The Trump administration is making it more difficult for the children of some US service members and US government employees living abroad to automatically become US citizens, according to a policy alert released by US Citizenship and Immigration Services.
The rule appears to primarily affect the children of naturalized US citizens serving in the armed forces who have not lived in the US for a required period of time, a relatively small number — estimated to be approximately 100 annually, according to a Defense Department official.
It does not impact anyone born in the United States.
#CNN #News
This dude really does not want to get elected? He just alienated about a 1/4 of America! right before election time?
@DJ Compl3x what’s so horrible? You have no clue what you just saw did you?
@Bill Fuentes bullshit not indicting a president is not law. No one is immune to prosecution. Liberal media is stringing your simple minds along just like the fake outrage of this policy that is just paperwork.. not punishment… that will barely affect more then 25 people..
@Will Wel amen brother…these idiots didn’t even notice Trump ruined their plans by not attacking Iran. A globalist plan cooked up in the bush era.
It’s like Trump and his people sit around at the white house all day trying to come up with the most reprehensible laws they can think of, and whoever comes up with the most despicable idea gets a signed MAGA hat from Trump.
This is a law that was passed in the 1990s under Clinton….
spanky couldn’t run a bath without flood damage
If that apply to a Russian soldier who fights for usa.
Well, what do you expect from a draft-dodger who used “bone spurs” to get out of serving in the forces !
@Bill Fuentes differed
@holdthedork right so the only the middle class and poor deserve to be the only ones die in war??? You trumptards are too stupid to live.
I guess Trump woke up today and decided that it was time he got around to screwing over the military.
@Joe Curr A man,who knows fear in COWARDS and you are a STUPID COWARD
@cj p and you are STUPID COWARD
@Daniel Ramirez yes history will repeat itself, remember the German people’s SHAME, well PENDEJO
token, history will remember your SHAME NOW.LIVE WITH IT JUST LIKE GERMANS SHAME ON YOU.
Ivan McBleedy James Comey is a proven liar and leaker. The Inspector General’s report shows Comey violated the most basic obligations of confidentiality that he owed to the United States Government and to the American people, “in order to achieve a personally desired outcome.” Because Comey shamefully leaked information to the press—in blatant violation of FBI policies—the Nation was forced to endure the baseless politically motivated, two-year witch hunt. Comey disgraced himself and his office to further a personal political agenda, and this report further confirms that fact. (Grisham). Fake news will still look the other way. Or distract to nonsense hatred ‘news’; russiarussia or raisjistraisjist! But TRUTH will come!

@Joy Phillips It IS a Trump rule. Family of military have had an exemption from the residency rule for decades. Trump’s admin changed the policy. Like family separation. Like the rule he changed last year that’s had him deporting military spouses. Trump is so desperate to match Obama’s deportation numbers that his administration doesn’t give half a wet fart WHO they deport anymore, they just want tally marks on the ledger. It’s pathetic.
By the way, there are more MS 13 in the US today than there were in 2015. But thank GOD we’re breaking the rules to indefinitely detain children legally seekong asylum.
This a Distraction from all those Russian women coming here and having their babies in Florida at his golf club. Somehow that’s over looked but their kids are us citizens and Russian citizens and no one is talking about that.
As long as we are changing rules of citizenship, certainly President Toilet’s citizenship should be revoked for betraying his oath, the Americans who voted for him and being such a miserable orangutan
Walter Godsoe yeah! Obama right? Non citizenship nor birth certificate Obama. Totally agree
… and then his parents-in-law are granted citizenship. Hypocrisy ? No !
@Joy Phillips Your hatred for the first black president is based on conspiracy theories from racist bigots….is that how you wish to be seen? If yes…own it..otherwise just…go away
@Southern Fried Cynic he was talking about chain migration. That’s how Melania got her parents here. If the admin wants to end chain migration, they need to teach by example and tell them to leave my country.
One Christina Ann I’m not a robot
@phanatic215 I’ve got no problem with chain migration, bud. Why are you confusing Trump’s opinions with policy? Chain migration is the law, so you’re a hypocrite to suggest any beneficiary of that program be deported from “your” country, bec it’s their country too
@Ann Ferguson – Perhaps going forward, the citizens of the USA can demand that one one can become president without any military service to the country. Since Trump never served one minute of service to his country, he should not be allowed to make such decisions regarding the lives of people who are serving.
It applies to legal residents serving this country as a vet I’m offended ad sadden, even if it affects one person, it is too much. What a shame
I can not help stupid….sorry
@LovinLife You do realize that TRUMP has reduced presence in places like Afganistan and other war zones, and has improved the VA, AND increased the pay of the soldiers right????? That… AND he respects the military, not like his predecessor…..
