Rachel Maddow reports on the Trump administration's abrupt ending of the "medical deferred action" program that allows non-citizens to remain in the U.S. to continue receiving life-saving treatment. Families in this program are being given 33 days to leave the country, a death sentence in some cases.
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Trump Admin Looks To Eject Medically Vulnerable Immigrant Kids | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC
A Black Heart to go with that Orange Complexion. And Halloween is just around the corner.
A Blackened Heart at the center of the Dank Soul.
Timothy McCaskey : Halloween . . . Trump masks will sell like hot cakes, and he’ll be gutted that he wasn’t making money off of it. I’m so SICK of America’s inhumanity, right now . . . I need a holiday . . . Smh

Halloween must saved you. Now you can walk around without being laughed at your halloweenface….
I am sure pro-life people are outrage by this news.
Everyone in this country is ‘pro-life.’ It’s the essence of American culture.
whowh we are soooo outrage…and this all because of obama who destroyd milions lives of immigrants, but trust me, silly willy medddow won’t tell you that…so keep on being stupid and ignorant.
@Dorian Shades of gray You can’t reason with someone who thinks men can have periods.
Turn Doral into a hospital and maybe there would be a chance for these kids. Trump is just the worst combination of farce and tragedy.
So the trump administration are giving out actual death sentences. I have no words for this inhumane and disgustring treatment of children and their families. Absolutely disgusting. Watching this from Europe and hoping and that the sensible americans will kick him and his admin out and restore the country. The only thing I’m hoping for now is that republicans get the punishment they deserve.
@mary jones Fact: if people obeyed the immigration laws, we would not be sending anyone home.
@Foniks Monkee You know…. I just can’t for the life of me wrap my head around your concern for these people when you would have someone abort their own child. Your selective outrage is cynical at best, disgusting and evil at worst. Now, if you would like to pay for all these children’s medical care, feel free to. Take them in and provide all their needs, courtesy of you.
Sorry we have sick AMERICANS to tend to first, go home.
@Dorian Shades of gray only thats not how it works in most of europe. can not just blindly sponsor anyone to come here. Also sponsoring means that you personally have to have the means to support the sponsored people, even in the U.S.
So yes all you are doing is deflecting.
Though yes perhaps our Governments will allow these folks to come here if they contact an embassy to explain their situation.
Either way that is a heartless thing to do, that surprises noone here seeing the U.S. is hardly taking on refugees.
Your Country is so large and you have so much space (my country would fit into texas 3x).
Then again the U.S. refused to allow Anne Frank and her family entry during WW2 3x as well…
Seems my Grandma was right Trumps Administration is the new NSDAP, Im glad she didnt live to see the Country that helped free Europe from the Nazi pigs now going down the same rabbit hole.
You,re not even a citizen, should worry about nasty Europe thats overrun with Jihadis
With this and the refusal of medical care for migrants detained at the border, this is tantamount to ethnic. We are doing this. We are letting this happen. Are you ok with this America?
Has there ever been a fake news story you didn’t believe?
@Bobby Babylon know much history?
The inhumane lack of compassion no morals left in this nation it’s astronomical. And we will reap what we sow when the most high God puts the last pieces of the Judgment Upon This Nation. The Wrath that is coming it’s going to make knees buckle. Uncontrollable tears leaving the eyes. Remorse at one of the highest levels the human psyche can take. One of the golden rules is to treat those how you want to be treated. So when evil tries to defeat good good will triumph over evil. This is just my opinion but I really feel we are living in the last days of days.
Americans are worse than Nazis so this is no surprise.
Is this Marianne Williamson?
Your assessment is the answer you seek. They too believe they are living in the Last Days. And if not, they feel like they can give it a push in that direction and do God’s work for Him.
Prolife. Only available to fetuses.
Very pro-life of Trump
@Hazel McCloy He is sending them back not euthanizing them.
@Mind Freshener Actually the liberalist idea of society is that those who have much share some with those in need that have little, the word means giving FREEDOM to everyone (poverty is bondage). It is done through: taxes, private donations, and being a “fellow citizen”. In a civilized society no one is left behind (as president G.W.Bush said). Especially the Bible talks a lot about helping the foreigner, the child and the widow, otherwise God will put his wrath (curse) upon you (Exodus 22; Leviticus 19, 25; Deuteronomy 10, 14, 15, 24, 26, 27 etc) The liberals I know do help a lot, and countries with a liberal constitution does it too, meanwhile conservatives give mostly to promote their agenda (e.g. “evangelisation”) or from an elevated, proud position that humiliates the receiver. Jesus says that nobody shall know when you donate. E.g. Sweden gives 1,4% of the GNP in foreign humanitarian aid. Perhaps the US is cursed with gun violence because the aid is more for the military than dying children…
@Nils Kangas Good. I am happy for you. Spend all your money babysitting 6 Billion Third Worlders, “getting them out of Poverty” while they multiply to 36 Billion.
@Mind Freshener I am happy to take my part of responsibility, instead of thinking of Hitler’s “solution to problems” about the people despised by his kind of elements. Civilization comes from collaboration and I DO help poor people to change their conditions of life, as I believe in the capacity of all people that want to make an positive effort (instead of mostly playing golf and watching TV during work hours).
