U.S. National Bureau of Economic Research (the official arbiter of U.S. recessions) the recession began in December 2007 and ended in June 2009, and thus extended over eighteen months.
The Great Recession is a term that represents the sharp decline in economic activity during the late 2000s. This period is considered the most significant downturn since the Great Depression. The term Great Recession applies to both the U.S. recession, officially lasting from December 2007 to June 2009, and the ensuing global recession in 2009. The economic slump began when the U.S. housing market went from boom to bust, and large amounts of mortgage-backed securities (MBS’s) and derivatives lost significant value.
Shout out to Obama! You the sun in Donald Trump’s world.
Vendetta COVFEFE – All that work to post a bunch of big fat zeroes. Sad. I think you’ve been Jedi mind-f**ked by Trump and Fox. Congratulations.
It’s a Trumpublican troll. It copy/pasted all that crap. Don’t engage it. It clearly has a propaganda spreading agenda. It has no brain or will of it’s own. It’s dumber than a box of rocks.
Obama living rent free in Trump’s tiny brain cavity!
@Vendetta COVFEFE – YOUR ENTIRE LIST IS AN EXERCISE IN IGNORANCE. For instance, you refuse to blame tRump for the shootings in El Paso or Dayton but blame Obama for the shooting at fort hood.
And most of it are just lies “Worst economic recovery since the depression with anemic GDP numbers” and yet that recovery is responsible for the economy that tRump has claimed as his success.
@Vendetta COVFEFE – republitards like tRump use the lame excuse of illegal voters to explain their failures. tRump used it to explain why he did not get a majority of the votes. And yet NOBODY can prove that illegals are actually voting so drop that lame excuse and grow a pair.
At this point, all living former presidents should get together and denounce Trump.
@Dave Schultz Trump did it to himself with those large tax cuts to Big Business instead of bringing more jobs. they just bought more of their own stock
@Dave Schultz why do you think the stock market look so good cuz they propped it up
@Dave Schultz i don’t see how anyone could contradict trump…after all he declared himself” the second coming.. the chosen one”
trump doesn’t lie…he does not have a god complex…or does he ??
lets see if the sandals fit…from wikipedia..
A god complex is an unshakable belief characterized by consistently inflated feelings of personal ability, privilege, or infallibility. A person with a god complex may refuse to admit the possibility of their error or failure, even in the face of irrefutable evidence, intractable problems or difficult or impossible tasks. The person is also highly dogmatic in their views, meaning the person speaks of their personal opinions as though they were unquestionably correct.[1] Someone with a god complex may exhibit no regard for the conventions and demands of society, and may request special consideration or privileges.[1]
They Have!! Nobody cared???
What did you expect? Him to get better? He is getting worse by the hour. He must be restrained.
The chosen one
@Geo Geo #dumbassit
IDK…I’m kinda enjoying watching this clown IMPLODE!! LOL!
Lmao…Did he almost choke on saying Obama name…oh my Lord…thats so funny..

Three years into a false presidency, and he’s still talkin’ Obama! Such a dweeb
@Hannah wells It was Democrats and Hillary who paid for the Russia Trump collusion investigation. YouTube Judicial watch and go find out the truth. And much more about to be known exactly who worked with the Russians. The DNC… go now and see the YouTube videos.
It was Democrats who sold Uranium to Russia!
President Trump has put more sanctions on Russia in his first year than Obama did his whole 8 years in office.
@Hannah wells New YouTube video on Hillary by Judicial watch. Go look at it! Just came out! Read the comments also.
@kare more None of your anti-intellectual cuckold Demonracists will survive the GAME OF TRUMP
*You forgot, “Opens his statement with a Stalinist trope also used by Hitler Mao, Duterte, Putin, and Mussolini”. The rest was the usual “lather, rinse, repeat” for Trump every time he faces the media.*
He is insane, I’m quite sure he has some form of dementia. I’ve seen the signs in others and he displays the same signs.
@David Foster He’s both.
@Gabe Dudley Not good at recognizing sarcasm are you?
@Kris Moodley Wow! That is without a doubt the most pathetic comment I have ever seen on YT. That tops them ALL! You religious people had better read up on the Anti-Christ real quick!!!
@Gabe Dudley Wow! That is without a doubt the 2nd most pathetic comment I have ever seen on YT. He’s a con-man. I bet you would have him sign your Bible too!!! Jesus would be spinning in his grave over this!
Some things speak the truth so loudly that commentary isn’t necessary.
Does the stupid clown not know respect is earned and not given? This clowns administration deserves no respect.
@Trumpty Dumpty your fall is coming!
Religion doesn’t have anything to do with anything… Lucifers kids give it all away
@Yo-yos Tenbucks oh really, “proving the serpent” and “Lucifers kid” – holy guacamole! You religious nuts sure like to say hateful things to people. The worst quality people I have ever seen are religious.
Mike S – he comes from a “world” where respect is purchased. He comes from a “world” where he could just fire anybody who disagreed with him
Yeah and Obama is way smarter than you so…..
Remember how the adults spoke on the old Charlie Brown cartoon?….tRUMP sounds just like them.
This guy needs a straight jacket and a padded room
I had the same thought listening to his words.
@Celtica Is there enough space for his knuckle-headed followers in that room too???
When the PM of Denmark said the idea of selling Greenland was “absurd” she wasn’t talking about America, she was talking about Trump (and she was right). The PM of Denmark isn’t insulting America, Trump is.
and trump is not America
If you want to make this fool shut up, get a bucket of KFC attach a string to it drag it across the WH lawn he’ll get distracted and follow it around. Problem solved!!
He definitely doesn’t live in reality. He’s so demented.
100 lies per minute, conman trump should be mentioned in the guiness book of ass0’s
Wait wait a minute did somebody forget to tell him that he won the election and that Obama is not president anymore… sorry orange guy its your responsibility not his…
Losers always blame the others for their own mistakes… So it makes sense when trump saying such things
Respect needs to be earned… Trump has NO respect around the world!!!