Lobbyist Michael Geoghegan discusses a new poll showing a tight race between Justin Trudeau and Andrew Scheer.
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Please vote for PPC Max will work hard to get our country back on track!
Voting for Max is a vote for Justin, don’t waste your vote
@Dr. Steve Brule how will a Scheer govt be substantially different from what we have now?
@Lina Chen if your enjoying the work of Bill Blair, Bill Morneau, Freeland, Gerald Butts and Trudeau vote for Bernier and you’ll get more of that.
Definitely got to vote PPC
Then you’ll have four more years of justin. That’s a fact.
Lance Manyon you vote for ppc then yes we will have Trudeau for another 4 years
Shawn Marla No we won’t. Scheer will likely be prime minister and Max at worst the opposition. You and others that share ur opinion don’t sound very confident in Andrew Scheer when you use Trudeau or vote splitting as a only excuse to not vote for Max and his PPC.
Ticonderoga444 I agree but realistically max will not have a chance this time around as his party is to new. Maybe the next election just look at his standings in the polls. He will not even be debating
Hahaha…green is pulling up third! And no mention of Max!!! Of course!! Libs are out, Cons are out, NDP and Greens no chance at all!! So afraid to speak the truth! I feel a huge WIN for Bernier and the PPC!!! Voting Mad Max 2019

Sheer and Max may have to hobble together a majority
have you been following the election? he has about 1 percent vote and mabe might win one seat in his own riding if hes lucky
What a joke. People’s Party of Canada has more members than the Greens and more candidates than any other party.
And yet they won’t win
They will assure Liberals victory by splitting the conservative vote
I’m voting PPC. Everyone else seems really weak. Strong leaders are best. Not a word of the PPC in this video. Odd
PPC won’t be considered an official party and will not be invited to the official leaders debates under the new rules.
kyperioth well how about we grow some and get that changed, eh??
I hope the PPC steals some seats from the Liberals.
@Donna McDonald more likely they steal from the conservatives and extend the Trudeau crime families reign
Max and the PPC for 2019
a wasted vote
@Melody your brain is wasted cupcake
I voted conservative few months ago locally but i will be voting ppc coming up
if you want to waste your vote
Abcs Yhhi3jejej ugh
@Melody how will a Scheer govt be substantially different from what we have now?
@Lina Chen no more Trudeau crime family
@Lina Chen We won’t be constantly hearing about social justice issues for one.
Oiy!? In regards to supporting the CPC or any center-right party, what’s wrong with wanting less tax, less Federal interference, and upholding sovereignty?
That’s not a bad thing.
This is leftys talking to other leftys trying to bouy up their spirt. PPC!
Everyone here is massively against the PC party but at least with Harper our money was worth more than America’s, The Liberals are just going to run Canada into the ground, and with any other party we’re going to be in the same motionless economy we’re in now.
Get your popcorn
folks! She’s getting warmed up! 

Sheer and Trudeau are week leaders with similar policies cut from the same cloth. It might be time for a change. I’d suggest Max Bernier and his PPC party.
Those polls are definitely accurate!!…..and Canada is NOT considered a joke by the rest of the world…..and Trudeau is NOT considered to be the most incompetent and corrupt leader in the history of the West…..and Ramadan socks are REALLY sexy…..and eyebrows are meant to wonder all over someone’s face…and it’s always a great idea to spend billions of dollars on fake refugees while your country’s veterans can’t buy food!!
Did I mention those polls are definitely accurate?
PPC… nobody pays attention to polls… in Truth if polls are Correct PPC n Conservitives are up there..green, NDP then Liberal Trudeau…
There both weirdos but I guess at this point anything is better then Trudeau….
Another four years with Trudeau would be a disaster for Canada
This is the last elections before this is not Canada!
the PPC has the most votes on this page