Rachel Maddow reports on the latest developments in the Donald Trump impeachment inquiry and its adjacent criminal investigations and scandals, including new reporting on Secretary Rick Perry helping a political backer secure a valuable natural gas contract with Ukraine, and notes the irony of the Trump administration lecturing Ukraine on corruption. Aired on 11/11/19.
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Trump Administration Models Corruption Even As It Scolds Ukraine | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC
Ukraine could be a nice place if it wasn’t a bargaining chip. It’s a country full of good people who just want to be free of Russian tyranny… much like the sane people here in the USA.
well said
mistercohaagen Which is a big reason why Trump’s actions are so shameful.
There are sane people in the US???
@Birgit Nowatzki Ask me in 2020… the jury is still out on that assessment.
This is exactly what the GOP means when it says it’s policy is to make gov’t smaller. Smaller in the sense that it endorses back-channel novice diplomacy over official structured diplomacy. To do that successfully, it understands the removal of upstanding career foreign service officers is necessary. This is about Trump and the GOP gutting the part of government that works properly, in favor of one that is on the take for the rich and powerful. They are systematically destroying our government from the inside.
@M John fire the first shot. Quit running your mouth and let’s get this over with.
Angelus Irae, you assert without any evidence that Clinton and the Biden’s are guilty, not just of misconduct or unethical behavior, but actual crimes. Yet you never identify a single crime they’ve committed. All your posts are just empty rhetoric. Years and years of partisan investigations of Hillary Clinton, wasting literally millions of taxpayer’s money, turned up . . . nada. Multiple agencies looked into the allegations about Biden — nothing. Trump’s own former NSC advisor has repeatedly said on television that the claims about Biden are false and have been thoroughly debunked. Face it, you’ve got nothing, other than your relentless partisan bias.
@Andrew Mastin the corruption of the Left has been blown wide open, with mountains of evidence, and you’re pointing the finger at the guy who revealed it all. This is why nobody takes the Left seriously.
@Origami Mambo Project their corruption doesn’t get a pass. Also, my president ran on holding them accountable.
Commander Bonespur is obeying Putin’s to-do list. Vlad owns the punk.
Keep drinking the MSNBC Kool-Aid

Liberal heads will explode again in 2020 when Trump wins
@Barry Sutton He will be impeached by then.
Bravo Rachel on yet another great explanation of what’s going on. Thank you !!
@Mike Stoltz You should be grateful that incels are free to comment.
Transvestite “Rachel” with his unhinged conspiracy fantasies.
Of course, Trump is concerned about corruption! He needs to make sure he gets his cut.
@Ken Jackson, considering how much money he owes Russian banks what better way to placate Putin.
@Ken Jackson We Are? You got a mouse in your pocket?
Ken Jackson keep trying laughable little Kenny. It isn’t just MSM talking about all these same subjects. So keep pushing your crap. It doesn’t work moron
Ken Jackson, staffers in Trump’s campaign, including Hope Hicks, have admitted that on election night, Trump and his staff were so sure he’d lose that they only prepared a concession speech. When he won, they were all stunned, and he had to improvise the victory speech.
And suspiciously, the president of Turkey has a meeting with the WH, after Trump allowed him to move forces in. Aren’t we all starting to be suspicious of who gets meetings and who doesn’t and why and when?
Sad state of affairs, eh? But what’s to be done to correct this?
angela palmer they know the truth, it’s just that it suits their interest (financial) to deny it,, like Graham and others. As for McCONNEL
OMG what a duplicitous son of a bi1€h he is!
When the time comes to investigate him and his wife, it will be a whole new mind blowing saga on corrupt politicians and the How, When, Where andWho with!!!!
Exactly. How many of our friends have been to visit the WH? Little to none. Trump has lavious praised towards dictators but none to our friends.
It’s obvious how this works now isn’t it?
Trump: “Your country suffers from terrible corruption. Let me show you how to do corruption properly.”
It was perfect. The corruption was perfect…..
@Hub Giles Beautiful, perfecto corruption.
Bingo! Exactly what I was thinking
Perfect corruption, huge, enormous,bigly like no other in the history of the whole world
1st things 1st – all of you have stolen my one-liners! 2nd.. if Trump isn’t a Russian “asset”.. he’s *certainly* an asset to Russia. Bumbling fool just didn’t know it.. n when it dawned on him, he just didn’t care.
All roads lead to Putin.
yes, they do so why is no one is talking about that?
That road tp Putin goes right through trump, period.
Pelosi, Sciff, and House Democrats should hire Rachel Maddow to manage impeachment messaging and to manage the communications of the seriousness of this enquiry…this would be a tremendous patriotic service to our country.
That’s pretty much what she is doing: -Sister Mary Ignatius- Rachel Explains It All For You.
@Mind Freshener Yet you love Laura Ingraham.
And don’t see the irony.
@M John …would he be friends with William H aka “Donald Trump” aka why not Mind Freshener ?
She is already working for them ….
Alex Brewer keep trying little low iq Alexis. As always you got nothing but useless drivel dripping from that dead head of yours.
Rachel brightens my evenings with her sarcasm.. Love her!
I still want to know why a handful of republicans went to Russia that 4th of July and why the interpreters between Trump and Putin called to testify and why Kushner about his involvement with Khashogis murder is not being investigated.
Sharon Mores “When”???
I keep wondering how many got “surprise whores” with hidden cameras that night, i’m sure some got their compromat there.
