Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says that he's concerned by reports that Canadian parts were used in Russian drones supplied by Iran.
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Lol we don’t make anything here. It’s most likely a AA battery
He forgot to mention the low income top up for renters and the $500 a year for dental……lol
And the 15 billion minimum that the provinces are going to see for health care. That’s just from this last year. Could have done it through the covid times as well.
He was well prepared for that question. Didn’t have many ums and ahs.
So you make parts, for weapons of war; but you want to choose who gets to have them, thus deciding who can buy what, in a free market society? What a joker!
The Americans have been doing that for decades. What’s your point?
@Adam Ant i don’t live in america, i guess i didn’t want to point fingers; but you are right, they are just as corrupt down south.
@Adam Ant whats your point?
During WW11 Ford supplied Germany the engines for their trucks. War is a racket.
Ford is awesome
I’d sell my companies products to whoever pays the most. Isn’t that how our government works?
No actually that’s not how it works at all.
Lol they’ll probably trace it back to gov contracts
I’d put a bet on that
Trudeau should be extremely concerned about the cost of living crisis in the country he’s running.
No its ruining…not running…you spelled it wrong.
We’re going down. Maybe some looting and riots will open his coward eyes
Third party buyer and seller, happens all the time.
Thank you Justin for being concerned about something no one cares about in Canada..
How about concerning the 15 hour waits at emergency..
Or the empty food banks…
Or the hyper inflation…
Or the rising interest rates..
Or the price of renting…
Or the epidemic of drug related deaths…
Oh sorry. These issues are real….
not just concerned, extremely concerned.
@primary contact lol
drone parts anyone can buy online.
no one in Canada cares about this
Don’t forget the places with no clean water.
Trudeau will fix all of this by bringing in 500k more immigrants every year
Government overreach is more concerning.
The only thing he is concerned about is the kickback he missed for his tax havens.
JT said “eh” 14 times in that short statement. Lol
Really shows how dubiously ignorant and truly out of touch with not only the country that he so grossly misrepresents , but to world affairs. Like Iran cares what Trudeau thinks.
The only thing that concerns him is that he doesn’t have shares in the parts that are being sold to Russia
Canadians are extremely concerned about Trudeau.
Yes, so concerned that they re-elected his government in 2021.
I’m completely shocked he didn’t brag how the liberals have made dental care available for Canadian children and $10 day daycare…..
Have you noticed these guys are always “working hard to” and never actually “getting anything done.”
The automatic follow up question would be ‘what is being done and be specific sir”.
Never happens.
Just an observation.
He said “uah” 25 times.
I’m even more surprised canada makes parts…..I thought we imported everything from third world countries lol
I live in Canada. Where is this so called technology. Let’s use it to make our lives better. I am still baffled by how someone can use so many words and still say nothing. Wow.