The United States has abruptly reversed course and dropped tariffs on Canadian aluminum. Michel Boyer has the latest.
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Look like trump can’t win any deal what a loser
Meanwhile you’ve never made over 5 figures a day in your life. Dude can literally throw your entire life worth down the drain and it wouldn’t change a single thing for him.
@zim babwe He was talking about making a deal, not receiving a “small loan of a million dollars”.
Bullies need some of their own medicine.
Wow… your braindead… don’t understand the big economic picture should just stay quiet
Now let’s get back the money we lost during the evaluation period.
Coitus Interruptus
Trump: “Sometimes I use words I don’t understand so that I can sound more photosynthesis.”
you need the brain power and arms of 10 leftist to tie one shoe these days
Trump back down on Trudeau’s flex! How embarrasing!
@timtrainage A con through and through.
Trudeau is a joke. He doesn’t do anything but steal your money….
@MANYS RALLY The Earth is flat and Trudeau’s stealing money u don’t even have!
@Curious2Know2 how does that make any sense
The Liberals did something right
Wrong. The Ontario CONSERVATIVE government lobbied against it.
Definitely not

tishwitch hahahahahhahhaha
you guys are still going to find a reason to cry about it though
is that how you treat your best customers ?
you go girl
@The Canada First Party yes it is when they are being unfair .
What a clown, can’t even stick to his own half baked ideas.
And the soft wood tariffs?
Following soon

I guess Trudeau wins this round.
Did trump* really not understand that massive plants processing and using Canadian aluminum are in prominent republican districts? Actually tho. Trudeau probably didn’t even have to pick up the phone.
So, let me mull this over for a minute….Thinking like a Trump, if I impose tariffs on softwood lumber and aluminum, and I drop the tariffs on aluminum…..Hmmmm, everybody will think the Canucks have won, since Justin didn’t mention the softwood. Maybe I’m not as stupid as the rest of the world thinks i am. Chalk up another win for me!
we still win on wood. we get it for free. we still make money on it.
Frank de Koning ….trust me….he is stupider than a stick !
canada should tariff for a few months
So Trudeau wins this one? Even a broken clock tells the right time twice a day
Donna Peroche don’t you worry, he had nothing to do with it.
More like postponed til after election.
If ther was anyone who loves to stick it to Trump, its @ctvnews . . . Too bad they can’t do that to the hand that feeds them, like Trudeau and his government