Prime Minister Justin Trudeau comments on whether 'Jihadi Jack' will be allowed to return to Canada.
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Dont waste ur time listening to this unethical, unmoral waste case
Everything this guy does has a defense script. Kinda sad really.
Acting always, part time drama teacher and thinks he is on the stage.
@Fifer McGee if we didn’t have him as prime minister we wouldn’t have our rights as canadians go bye bye
Shock horror. Urgent news flash! Justin Trudeau actually answers the question he was asked. We can but dream I suppose .
When and where
@Oopss7 Darned if I know. Lol.
Well, he has to step up his game for the election. But, I don’t buy for a second he or his government supports any form of freedom of expression.
Resign, this guy should take his dreams and, get lost . You weasle .
We don’t want him
Brenda I sincerely hope you are right. Canada CAN NOT afford a second round of Trudeau.
Mathew Perry used to beat up Trudeau, what a lucky guy.
Is there video? That would be really satisfying.
More Chandler less Trudeau
@Ice Slushi He’s got a bit of a cocaine problem, but hey, who doesn’t.
Can we all line up in a queue and take turns like in the film Airplane? Bagsy I’m first! Lol.
He will prob just pay out another 10 million to a convicted murderer
Just like Omar Khadr
Only $10 million? Probably way more than that. It’s Trudeau we’re talking about here.
Random Guy I was talking about the 10 he has already payed out to another. But your right maybe he will up it this time
I really hope we don’t have to see this degenerate after October.
I agree
He’ll still be in the public eye. The news that was going to get his bail-outs will forever spoil for him to be prime minister.
Global joke PM
no wonder why trump looked at him like he was trash.
$10 million waiting for Jack attack when he gets too his new home in Canada as his home was always Britain.
What are you saying
Yeah, no kidding.
Just one more example oh how big this incompetent and embarrassment to Canada prime minister is.
The slime this snake spews, EVERYONE needs to expect the opposite.
What a moron, can’t not answer a question, so change the subject to climate change, talk about beating a dead horse.
It is a crime in Canada…says the lawbreaking criminal. He’s insane, the guy is totally completely off his rocker. He must step down because of severe mental health issues and go spend some time with his arrogant, ill mother and allow Canadians to get this country back on it’s feet again.
What has Trudeau done to clean up the algae in Saskatchewan lakes. Or is our carbon tax going to other countries.
Dude is desperate for reelection as usual. Please vote him out.
Do not vote just to remove him, vote your convictions and for real change.
All that comes out of his mouth is a bunch of crap. Nothing he says is believable!!
Terrorists are like Pokemon to trudeau he has to collect them all!
Tyler Fitzgibbon LMFAO!
Hahaha, unfortunately very true
Hate his voice and face. Can no longer look at him. Out in October Canada…please.