Prime Minister Trudeau is defending a decision to grant a company an exemption to sanctions to return turbines for a Russia-Germany pipeline.
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Hey Zelenskyy, if you want give JT harsh criticism, get in line. There’s many Canadians in the que in front of you.
Ironic how Zelenskyy was hugging this guy only about a few months ago.
He needs to go
Trudeau: 8 percent strong-approval rating (Angus Reid Institute, June 28).
A typical Trudeau non-answer answer.
Same old story, he needs some tips from trump
That’s what I thought. Same old standard answer off the back of the business card.
That’s not Trudeau…no way
The girl to his right is rolling her eyes like everyone else in Canada tired of hearing this robot spew his garbage.
that’s just how she looks bro, relax.
@Danny Tran Lol
Enjoy JT for prime minister for the next 3+years

how did he just say nothing while utilizing so many words?
That’s his special talent.
Apparently he is using some of the writters Joe Biden let go after the (read line again) thing.
him and kamala harris took the same class. they may even be related
He talks about integrity. WOW.
He has no sense at all!
Spoken like a true morally bankrupt politician.
ironic considering his character lol
and democracy. AHAHAHAHA
He sure can talk while saying NOTHING.
He also has an earpiece.
@Ernesto ElcheJustin does not understand the differences.
He will continue to cooperate with the other leaders.
Blackface is about to be regime-changed from the curse of Sillyensky.
Lol the west bashes Russia but then begs for fuel lol gotta love our countries
Stupid is as stupid does.
Its absurd.
Soooo…what govts you gonna blame for that. The list will be long.
“bashes Russia? Don’t you mean ‘helps defend Ukraine’?
You are not allowed to criticize Trudeau, in his own words “those views are unacceptable and have no place in Canada.”
@Level1Hera Illegal?
Democracy…..I have no words.
“You are not allowed to criticize Trudeau,” he says, criticizing Trudeau.
@Level1Hera You just described what Ukrainians did in Maidan Square. Occupied domestic infrastructure & violence. It lasted for 3 months.
JT is a legend in his own mind.
His voice makes me sick.
I am offended by your suggestion that he even _has_ a mind…
@John Browne it’s time that the Emperor is informed that he has no clothes
Wahhh cry harder freedumbers lol
Trudeau should go go go. Take him with you Zelensky he is full of it.
Our PM is clueless, can’t even answer or respond to critical questions
He is known for dodging questions with long answers. Thinks his pretty boy snobbish voice can slip it by
@kat liit Not like all those other politicians who give straight answers lol. Look he said his piece, it’s not hard to translate “We’re still with Ukraine, this was an assist to Germany, not to Russia. Germany is still struggling to find solutions because they didn’t see this going this far this quick and like a bunch of places they’re still dependent on Russian energy.” Whether you buy the reasoning behind his answer or not, he answered the question.
@Jeff Spicolli In the conditions of war, Zelensky himself does not block gas transit, but continues to receive money from Russia for gas transit. Learn to use your brain and logic already …
@Sean McQuinn We want him to say “I Resign”
@Lurklen Its ridiculous. The money is still going to Ukraine indirectly from Canada through Germany. Trudeau does not support pipelines in Canada yet here he is supporting Russian pipelines.
As usual he didn’t answer the question.
Lol no matter how hard he tries to convey emotions you just couldn’t feel it
How dares he talk about rule of law? The worst prime minister, the worst lier and his lack of respect for Constitution is just as appalling
Don’t disrespect Ralph Machio
Amber Heard’s Drama Teacher… he taught her everything.
@Monica Pushkin haha I would have used that line from School of Rock, but I’ve seen him box, there’s no way he’d be teaching gym lol
He’s done it again! Juuust incredible… managed to talk for minutes at a time and say nothing at all. Another question skillfully avoided.
@Greg Fleury are you kidding? You must be
@adaptiveagile I thought it was an excellent speech and explanation. Too complicated for you?
His reponse to the war in ukraine has been FAR more tactful and strategic than the CPC would have ever done , and we should be giving him credit for that alone
The reporter asked him to respond to zelensky saying this is unaccetable. And trudeau responded. He said it was a difficult decision but we cannot punish germany and our allies because of russias energy blackmail. a tough decision but necessary to help Germany and others. How can it not be any more clearer than that?
@JackJackKcajify these freedumbers arent very bright lol
A clear lesson about the dangers of not being energy independent eh?!
Canada stands with democracy
Unless you disagree with the government.
wahhh more freedumber tears, so delicious
Don’t worry the Turbines will just get lost on Air Canada and at baggage in the clusterfuck of Pearson International Airport due to logistics so he could tell Zelensky that the turbines will take forever to get back
They will most likely have the military ship them at our cost…
@Safe Space Cafe
no matter how they are shipped, we will be covering the cost. Sad isn’t it?
Real hardship.
If I was the reporter I’d ask if he could actually answer the question for once
Have you ever listened to any politician answer a question?
@KillerB Pierre Pollievre manages to do it all the time
Risk losing the money from him naaa…
@Gman76 Um, yeah, sure.
He answered it for a change…educate yourselves. It’s quite simple. Russia has oil and they know Europe needs it.
He doesn’t put thoughts in answering the question. He’s just trying to say what may sound the most politically correct.
He sounds look and act like a religious fanatic.
I’m so glad he wants to support everyone worldwide except Russians and Canadians.