Steven Miller needs to be charged with crimes against humanity
Written by ksr
David Renzetti they don’t belong here!
Steve Miller is Trumps Himmler.
@Richard Edwards who’s THEY? Human race. All of us. What if it was your son? We all bleed red.
@Richard Edwards maybe YOU don’t belong, because you have no heart.
There’s nothing ok with this. I’m so disgusting and heartbroken for these kids. Hearing Jonathan’s plea, the poor kid. He’s the epitome of BostonStrong. As a Bostonian myself, our city was literally built by immigrants and to this day it’s still full of cultural diversity. I wish this lawyer so much luck fighting for these kids.
@Mind Freshener So you’ve forgotten about the slaves, or the Chinese railroad workers, and others. What a dolt.
– Built upon the backs of immigrants
– Protected with the blood of descendants of immigrants
My God, you’re a little over the top! lol
Then go and blame you butthole friend obama who has deported milions, not Trump you looser…
Sorry we have sick AMERICANS to tend to first, go home.
Trump and Miller and this administration and these Republican enablers are cold as ice. Vote them out.
@Michael Gabriel Unless you can afford a good Private Health Insurance plan, your Government is (and always has been) doing the same thing to you, Mister Citizen. Perhaps your Democratic side should be asking a bit more from your Capitalist side, – if only for your own sake.
Nope, they were already in charge because of obama…didn’t know this huh?
@joep meloen who was?
At this point, the UN should be involved in this. This no way to treat human beings.
So Trump administration is sentencing these children to their deaths. Come on top 1% put those millions and billions to good use – you can’t take the money with you when you die.
@31Blaize really ?
@Mind Freshener like potus then.
@Hazel McCloy Really what?
I’ve been wondering this since the concentration camps kicked off … where are the UN inspectors? Why are there no UN lawyers defending the rights of these caged people?
Any of our elected representatives, GOP or Democrat, who remain in opposition to impeaching Trump immediately should be thrown out of office themselves!
Yo, get real. At best, impeaching process will just go die in the Senate. Best to work toward 2020
Anyone who is owned has shown that they are more interested in selling off their power than holding onto it and using it themselves for the benefit of the people. Time for a political enema.
Are you the great and morally superior man boy lover?
Our country knows no bounds when it comes to sadistic cruelty.
That sounds rather self righteous, can you direct me to the offices of the great man boy lover, I am certain he can help these children into the foster system.
The fact that this amazing program excited says so much about the humanity of the USA that was and removing it says so much about the USA that now is. Shame on you if even one of these young people die
Are you the great man boy lover?
@family lowe Please cite the post where I advocated having open borders.
@Tessmage Tessera Well, either you want to protect our borders and enforce our immigration laws, or you don’t. There is no meh… No lukewarm options.
You either believe in border enforcement and lawful entry, or not. I have no reason to debate the issue further.
@family lowe Don’t put words into my mouth. Now, I asked you to cite any post of mine which advocates open borders. Can you..?
The world is watching.
Of course they are. And so is Google. They can manipulate up to 10 million votes in the 2020 election if they so choose.
Sorry we have sick AMERICANS to tend to first, go home.
Trump & his whole family are “UNCARING PIGS” as long as trump’s make money
they don’t care who suffers 
Pigs are smart.. trump and his family of minions and henchmen are just pure garbage.
Are you the great man boy lover?
Sorry we have sick AMERICANS to tend to first, go home.
Just one question. Where are all the Republican Pro life advocates. Don’t you abhor such a crime against God. Life is sacred to you. So why isn’t every Pro life advocate out there on every MSM show pleading for President Miller to reverse this order. By the way. Faux News “(((crickets)))”
If Trump ordered that pregnant asylum seekers be forced to have abortions before being deported the “Pro Lifers” would cheer.
I live in Romania so I know about dictatorships and autocracy. And I see signs there!
I propose a change of democratic media strategy.
1. refer to Trump as loser president because he lost the popular vote, i.e. he is not representing the will of ALL Americans
2. Start selling bullet proof vests in front of the schools. (Imagine that you send your kid to a school only if s/he wear a vest)
Start saying that the “tax cut” is just a “tax reform” for the wealthy
Here’s an idea…
How about NOT coming illegally to our country? Then, the problem fixes itself. Be honest. In other countries, they don’t bother apprehending anyone trying to enter illegally.
They’ve already been hating for Trump for 3 years, too, so your ideas are lukewarm at best. Try Jennifer Rubin’s approach from the other day… If you don’t have a clue what I’m talling about, look it up. She did an interview on MSNBC calling for the burning down of the Republican party.
That’s not Hitleresque…
You should take these people into your home and take care of their medical bills. We’ve got plenty of useless propaganda already
@trainwreck told ya Are your upvotes being shadowbanned? Mine are.
Adam Serwer was right, the cruelty is the point. This has to be more of the work of that absolute ghoul, Stephen Miller.
Another crime against humanity from this administration. 45*/GOP trying their best to make America morally bankrupt. We the People must stop their terror!
Sorry we have sick AMERICANS to tend to first, go home.