Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says that Roe v. Wade being overturned in the United States is an 'attack' on women's rights globally.
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Well there’s a joke Trudeau talking about Freedoms and Rights

There is a joke you talking about freedoms and rights.
Justin , you stand condemned already..
We are living in difficult time having you as our PM.
So is political interference and being found guilty of ethical violations.
Trudeau (once again) using a non-Canadian issue to try to switch topics and deflect…. waited for this.
Hypocrisy running wild!!!! He’s deplorable!
@Frank Figeroni Short bus special? Yes?
@Mark 30% of the vote is re elected? lol Just fell of the turnip truck eh?
@bill shiff 30% in a multi party system is incredibly substantial for a deplorable.
Also, liberals split votes with ndp every election. But a bit of nuance is always lost on the right
Defend women’s right to choose, unless it’s medical then he decides what’s right for you.
Or if they dare stand up to him.
I don’t know what you’re talking about. I haven’t seen Ford try to do any of what you claim.
You have a choice not to have sex or to use birth control
@Professor Akiba if I want to fly through a windshield I do think that’s my right
Whenever I listen to him ‘speak moistly’ about anything other than Canadians’ needs, I feel vomiting.
His face literally makes me want to throw up everything I ever ate

Lol, me too.
How does he keep a straight face?
He is an expert at foot in mouth disease. Omg!
Crazy Prime Minister. Can we please vote him out already.
Pierre P for PM !
So much wrong here. He says Canada is Standing up for all rights. Except last week he said defending yourself and the life of your family is not a right in Canada, so goodbye gun rights.
Right, let’s ask him about Jody Wilson Raybould again
When he sees a wedge issue, he’s all in. (And it doesn’t matter that it’s in the USA.)
Well put.
OMG he said he is being “really really clear”. Wow he really means it.
Freeland got the copyright on “let me be perfectly clear” so he switched it up
This guy talking about RIGHTS?
What a JOKE.
Oh wow, he sees an issue outside of Canada and stands up for women’s rights and freedoms, all holier than thou! Typical autocrat!
Meanwhile Trudeau suppressing my right of what goes into MY body! What a hypocrisy! He thinks he is such a valued member of “peopleskind
” while the whole world laughs at him!
He’s literally relaxing the mandate, u high brb?
But wait,…what’s a woman?

How can one lose rights if there isn’t even a definition?