Up until Monday, zero dollars had been dispersed to help Native American tribal communities. Rep. Haaland, one of the two first Native American women to serve in the House, weighs in. Aired on 05/05/2020.
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Trump Admin. Left Native Americans Waiting For COVID-19 Aid For 39 Days | All In | MSNBC
Trump is and has always believed he is above the law. The senate confirmed his belief when they refused to confirm impeachment
@Mission Blonde now you have assigned a word, what has changed?
अचलेंद्र He’s not innocent. Even republicans admitted it. They just considered it unfair that Trump wouldn’t be able to run in 2020 and they thought Trump would “learn his lesson.” Instead he fired the people who testified against him.
Travis Hargiss Trump was impeached. He wasn’t removed from office. People don’t know the basic difference between the two and yet still try to “inform” others. Link the report for the sham fbi investigation if its real. Bet it’s on a conservative news outlet.
Kim Clarke These are Russian-financed young people in Macedonia creating these bogus profiles.
Trumps true color had shown how racist he is.
Racist? Democracts support the LGBTQ community

@Louis Vargas Yeah, he lost. He went murdering thousands of natives first….finally got paid back. When the natives killed them they called it massacre, when they killed the natives, they called it justice. Just depends on which side you were on.
And that was well known before the corrupt GOP made him their glorious leader. They knew it, approved it and felt the same. And that was their true colors.
Wow Obama was worst
@long nose only the to KLANsevaTARD Racist, Bigots and White Supremacist he was worse.
I can’t believe you treat your indigenous people like this, they are the first peoples of your country…Shame America Shame!
@Maija Liepa WOW! It’s yourself not yerself. And this is not texting.
@L W yep so true..and in most of these countries the those people are a minority which make it so easy for the government’s to neglect them
LS House ♥️
♥️We Are All One♥️
LS House ♥️
♥️Hey – its covid time -got time on my hands – my birthday also ♥️

@LS House we gave them that name. When we came to America. Native means natural to the area. Like plants and animals are from certain areas. They were here before us. Christopher Columbus. Plymouth rock. The first Thanksgiving.
They are all confederates in the white House and in the Senate especially Mitch McConnell and Trump who wants to destroy Civil Rights and the Constitution. And committing Genocide. Here we go again America. Playing God.
Republicans want your money Democrats want your sole. Two heads same snake. But I will not stand with anyone who kills the unborn. MAGA. 2020
@Allan Burns The southern strategy is bs …..as the south got less racist it got more republican as LBJ and the grand deal was to hold minorities down and keep them under government control same as welfare does today ..
@Roy Gonzalez Dems love Russia ask Obama and Hillary..
No that was Democrat genocide fool learn history before you make fool of yourself on YouTube
@R S Wow, thanks for sharing. OMG.
Thank you, Chris, for covering this national disgrace. Well done.
Chris has consistently stood up for those ignored or mistreated. He interviews people in a way that shows he has no prejudice. America at its best!
God finally they are paying attention to the native people ….. We are a dying race and they don’t care.. All my life I was told I should be ashamed to live on a rez but I’m a proud native American we are a strong people …. I hope they give funding we need it bad
They don’t get it do they? No matter how many times we try to explain to both sides they just dont comprehend that both sides are one and the same.
More native Americans need to run for office in every level of government. More can be done for your people when you have a ‘seat’ at the table. In 2018 a couple of native Americans got into congress – keep that ball rolling and build up your numbers federally, state, and locally. This admin is greedy, ruthless and inhumane. Sometimes you need to venture off the reservation to protect those who live on it!
Adrie Watson A’ho
Never be ashamed hold your head up you are the first nation it’s the euro garbage that should be banned and ashamed for all the massacres thy have commited
@marguerite s I’m never ashamed I’m proud to be Native American I’m proud to be from my rez cause it’s who I am and no one can take my culture an way of life my ancestors fought for me to have the rights I have and I’ll keep fighting so that those that come after me will have the same rights…. Even if the it’s the right to be treated like a human being.
The sadness, the shame I feel about this. I can’t describe it.
WakingRay….I am not American and I feel the same.
The shame ? Dude. Leave. We don’t want you.
@Ryan Wilson the majority don’t follow Trump, so it’s the other way around. We don’t want YOU.
@Ryan Wilson

I weep for my Native American people and our ancestors.
I’m surprised Trump didn’t go to a Navajo reservation and start throwing rolls of paper towels at them.
– There must not have been any golf courses in the area.
Yep You lib moron. Look at your page You a twatboy
@david u.s. grant lets just tweet 100 times!
What does that mean? It means nothing because you know nothing.
Cuomo kept the money
Yep, that’s what I would expect from him. Disgusting
This is obscene. Thank you for bringing this story to air. The plight of Indigenous People’s is underreported & unaddressed. These are human beings who are being treated like 3rd class citizens. All lives matter!
Susan Gunn Pretty sad situation !
Auckland. NZ
You know how it work in this country , if you r no help to t he election you are expendable
Meanwhile, the LA Lakers got $6 million.
Looking good, America!
@Robert The Bruce https://bleacherreport.com/articles/2875796-knicks-lakers-warriors-worth-over-4b-in-forbes-list-of-2020-nba-team-values
In what, a day? It’s amazing how quickly that money landed in rich, white pockets…but screw everyone else. Even republicans ought to be angry smh.
@Robert The Bruce I think “Roger” from Family Guy should get one. He is trump’s cartoon doppleganger!
Darwin Tremor you read wrong. They are US citizen children. Just like your immigrant family members that were finally born here, those children are us citizens. It isn’t about their parents. If that is the case, everyone is undocumented except native Americans.
That’s nothing compared to the Huge companies that got money. Trump only cares about his pockets and who’s lining them
wow and people in the states are protesting lockdown while these people were left in the dark im actually disgusted
@tbird90sc It’s not even the same thing.
@tbird90sc when you sneeze on someone and can spread car crashes come talk to me
tbird90sc can’t describe how dumb that comment is especially in regards to this
tbird90sc you have no argument.
Omar Benj

All countries in America are Indian country. My God this administration is the very essence of evil.
This evil wears an American flag pin and expects you to genuflect when in Its presence.
Haven’t we done enough to those people. We owe them everything. Could never repay what we’ve done to the Native Americans. This is disgusting. I’m ashamed and embarrassed.
Anyone surprised? Flint MI still without running water in a pandemic. This is America the Great.
Tired of winning yet? The orange child and his administration need to go.
Yes, and this administration is doing nothing to help those people, and it’s been years now.
An American government screwing over the natives?
Who would’ve thought that possible?!?
2020 !!!!
People should file a law suit, Sue that government for mass murder.
Trump is moving the courts to the far right, where no one is held responsible for what happens to citizens, workers, students, etc …
No accountability at all.
The State Department no longer investigates war crimes. And Trump bragged At A Prayer Breakfast that he had “gotten rid of human rights”.
From the perspective of America’s natives, when has the government not been despicable?
Native Americans must pay Federal income tax on their personal incomes.
i apologize! i was on your beautiful land! i will never forget it!
@Bronte yeah we do lmao,we pay federal taxes you shouldn’t assume
@Izza Duck where is all the coverage from the media that hates Trump. Surely the demo rats care about them. Good ide, call them and ask why they do not cover this more. Let us know what they tell u?
I fully respect our native Americans……I don’t respect Trump!
thank you from the Navajo Nation.
He dislikes people of color. Look at his treatment of Puerto Rico after the hurricane.
Did you see All of the leftover water that sat on the Air strip and in the warehouse ? Puerto Rico lied !
Most first world countries today, wouldn’t treat their enemies, the way America treats its own citizens…