The Environmental Protection Agency has rolled back Obama-era clean air rules in an effort to keep President Trump's promise to help the coal industry. CNN's Bill Weir reports. #CNN #News
The Environmental Protection Agency has rolled back Obama-era clean air rules in an effort to keep President Trump's promise to help the coal industry. CNN's Bill Weir reports. #CNN #News
To you MAGA MORONS. May your children have respiratory problems 😁👍
Rob C. How mature. No wonder why people are turning against the GOP, it’s full of immature people that can’t have respectable discussions and instead have to resort to infantile insults and childish name-calling.
@Jimiplayscobo I even tried to explain basic chemistry to him, but…he couldn’t wrap his head around it…
@88Gibson LesPaul for those shortlived next generations. They can actually spend it all because it doesn’t need passing anymore.
@Peter Parker lulz
Crystal clearly …….poisoning your own people! Sue the apprentice pseudo prez. for murder….. he’s been told by experts how dangerous it is…. so this is intentional….
He’s a monster!
zacho cracy ….. Business before saving lives…… exactly…. what is killing a few million people a year as long as “business” is good. But, do you have the people’s permission to sacrifice theirs and their children’s lives do the swamp can get richer. The head of the EPA is a coal man!!!!
zacho cracy
China has surpassed it’s expectations of cleaning up pollution and is continuing to find new expedited ways to do so. America is regressing thus making the whole planet pay for America’s deliberate sabotage of the Paris agreement.
You can count your dollars in the bank whilst killing your citizens.
A little research……
For more than 15 years, the Chinese government has invested billions of dollars to clean up its deadly air pollution, focusing intensely on reducing emissions of sulfur dioxide from coal-burning power plants.
These efforts have succeeded in reducing sulfur dioxide emissions, but extreme pollution events are still a regular wintertime occurrence and experts estimate that more than 1 million people die per year in China from particulate air pollution.
New research from Harvard may explain why. It shows that a key to reducing extreme wintertime air pollution may be reducing formaldehyde emissions rather than sulfur dioxide.
The research is published in Geophysical Research Letters.
“We show that policies aimed at reducing formaldehyde emissions may be much more effective at reducing extreme wintertime haze than policies aimed at reducing only sulfur dioxide,” said Jonathan M. Moch, a graduate student at the Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS) and first author of the paper. “Our research points towards ways that can more quickly clean up air pollution. It could help save millions of lives and guide billions of dollars of investment in air pollution reductions.”
Moch is also an affiliate of Harvard’s Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences.
Did you forget your medicine?
Destroying the EPA from the inside..
@Fleur Bandito seriously tho!
Go look at other news sources. This story doesn’t have all the facts.
Trump needs a knife to his skull.
@davids11131113 coal burning spews heavy medals into the air. Those heavy medals end up in the brain. ——————- Memory Disorders.
Multiple Sclerosis.
Parkinson’s Disease.
Peripheral Neuropathy.
Post-Herpetic Neuralgia.
Spinal Cord Tumor.
If there was a comic book villain who was a psychopath turning back time now and then, that would be trump.
Vini Vedi Vici
There was a cartoon show I watched as a kid called “Captain Planet”, and these people are the real-world embodiment of the villains in that show. They had names like Looten Plunder and Duke Nukem and were diehard polluters for profit.
@Water Maker I prefer 0.0021% more air pollution than Hilliary’s war wih Russia.
It’s freaking biff from back to the future
Trumps a puppet.
Dramacrat logic in action. Thanks for sending votes our way Vini!!!!! KAG2020!!!
In Europe they eliminate anything that creates health hazards because they have social healthcare and it would increase health cost. What a novel concept.
@a. barker Seems to me you are a lying idiot. I’ve been to Europe multiple times. They smoke like hell in Denmark, drink like hell in the UK, Ireland and Germany. You don’t know what the hell you are blabbering about. Europe doesn’t eliminate unhealthy behavior whatsoever. Further, clean coal is not unhealthy.
hahaha yeah but they invited the biggest health threat ever and now people are showing up dead with knife wounds and being killed all over the place,
@A Team have you read a book magazine, or documentary ever. Just check out the amount of hotels rooms in any country you are disputing. The Don build them to keep them empty.
Psh, clean air? Who needs it? I want the black lung, pa!
Black lung is a racist remark. I want a lung of every colour.
