Trump Abruptly Ends News Conference. “Don’t Ask Me, Ask China.” | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

Trump continues to falsely claim that any American who wants a test can get a test. We discuss that and more with Philip Rucker, Jonathan Lemire, and Dr. Emily Landon. Aired on 05/11/2020.
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Trump Abruptly Ends News Conference. “Don’t Ask Me, Ask China.” | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

Trump Abruptly Ends News Conference. “Don’t Ask Me, Ask China.” | The 11th Hour | MSNBC


  1. He reminds me of that other weirdo who kept saying, “I LIKE BEER!” 🍺 😆 What a hot mess were in. SMDH. Peace.

    1. Angie, You got a vad brain fart!!!! Use are so jealous of our great President!!! He is not eating your dumb sh*t questions anymore. They don’t tell nobody all the good that’s going on just lies!!! I lmao at all you liberals!!!!!

    2. All you stupid moron liberals on here talking sh*t can kiss all our Patriotic as*es!!!!!! Bring it on maggots!!!!
      You just don’t get it that almost a year ago Bill Maher was hoping for the economy to crash. WOW!! Its happening, isn’t that a quinsendent !!! STUPID, STUPID, STUPID!!!!

    3. He sells racism to his base. He and all his base are personally offended that a Black man and a Black QUEEN were in the White House as POTUS and FLOTUS.

    4. @Carl King correct not to mention sexism. I am a man and i see how he thinks of women as aweful.

  2. Trump is the best at dodging valid questions and dismissing them as “nasty” questions…

    1. Trump will next try and use Gomer Pyle’s sergeant Carter’s popular reply….as he shouts back to his platoon….”I can’t hear yooooou!!”

  3. “Coronavirus numbers are looking MUCH better”
    He’s right!!!

    Woha!…this tanned fiend is ravaging your country

    1. Look : UK and Spain and France and USA are the countries more visited by chinese tourists in the world .in particular 4 million visited USA in 2019.
      not surprise these are the most affected countries by the contagion

    2. @sergio morcillo duran plus all the stuff that came here before we knew. Coulda been tainted.

  4. Wait, they actually had banners printed up, saying “number one in testing”?
    What, is he running for junior class president???

    1. ​@Manuel “Very true” ??? No, Dearie, it’s not “Very true”… We are #2, after Italy.

    2. He can’t have his political rally’s so he is trying to make these “press conferences” into that.

    3. We’re going to open the country, starting with the hallways, then the concession stands, then commons room! But not the library, that’s for NERDS!

  5. I’d rather him say “I’m sorry, I can’t answer that. Or I don’t know” or something like that than just to interrupt the reporters and walk away.

    1. But he answered the question, if he said “I can’t answer that” you’d say “HES A LIAR HES A CHEAT HE KNOWS”

    2. Sir we are all going through tough times right now, please don’t hold the hateful news against your people the American citizens keep trying and stay true I watched the whole time I know your team did better than everyone else. And sir please don’t allow contact tracing I’m proud of you sir.

    3. @Shell Kate he should band the news but it’s been tradition for far to long the press conference should be the people’s conference.

    4. That would make more sense; unfortunately, he would never apologize for his wrongs because that would require him to possess a humble and contrite heart. He truly believes he’s done no wrong. And he would never admit he doesn’t know the answer to something, because that would bruise his narcissistic little mind. According to him, he’s a “very stable genius”, whatever that nonsense means, and he ‘knows everything’.

    5. Shell Kate One day, when your country is under a right-wing dictatorship with such newspapers as are still available run the way North Korean newspapers are currently run, you will reflect on how good is used to be when the Press had the freedom to report what they wanted, even if they did upset some people by so doing. Loose one freedom and you eventually loose them all. Remember, Europe won’t come to your aid, even if it had the resources to do so.

  6. When it got to the US he said: *”It’s one person, we’ve got it under control. “*

    Now it’s at the White House and he’s saying: *”We had one person and I think we’ve controlled it very well. “*

    1. Narcissist…. Every time I hear him speak it reminds me of arguments I used to have with my ex husband lol

  7. When he says that if you want a test you should be able to get one that is technically true. You should, but you CAN’T.

  8. “totalitarian regime” which means a rule where the ruler has total authority over everyone. Sound familiar?

    1. @Karen Schumer did you know that we didn’t make what killed your neighbors mother, it came from China not the US

    2. If we look back 65 years, we can see the other big thing they were testing for, yes, there was a lot of testing. And though they hardly discuss it, the tests continue to spread irrevocable damage. I wrote a song about them, to provide a musical reminder.

    3. Yes, that would be china. Funny how far lefties get more and more illogical, desperate and shrill everyday. You’re literally nuts, so desperate to label anyone as misogynistic or racist so as to take out your misery on anyone that disagrees with you

    1. Now, now, don’t count your chickens before they hatch. I’m sure aliens and Bigfoot are in line to be blamed for something soon. He might also blame the chickens i just mentioned.

    2. Solo707 MT83 give him time I’m sure he’s gonna give “SPACE FORCE” another launch in the next few weeks and maybe find a few Martians 👽 to blame it on.

  9. I guess donny , you have already asked China. Don’t you owe them a lot of money? They have you by your little balls. Run rabbit , run.

  10. LMFAO Just Now Y’all See This??? 🤦🏾‍♂️
    He’s Been The Same For His Entire Life and Y’all Still Voted For Him 🤦🏾‍♂️😴🤷🏾‍♂️

    1. Trump evaded the IRS for his tax returns. Outsmarted the FBI over russian collusion, and is assuming highest position in government running the most powerful government in the free world. Which is it, because you can’t have it both ways.

    2. I didn’t vote for. The majority of Americans didn’t vote for him. He’s president because of the stupid Electoral College and he keeps his power and job because of weak Republican politicians and corrupt allies.

    3. @the mugen G7 countries work together, they all have military grade bioweapon labs.
      Trump’s just the puppet, keep your eye on the puppet boys and girls, take out all your frustrations on the puppet never mind who’s control it.

    4. @the mugen people forget actually… it wasn’t all electoral college… there were Republicans representatives who said out right… I don’t care what my constituents want I am voting for Trump… we need to revamp our government.. more parties, term Limits, no lobbying allowed by companies. Let’s truly drain this swamp and make America great again by being FOR the people BY the people!

    1. KINGSEANFAME he never really wanted the job. It’s like he placed a bet, the wheel landed on his number, and, Whoopsie Daisy! You’re president! He’s making bank for him, his fam, and his buddies, and gonna run for the hills once we vote the POS out of office. Watch. He’s already bailed from NYC

    2. That’s right, and he’ll get serious now, now is what he’ll be good at. Trump 2020. We must , change will weaken us now. And that is why china did this now, along with France. And we can get tested , you just gotta know how to ask and where to go.

    3. @Zack Z he should, cause more need to know this. He’s right. And because he can and should. Fu.

    1. Jack Dawson maybe we ought to lobby Melania to give him a little personal time. He seems….pent-up

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