Facing blowback and lawsuits, the Trump administration is rescinding its directive blocking international students from staying in the United States while taking online-only classes. Aired on 07/14/2020.
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Trump Admin Backs Off Effort To Block Foreign Students From Living In US | MSNBC
Imagine an MIT student from India having to connect at 2am for a class. Stupid!
@ihave35cents Right, I work IT for a global company. Folks from India are far more educated than we are here in the US.
Jeremy Backup so what you’re saying is that we shouldn’t educate Indians in the US for a while until we catch up. Word up
How about the student from Ghana whose home village doesn’t have electricity or internet!
@Jeremy Backup yeah billion people trying to get out of poverty. And I hang out with a few Indians I’m way smarter than them so stop a lumping people
@Jeremy Backup you said you were educated but I am a plumber never finished high school and I make a half a million a year with a 25-man crew. All different types of smart. My father was a painting contractor to retired at 47 years old with a 5 million-dollar estate
Once again, Dumpy backs down when faced with the slightest pushback. He’s such a coward.
I think I can hear him running back to his bunker with Twitter opened on his phone.
Speaking seriously, is there anyone here who thinks Trump is so cowardly that when faced with defeat in an electoral landslide and the prospect of imprisonment that he would take his own life rather than face the consequences of his actions?
@mechaman13 you’re dumb…
GOD I can’t wait for Durham and Horowitz to come back….
@Don Hardcastle I am being totally serious here. When things go south for him, whether it is in one of his many failed deals or business ideas, he always cuts and runs. Considering that he also (potentially) owes a lot of money to some unsavory people who could be more punitive than US law enforcement, being silent might be an option. Then again, maybe dealing with US law enforcement might be better as you get to live.
@mechaman13 How many times did you contemplate ending your life when faced with a challenge ? If you haven’t, why do you assume Trump would ?
If they used the popular vote your vote would count, but we use the electoral vote. So why bother!
The IRS is demanding billions in income tax payments TOMORROW from Independent Contractors that are still waiting for Unemployment Benefits from states like Oregon and Washington. People bring some attention to this, as we need help.
You ought to sue
I’ve been seeing that on an AZ channel called ABC15
Maybe ask your President who he gave that trillion dollar package to?
Of course the backed off! They’re desperate for votes! They’re jumping through fire lit hoops right now!
Those people can’t vote what the f*** are you talking about
ihave35cents Hey stupid I never said those people can vote, what I said is that the Trump administration is jumping through hoops by backing down trying to look reasonable in front of foreign descent Americans to get their votes, but we all know Benedict Donald is a bully & will change his mind every time he colors his topae & your IQ is too low to compute!
RESIGN, Pentagon PUNK.
RESIGN, Sec-Ed-Trollop.
COVID-45 is killing us.
Poor Sec-Ed is intellectually challenged. She is desperately trying to find her special ed class but seems to be hopelessly lost.
@ruth depew- you’re going to be disappointed next year. They are going to start the push for charter schools. Our school system will be completely reformed. States will begin kicking out the teacher’s union. We’ll have the best schools in the world
COVID-45 cultists drink … only had a few minutes to make this … you inspired me.
You sure have a mean looking cat
Another fail from Trump & Co.
Clearly none in this administration knows what they’re doing
Every man has a right to his own opinion, but no man has a right to be wrong in his facts
Abdulai Bah Every man has a right to his own opinion, but no man has a right to be wrong in his facts
@YouRuse is A leftist org …so you are saying that “they do know what they are doing”… okay well that makes this much worse of a situation if they are doing it while “knowing what they are doing”… That makes them culpable.
Never have, never will. ….
Colleges must have asked for federal assistance because of Covid. Trump just made them to set their house in order. Now colleges can’t complain because they got what they wanted. And with no flights, everyone knew foreign students won’t be deported
@ihave35cents – and it never got even that bad.
Trump 2020 !!! You Entitled Socialist Are Going Down !!
Vote blue! Send our intellectual property overseas! Open our borders! Everything is FREE!!!!
PLEASE do not procreate……….
@Bildgesmythe fcuk ’em!!!
Trump used carrot and stick approach. In future the colleges cannot complain about anything because they can always start online classes. So no need to issue any student visas.
This stupid idea brought to you by Stephen Miller.
@SweetBizou – you are a bigot
Europe sent all of their foreign students home in March
His friends call him “Nosferatu”, even with his new Chia Pet scalp
@Ron Swanson ‘Europe sent’ is not the same from this bungled idea which clearly fell on it’s own sword. I think you can appreciate the difference and actually many European students remain here.
@MsJollycholly – uugghh. You have no idea about this, do you? Get over it. You believed stupid propaganda again and you were told again. What you are feeling is cognitive dissonance. Just shut up and take your punishment. Sheesh!
The Magic 8-Ball that Trump uses to guide his decision making has sprung a leak.
Humanity/common sense…1.
Orange bunker boy……ZERO!
Trump’s 2016 slogan should of been “keep america great”
Biden’s slogan in 2020 should be “make america great again”
Has Stephen Miller written all over it.
Watch, in a day or two Trump will claim that he saved foriegn students from deportation.
@Albert Green I don’t know you. I care about humans: foreigners, US born, and even you – all of us.
Albert Green Just cause I care about other people too means I have more allegiance for other countries?i obviously care about Americans
Yes he saved them from deportation. And those foreign students who had taken part in those protests better focus on their education rather than activism on campuses.
@Gorra solar- no you don’t. You won’t take them into your home so please shut up.
Ron Swanson I would take them into my home if they needed help as people have taken me in at a time of need
me and you are obviously not the same
They threatened Trump to release his grades?
they’re already out there from Fordham _ a solid ‘D’ student. DUNCE – then and NOW. Can you imagine SUING your college so that your grades are kept secret? And then GETTING THE JOB?! Try that on your next interview! This man was NEVER Elected. He’s right about the fake votes in 2016 – they were ALL FOR HIM!
another BLACK EYE for the Trump administration..
Oh please our last president couldn’t even start a website for 50 million dollars
Steven Killer is angry.
He’s trying to win back votes?
Another complete and useless failure by the Trump administration.