Clean burning coal, son. That’ll hurry it along.
best you get down the mines then and end up like 1000s of others WITHOUT COMPENSATION.
This isn’t going to increase the amount of coal plants, dummy
“We’ve got the cleanest air you’ve ever seen,” said Donald Trump, “But don’t worry folks, I’ve got a plan to fix that.”
They’re not adding more coal plants.
@Akela DeWolf Yes we lost….but Trump is not popular and never will be. Just a Electoral College fool..that you stupid nasty people voted for
@Akela DeWolf They just payed the clip of Trump saying that.
@A W payed for, you mean )
@Akela DeWolf paid for? Yes someone pays him to lie…he does it so well.
You can’t have state-by-state standards because air moves freely across state lines. It is not and cannot be a state issue.
@A Team No he didn’t I don’t what state you live in but nobody in MS pays an air tax
It’s a global issue. But its irrelevant to America as long as we got a moron who doesnt believe in basic science in office. GG idiot Americans. Keep voting in the end of Democracy and humanity.
Let’s thank the administration unleashing more poison for our children to swallow. Thank you Mr President you schmuck.
@apple pie coal burning spews heavy medals into the air. Those heavy medals end up in the brain. ——————————- Memory Disorders.
Multiple Sclerosis.
Parkinson’s Disease.
Peripheral Neuropathy.
Post-Herpetic Neuralgia.
Spinal Cord Tumor.
@katlians well, please provide evidence for the data to be fake and thankfully you are here to debunk 1000nds of scientists around the globe (read scientists, not al gore) with actual education, tools to measure and research about this specific field. Common man, it’s basic level chemistry and not that hard to wrap a small mind around it, that in effect we are affecting the stuff inside our ozonlayer we need to have to live. You know what: get a plastic bag, fill it up with…10 sigarettes of smoke or a few minutes of cargasses or catch some smoke out of a chimney, stick your head in it for 4 minutes and let us know the results.
@apple pie The use of coal as fuel causes ill health and deaths.[94]
The deadly London smog was caused primarily by the heavy use of coal. Globally coal is estimated to cause 800,000 premature deaths every year,[95] mostly in India[96] and China.[97][98][99]
Breathing in coal dust causes coalworker’s pneumoconiosis which is known colloquially as “black lung”, so-called because the coal dust literally turns the lungs black from their usual pink color.[100] In the United States alone, it is estimated that 1,500 former employees of the coal industry die every year from the effects of breathing in coal mine dust.[101]
Around 10% of coal is ash:[102] coal ash is hazardous and toxic to human beings and some other living things.[103] Coal ash contains the radioactive elements uranium and thorium. Coal ash and other solid combustion byproducts are stored locally and escape in various ways that expose those living near coal plants to radiation and environmental toxics.[104]
Huge amounts of coal ash and other waste is produced annually. Use of coal generates hundreds of millions of tons of ash and other waste products every year. These include fly ash, bottom ash, and flue-gas desulfurization sludge, that contain mercury, uranium, thorium, arsenic, and other heavy metals, along with non-metals such as selenium.[105]
Coal smokestack emissions cause asthma, strokes, reduced intelligence, artery blockages, heart attacks, congestive heart failure, cardiac arrhythmias, mercury poisoning, arterial occlusion, and lung cancer.[106][107]
Annual health costs in Europe from use of coal to generate electricity are estimated at up to €43 billion.[108]
In China, improvements to air quality and human health would increase with more stringent climate policies, mainly because the country’s energy is so heavily reliant on coal. And there would be a net economic benefit.[109]
A 2017 study in the Economic Journal found that for Britain during the period 1851–1860, “a one standard deviation increase in coal use raised infant mortality by 6–8% and that industrial coal use explains roughly one-third of the urban mortality penalty observed during this period.”[110]
@apple pie again..easy to wrap your head around if you had basic level chemistry in highschool…I guess you forgot you had chemistry.
@HeavierThanLight Sir, there are over 7 and a half billion people on this planet.
The Manhattan Project had over 100,000 employees, 4 knew about the entire project.
It’s not hard to threaten a few thousand people to keep quiet.
Just because someone challenges your gaslighting doesn’t mean someone is a conspiracy theorist.
You answered your own question by the way.
So much for “we have the cleanest air” claim from Trump.
He’s only rolling back supplemental regulations to regulations that already pre-dated the Obama era.
