Prime Minister Justin Trudeau reaffirmed his support for abortion rights in Canada, saying it's a woman’s right to choose.
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define a woman
@Geoff Jeffersob why? just so the bigots can have a “gotcha” moment?
Ahhh errrr ummmm ahhhh hmmm errr what was the question?
“You can’t tell her what to do.”
I can’t
I’m not a biologist
Unless it’s on vaccines right.
@Rob Ashby Maybe not, but it still a question of personal choice.
@Rob Ashby Yes it is.
@AJ Batac This guy and Rob Ashby are the same person

@Rob Ashby Keep collecting that wellie check Rob.
I thought we established the government has an absolute right over your body. That’s why I lost my job, and am a prisoner in my own country after all. Your body, governments choice, freeze the bank accounts and arrest all who disagree.
@Trouty McTroutTrout That’s very cute. You know a house burning down isn’t “violence”, right? Learn English better.
Well said.
Just like vaccines are our choice alone. Boo to the double standards!!
@Rob Ashby Rob lures children to his gingerbread house.
@Jessica Lee So is getting pregnant.
@Jessica Lee Spreading ones legs is also a choice.
The hypocrisy is reaching epic levels indeed
What’s a woman?
I thought it was a matter of biology and not make believe.
Something you have probably never touched.
You just watched one.
Adult, human, female.
I support Trudeau 0%.
can’t you go any lower though? just wait for what he’ll get up to in 2023
The only thing trudeau should be doing is resigning.
Agreed, he was a terrible. Don’t know how he got back into office frankly
If you can’t see what a hypocrite he is then you don’t deserve to vote.
Live, but close enough.
You still vote
If you’re from Toronto or Montreal you don’t deserve to vote.
Unless it comes to vaccinations!
@AJ Batac bodily autonomy is bodily autonomy.
@AJ BatacIts a fact though…
@MMARZ That’s a slippery slope.
Hers alone? Then make alimony optional as well.
i think you mean child support.
@Fizzyx13 Nobody pays directly for most hospitalizations in this province. That’s what we refer to as “free healthcare” here. Wake up Karen.
@Boogey Woogey I guess the money just came from thin air!
@ThisWholeWorld100 No. The money comes from a tiny percentage of your personal income tax. Everyone with a functioning brain knows that.
But men and women experience things differently
One day we all give an account.
Can’t even listen to anything /hot garbage that he says! kick rocks!
And you can tell that by not listening? Wow, that’s quite the superpower, Bubba!
@Mike McDevitt I’m with the op. The sound of Trashdeau’s voice is nauseating.
@ghostsintheforum That might very well be true, but it doesn’t make what his nauseating voice says not worthwhile. In any event, for whatever reason you’re not listening, you’re not listening, so your opinion on what is being said is worthless
Every one has a right to what they take out of their bodies. Does everyone have a right to what they put in their body?
@Rob Ashby Rob didn’t think that one out very far lol.
Is it only the woman’s child? No choice for the fathers
@Fizzyx13 Bingo. This Rob guy doesn’t seem to understand what “consent” means.
Amazing how all of these politicians suddenly know what “woman” means.
Hahahahaha! Guess they studied up on biology
@Aidan Callender you can’t interpret the law if you can’t define words. Wow the level of intelligence.
And what medical bodily autonomy means
@Central how does the “definition” of a woman have any impact on my life?
Can he define “woman”?
Someone should have told his mom she had the choice
Ahhh… where would this country be if his mother decided to exercise her choice
the world would be a better place
It would have been so stunning and brave
It’s it weird that women can have a right to a medical procedure paid by tax paying dollars but we can’t get free dental
So we back to the right to choose? Insane hypocrisy is insane.