@Kory M You are so wrong based on the many following verifiable facts:
Trump made it to his rally in SC in bad weather, but for the 100th Anniversary of Armistice Day to honor the millions who died during WWII Trump can’t make it because of the rain. We Americans start to complain, Trump does what he always do, which is blame someone else and this time he’s blaming the Secret Service. Trump clearly has no respect for American soldiers and veterans. Just like the rest of the GOP, SMDH
While Congressional Republicans wave the flag with one hand, they are trying to cut benefits for 70,000 veterans with the other. “The Administration strongly opposes House passage of H.R. 2029, making appropriations for military construction, the Department of Veterans Affairs, and related agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2016, and for other purposes. The bill fails to fully fund critical priorities, including veterans’ medical care and military and VA construction. Furthermore, the legislation includes a highly problematic ideological rider that would constrain the President’s ability to protect our national security. April 29th, 2015, , House Democrats also stood up for vets by opposing the legislation. Veterans organizations were upset with Senate Republicans after they failed to gain enough votes of support to move forward with a measure that would have expanded federal healthcare and education programs for veterans. The GOP argued that the bill would bust the budget.
As Veteran Suicides Skyrocket VA Secretary, Robert Wilkie REFUSES To Spend Money To Save Them
Well a lot of Veterans and Soldiers voted for Trump, who appointed Robert Wilkie to be the US Secretary of Veterans Affairs.
Trump lied to the troops about their raise and endanger the Navy Seal Team during his 3 hours visit of the Troops in Iraq.
Trump LIED AGAIN when he told the troops in Iraq that military personnel hadn’t received a raise in 10 years….Here is the list of pay raises since 2007 copied from the Pentagon’s website:
1 January 2007: 2.2%
1 April 2007: 0.5%
1 January 2008: 3.5%
1 January 2009: 3.9%
1 January 2010: 3.4%
1 January 2011: 1.4%
1 January 2012: 1.6%
1 January 2013: 1.7%
1 January 2014: 1.0%
1 January 2015: 1.0%
1 January 2016: 1.3%
1 January 2017: 2.1%
1 January 2018: 2.4%
Per the GOP, US doesn’t have the money to care for our homeless veterans but somehow Trump can diverts $2.5 million tax dollars from Park Service to help paid for his $92 million Dictator Military Style parade to satisfy his own ego.
citizenxgen your coming off as dumb and short sighted. I agree that not everyone sees combat but those who don’t they need to be in that mindset that they have a chance. I’m a vet and ran into people who I thought would never see combat and guess what they were loaded up on amphibious ships and deployed into combat by yours truly.
This is what you conservatives call good policy?
2020 can’t come enough.
@bUH sNUH So you believe the same amount of service people who voted for Trump will vote for him again after Trump tries to keep their children out of the country?
@Tessmage Tessera Unfortunately I believe Trump will refuse to leave the White House if her loses and may call for his Supporters to take up arms to keep him in the White House.
@bUH sNUH Even Trump’s own commission couldn’t find any voter fraud in the 2016, so stop repeating the lie and insulting people for posting the verifiable facts.
@pewpewlazers Socialism isn’t always bad, based on the following:
I wonder why most of the 16 countries ahead of America in Forbe’s list of Best Countries for Business are more Socialist than ours?
Hong Kong
New Zealand
South Korea
United States
Remember this America: Trump reportedly referred to Haiti and countries in Africa as “shithole countries” and called for more immigrants from places like Norway at an Oval Office meeting with lawmakers in January 2018.
Venezuela problem isn’t Socialism, their problem is President Nicolas Maduro.
@LovinLife If that happens, then we’ll have to kill them. Do you know how to shoot a gun..? If not, then I can teach you.
Immigration reform by any other name is what??- Arian supremacy – which sounds like 3rd Riech tenant wtf
Well if you would quit all the robbery, rape and homicides..
Maybe we could have a low crime country like the norther European countries..
Instead you want south Africa with a national homicide rate double thatvof the city of Chicago alone (look it up,it’s true) you want to know the rape stats of south Africa?
Everybody wants to live in a white neighborhood…
@cj p who pissed in your cornflakes?
Funny obama has deported more then trump. Poor white hating racist loser
@THE PHANTOM he is a no content russian troll haunting this comment section.
Interesting considering the close ties to communist countries and fascism that the Democrats have…..
So, who is being held accountable for the last 2 years (presumably longer) of illegal law enforcement on the government’s part?
He should send his own wife and son back to where they come from.
They are legal citizens… so here? Ok then…
@Margaret Nicol so… the troops should be above the law…. when it fits the liberal bias?
@Kory M Exactly…
They’re LEGAL citizens…
@Ciara ooh Name 1 racist thing he has done or said… I will wait.
That ‘Acting’ Gov. official sounds more like just another diplomatic Nazi.
I hope this is fake news,,,, you do not stand a chance without the military
Stephen Miller knows no depths. I wouldn’t shed a tear if his body was found in a ditch
i would.. for the ditch
This is impossible to happen. Demons like him just disappear to hell after they die
Id put him in the ditch.
@DOUGLAS HOTCHKISS If I were granted full legal authority to do so, I gladly would.
What the freak
America when will you say enough is enough with this clown!
@cj p no content russian troll
@mary jones wow you seriously lack any know what that’s sign of?
@cj p very weak attempt to deflect boris
Cnn is the russian trolls
@allahu akbarlalalalalboom! Reporting the truth isn’t trolling.
So much for Trump and his supporters loving the military.
*and then his parents-in-law are granted citizenship.*
Wow, this must do wonders for moral among those serving