*Craig Crawford*
Watch *”Republicans Block Rep. Schiff’s Motion to Subpoena Interpreter in Trump-Putin Meeting”* on YouTube
I concur. I can’t wait for Kushner and JR ,to go to prison .
No Ron… we’re not so dumb that we’ll fall for your whataboutism. If you can’t back up the topic with proof or cognitive thoughts, just keep your mouth shut. You look like Kellyanne Cuntway trying to change the subject hoping people won’t notice you’ve got nothing to stand on
Isn’t this Civics 101? Since when does the executive branch of the government have ANYTHING to do with money issues? According to the Constitution, isn’t that the exclusive domain of the legislature?
Black Feel While Obama’s presidency has been rated on the high end among US presidents… Trump is having difficulty with the US Constitution and integrity.
Alex Brewer Sorry… You’ve been spoon fed a diet of misinformation. evidenced by your bits of information, most of which are either segregated from their context or are false. The zebra in the White House hasn’t changed his stripes… he is still a lying, cheating, unethical narcissist.
Apparently not during the worst president ever Obummer. Remember plane loads of cash to Iran
Nomad X, whilst you’re correct that the legislature has the power of the purse, it’s the executives job to disseminate the money based on the congressional directive. Bills passed, like laws, are meant to be executed by the executive. Problem is, No one ever thought the executive would take advantage of that and withhold the money. It’s a breach of congressional power and oversight.
Hence Bribery charges and FEC solicitation charges.
Judy Estes STILL spouting right wing mythology, eh?
Because those “plane loads of cash” DID exist – except it was plane loads of cash THAT BELONGED TO THE IRANIAN PEOPLE that our country SEIZED during the 1979 hostage crisis AND NEVER GAVE BACK. So it was agreed that having them not develop ATOMIC WEAPONS might be a good time to give it back – minus all the interest we made off of it, of course.
But hey, you want to talk about PLANE LOADS OF CASH? How about ACTUAL PALLETS OF $100 BILLS intended to help Iraqis we devastated during an illegal war of retribution (for something they didn’t do) that ACTUALLY PHYSICALLY VANISHED when they arrived at American military bases? All under the supervision of Republican-appointed administrators.
Google it. You know, the way you can with REAL NEWS.
Well once again, main beneficiary: Putin!
@Rod Allen You’re an imbecile. Go play in the traffic since you can’t seem to grasp reality.
Rod Allen
Oh ya right Putins not pulling don’s strings. Of coarse not. Donalds to smart to let that happen.
+@Rod Allen OK! Male Ruskin Prostitutki. Vee silence Moose and Squrrel.
This is an embarrassment for USA world reputation. I hope one day we can recover and make things right. Thanks for the great reporting Rachel.
Don Corleone: A case for better Nominee vetting. In his case, one didn’t have to go far to learn of the so called “successful business man” history. He surrounded himself with people who would be loyal to him. When they tried to say no, he fired them. So now we had a Whitehouse full of corruption!!!
In 2016 just as he was voted in, there was a lawsuit against him with a $25mil settlement awarded for the Trump University fraud. He should have been kicked out of office for that alone. Instead he went on to bigger and better corruption!
Hope to God he and each one of his cronies lead out their retirement years behind bars.
@Sandra Gouthro But do you have an Electoral College and another country interfering in your vote count?
The question I had about why Perry was there has been answered. Worse than I suspected.
And Neither are the Crooked Politicians
Everything is worse than we may have believed. Private citizens, such as us, can not even dream up how bad it could ever be.
Perry should be indicted for this. His resignation doesn’t stop him from making money on that deal, but prison time will.
I’d be interested to know who got that 50 year gas contract, the list of donors that Rick Perry took with him.
Debora Pettigrew. Rachel said Bleyzer. (Michael Bleyzer and Alex Cranberg, two political supporters of Perry)
Don’t forget Giuliani said to be in on those deals too.
No wonder they want Hunter in the spotlight. Distraction.
You better believe the Trump’s and Putin are on that list.
Soldiers on the front line needs more ammo:
Well, i will give you this ammo if you ” do me a favor” .
“…I need you to shoot my re-election in the foot.”
Dear USA. Do not EVER again lecture any other nation about democracy or corruption
This is the dilemma of democracy but still we the people in US exercise democracy.
Valid point !
@JEiowan How are you going to beg when we have a president that is a thug and do not care about our national security. As long as trump is in power the country is at risk..We found out about Ukraine because of one whittle blower.. Yet, I wonder how many more things he is doing abusing his authority all over the world and we do not know…Right now he seems to be helping Russia or at least is in cohorts with Putin.
@Eritrean for Freedom No, you don’t. 50% don’t vote, that’s why corporations are allowed to write your laws.
The “Rick Perry thing” is extremely alarming. How can this go on unpunished?? This is the epitome of corruption.
And they say BIDEN is corrupt?!
Xymo Nau deflection works on the ignorant masses.
That’s probably why he resigned, he knew this was a part of the corruption of this administration and would likely come out during the investigation.
lookup perrinsky
I think it’s safe to say American current administration is far the most corrupt of any other American administration EVER!!
Yes Ukraine the Trump administration has out corrupted y’all
Right? Here’s a country struggling against the world’s other super power, trying to do deal with corruption that was rampant and just when they start to see a bit of light, here’s comes the most corrupt group of crooks out of the US to mess it all up.