The Trump administration is asking the Supreme Court to wipe out Obamacare, arguing that the individual mandate is unconstitutional and that the rest of the law must be struck down with it. Aired on 6/26/2020.
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Trump Admin Asks SCOTUS To Strike Down Obamacare | Morning Joe | MSNBC
He and his children and golf courses are costing the people more money everyday than Medicare.
Judicial Watch investigators uncovered records from the U.S. Secret Service showing that, for the first five and a half years of the Obama administration, Hunter Biden traveled extensively with a Secret Service protective detail. During the time period of the records, the son of then-Vice President Joe Biden took 411 separate domestic and international flights, including to 29 different foreign countries. He visited China five times.
Our February 7, 2020, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request sought:
Records reflecting the dates and locations of travel, international and domestic, for Hunter Biden while he received a U.S. Secret Service protective detail; please note whether his travel was on Air Force One or Two, or other government aircraft, as applicable and whether additional family members were present for each trip; time frame is 2001 to present.
The Secret Service did not indicate, as was requested, whether Biden’s travel was on Air Force One, Air Force Two or other government aircraft, or whether additional family members were present.
The records show that countries and territories visited by Hunter Biden, between June 2009 and May 2014, included:
Ethiopia and India on June 14-22, 2009
Argentina on September 14-17, 2009
France and Spain on November 9-13, 2009
Canada on February 12-15, 2010
Dominican Republic on February 18-22, 2010
Puerto Rico on March 20-27, 2010
China on April 6-9, 2010
Belgium, Spain, and the United Kingdom on May 5-8, 2010
UK, Egypt, Kenya, South Africa, Ascension Island, U.S. Virgin Islands on June 6-13, 2010
Denmark and South Africa on August 9-24, 2010
Hong Kong, Taiwan and China on April 16-22, 2011
Mexico on May 15-17, 2011
Colombia, France, United Arab Emirates and France again on November 1-11, 2011
UK and Russia on February 15-18, 2012
Germany, France and UK on February 1-5, 2013
UK and Ireland on March 20-22, 2013
China on June 13-15, 2013
Switzerland and Italy on July 26-August 7, 2013
Japan, China, South Korea and the Philippines on December 2-9, 2013
China and Qatar on May 7-14, 2014
The records were also provided, but were not made public, to Senate Finance Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley and Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee Chairman Ron Johnson in a response to a request the senators sent to Secret Service Director James Murray on February, 2020.
In its cover letter to Grassley and Johnson, which was included in the records we received, the Secret Service said that the senators’ request was time and labor intensive, and they could only provide a limited amount of information by the senators’ imposed turnaround time of February 19.
Given the Burisma-Ukraine-China influence peddling scandals, Hunter Biden’s extensive international travel during the Obama-Biden presidency, including at least 5 trips to China, will certainly raise additional questions.
Drought Tolerant dude you are so stupid trump has golfed more than obama ALL EIGHT YEARS AND THEY USE OUR MONEY TO PAY FOR THEIR VACATIONS! For example American taxpayers literally paid 77,000$ for his son trump JR to hunt endangered animals and EVERYTIME he goes to mar a lago we pay MILLIONS OF DOLLARS for the bills he CHAGES THE SECRET SERVICE! His companies literally make money off of trump going there and FYI Obama isn’t president why even bring him up? Not to mention how wrong you are to act like Obama spent more than trump lol
@Drought Tolerant Heresay, and the moon is made of cheese.
@Computer User Freedom of information request data was received from the secret service. That’s not hearsay, it is OUR government records that we the people are entitled to and was received with more records to follow. The Senate committee has additional records that were withheld from We The People.
Anyone else need any more proof Trump is a Russian agent sent to destroy America?
I lost my job and my health care wil go shortly. Remember how “the creature” promised great healthcare? Lier! The rich and the republicans don’t care about anyone else. Money is their drug and for these addicts, there’s never enough!
Not just $$$, Trump behaves as an addict whose drug of choice is inflicting pain and despair.
Wishing you good health and lots of support from Australia. Unemployment and subsistent wages are happening in my corner of Australia and personally for my husband and I. We have free Medicare for all here though. I’m a retired registered nurse (RN) and I have all the time in the world for people who are battling without whining about little things. People like you could perhaps connect via wartime type care packages, or something that suits your community. I hope there’s someone out there who will step up and help you out. Please, stay safe and healthy and stay engaged with your community in a safe way. All the best
@blueminnie13 – good health and good luck to you and yours! You have hit the nail on the head: since Reagan, the GOP as a whole, with the blessings of many Dems, have systematically taken away as much as possible from the people. Favoring corporations and big business interests at every turn NECESSARILY works against families and workers.
@Suzanne Santos Thank you so much for your support. I will be researching resources and ways to feel useful in my community. Paying for health insurance is my big issue as monthly premiums are $500- $1000. ( I am close to retirement and care for my mom, age 95. It gets complicated quickly. Luckily my state has had a cautious reopening and we’ve had a low amount of virus cases. Hopefully that will continue. Sending peace, blessings, and hope back to you. Again, I so appreciate your support!