@ANDY VAN KERKHOVE Dude…isn’t it even getting embarrassing for you when your only “argument ” is crying fake news?
@TK Los Angeles It is already worse under Trump. Didn’t you know that?
@Justin Reily Trump is only allowing polluted air and water, toxic chemicals and anything the polluting companies want to do and screw the people who have to breath this dirty air and drink the toxic water. Not to mention the effects on climate change.
@Jeff Novack I think that’s from all the homeless smoking crack.
These mfs are going to try to sell you oxygen
@Mike Smith The use of coal as fuel causes ill health and deaths.[94]
The deadly London smog was caused primarily by the heavy use of coal. Globally coal is estimated to cause 800,000 premature deaths every year,[95] mostly in India[96] and China.[97][98][99]
Breathing in coal dust causes coalworker’s pneumoconiosis which is known colloquially as “black lung”, so-called because the coal dust literally turns the lungs black from their usual pink color.[100] In the United States alone, it is estimated that 1,500 former employees of the coal industry die every year from the effects of breathing in coal mine dust.[101]
Around 10% of coal is ash:[102] coal ash is hazardous and toxic to human beings and some other living things.[103] Coal ash contains the radioactive elements uranium and thorium. Coal ash and other solid combustion byproducts are stored locally and escape in various ways that expose those living near coal plants to radiation and environmental toxics.[104]
Huge amounts of coal ash and other waste is produced annually. Use of coal generates hundreds of millions of tons of ash and other waste products every year. These include fly ash, bottom ash, and flue-gas desulfurization sludge, that contain mercury, uranium, thorium, arsenic, and other heavy metals, along with non-metals such as selenium.[105]
Coal smokestack emissions cause asthma, strokes, reduced intelligence, artery blockages, heart attacks, congestive heart failure, cardiac arrhythmias, mercury poisoning, arterial occlusion, and lung cancer.[106][107]
Annual health costs in Europe from use of coal to generate electricity are estimated at up to €43 billion.[108]
In China, improvements to air quality and human health would increase with more stringent climate policies, mainly because the country’s energy is so heavily reliant on coal. And there would be a net economic benefit.[109]
A 2017 study in the Economic Journal found that for Britain during the period 1851–1860, “a one standard deviation increase in coal use raised infant mortality by 6–8% and that industrial coal use explains roughly one-third of the urban mortality penalty observed during this period.”[110]
@Darrell French i hate to disappoint you none of us are getting out of this life alive.this is why we have this thing called emissions. Hey guess what it’s been down since 1970. They feed you lies use this thing called common sense you will live longer I promise you.😉
@Dawn i ben here on this earth for 48 years trust me. They like ro scare you into things that you do not understand.they ben doing this to people for many Generations. It will be ok and everyone will be just fine.
@Mike Smith READ
Just like putting Al Capone in charge of the FBI.
Please dont mention the crooked FBI….
@ANDY VAN KERKHOVE ignorant POS Trump Cultist
@ANDY VAN KERKHOVE You mean the FBI that mandated Mueller and his 18 Democrat investigators NOT to investigate, the very people that started the collusion hoax, that FBI?
Or Comey, oh, wait a minute.
Their thinking we are old and rich, so why should we be interested in something that is not going to affect us.
more than just affect, it will kill 1000s.
it will affect old people and pregnant mothers, think of those babies coming out with lung problems and maybe deformed, and the women not allowed to abort an already dying baby.
I wonder if Flint thinks their water is crystal clean!!!
clean as a whistle, when the mud drains off.
They had democrats running the city.
It’s was the governors choice not the mayors of flint rick Snyder the former governor of that state wanted to save money by using the flint river as opposed to a cleaner water source to save money under the so-called policy of fiscal responsibility actually have knowledge of what your talking about before popping off.
I wonder if you think you’re actually fooling anyone R.D.? Or are you really as ignorant as the historically racist comments have been saying?
tRump does
Cough cough. I thought trump didn’t Ike cough cough. I suppose more people will have to leave the room 🙂
In 2019 we are still fighting for 19th century technology
OMG I have some very important information to share about this… Going LIVE now!
I know what repubiclans are going to say next..- “FAKE NEWS”
Obama did nothing good for America and CNN is total fake news
Trump states are being hit hardest first with tornados, floods and hurricanes so keep up the good work tRump!😂