@James Jones Thank you for your support! Agree, it is hardly a left or right created problem. The power of corporations is a nightmare. It justs steams me that they can call healthcare an entitlement when my taxes pay the healthcare for congress. I have always lived within my means and am still waiting for “trickle down” to improve my life some 35-40 years later. Thanks again for the support. Sending peace and support your way as well!
Putin hit the JACKPOT with his boy.
Russian roulette!
He never wanted to be The president in the first place. Then he opened his big mouth and said “Russia, are you listening” ?
I really think Trump resents his country. After his business failures, he couldn’t borrow from US banks. He never blames himself, so he blamed the system. Along comes Putin to lend him money. Then, he runs for president, vowing to destroy the administrative state. He won, and started giving Putin everything he’s wanted. But Trump followers remain in denial.
You mean when NBC declined his demand for another season of the TV atrocity that should have been the absolute indicator of his toxicity? His announcement of intent to contaminate democracy was allegedly his “I’ll show YOU!!!!” to NBC…….in probably the same sentence as his disclosing he had no actual intention of seizing power……. yeh right……. Donald Trump and no malice aforethought?
Joe Biden is so intelligent in comparison with the orange pest!
@angelfireliteRussian MORON trolling here, Paedophile trump you meant.
@Kathleen Sposato
Yes he is an orange pest
the most famous lier mr bunker boy
Join the MASA movement! Make America Sane Again!
He is an individual that just doesn’t care about the American people…
He doesn’t care. But worse, he seems to enjoy inflicting harm.
Only one American he cares about and that’s himself!
@Pensa Simpson
Trump for prison 2020
That’s a massive understatement
Telly Vin-a you still love him ? Are you blind or deaf to his actions or are you dumb or just arrogant
The republicans did have a chance to remove him earlier, they didn’t. Remember that in November.
The whole Trumpublican lot has to go!
“The GOP has sunk even deeper into the muck of Trumpism, slowly losing it’s ability to think, move or respond to even the most obvious moral questions surrounding this persistent. The resemblance to a cult becomes more pronounced with every passing day. The combination of fear and ambition makes them even more determined to defend Trump until the bitter end. No revelation will split them. No behavior will stop them from towing Trump’s line. They will not stand up and they will not speak out. Expect no heroism or even passive aggressive asides.” – Rick Wilson, co-founder of The Lincoln Project. here:
vote blue no matter who!!
Drumpf is trying to cause maximum damage before he goes to jail
He is doing a supreme job of that
I hope so but Democrats might pull a “let’s move on” like after Wall Street wasn’t pursued and nobody went to jail, or how Epstein was let go for 20 years with the help of both parties. So I hope so but I will not expect it. Still, the Dems are 1000x better than the GOP traitors.
Republicans are allowing him right in front of their eyes to destroy themselves and haven’t the guts to stand up and say no more.
I don’t think its a matter of courage. His cult like and confederate following believe he should be in charge and has done nothing wrong. I don’t understand it either. Feels like war is coming. Its going to be a cold winter…
If the GOP had wanted him gone, they had their chance.
The GOP was too busy……. they’re STILL trying to locate their spines. They’ve looked everywhere.
People are sick and dying all around him, and he wants to take away their healthcare!? He’s not just stupid, he’s a monster!
@J.R. 48 yep, Hitler felt the German people let him down so he took them down with him. Likewise Trump feels Americans are betraying him so he’ll make them suffer as much as possible on the way out.
@@Squarey Square ; correct , he’s doing it as we text .
Economic genocide!
@J.R. 48 you are right on the bullseye! We must stop history from repeating itself!
@Squarey Square Hitler took advantage of a depression
He knows he’s going to lose so he’s going scorched earth on America. Crazy
So…Palpatine but worse?
Who benefits more by this pandemic Biden or Trump?
It’s simple. We hate him. This is his revenge. That is the way he thinks.
I hate him and I don’t even hate my ex husbands ( ok one of them)
He’s going for broke: he knows that his time is limited, so he’s trying to tear as much of Obama’s legacy down as he can.
The smallest president ever just keeps getting smaller.
To be specific, the smallest mentally, psychologically, emotionally and righteously. Physically he is the fattest most disgusting hog.
If this is done, this will be the final dagger in the idiots reelection bid.
Biden: I can’t comprehend the cruelty that’s driving him to inflict this kind of pain on the very people he’s supposed to serve. Those are the key words people….’The very people HE’S SUPPOSED TO SERVE.’ He’s NEVER SERVED US. He’s apparently never Comprehended that he works for US. NOT the OTHER WAY AROUND!!! Has he united this country? Has he been the leader we’ve desperately needed throughout these troubling times? Has he served ANYONE but himself, family, cronies, and world leaders whom HE and HE alone can gain from? DUMP TRUMP NOVEMBER 3rd!!
That’s because Obamacare doesn’t subsidise bleach as alternative medication..
Lets not forget the Republicans own this Administration, and everything that comes with it.
What Administration? They Own Trash, They Own Fake Morals, They Own Fake Principles. They Own the Biggest Trash, Biggest Clown on Earth. The Whole World is Laughing Hysterically at your Impeach President. Donald Bozo the Clown.