Justin Trudeau says his party followed COVID-19 health guidelines during a large indoor rally in Brampton, Ont.
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Trudeau has to go!
You’re a politically conscious poet! (Nice rhyme!)
Rules for thee but not for me…
^^I think you’re the one that needs to cope.
@Aephοra keep that mask tight! we will all laugh at you when this whole thing is over and outed for what it really is!
Trudeau is dazzled by his own special -ness
DO as I say, Not as I DO
@t c absolutely he is the biggest hypocrite theres is then he just shrugs and says sorry I didn’t know
@Dan Sheppard so move
Vote for anyone but Liberal. Seriously consider the future. How much will a loaf of bread cost in 3 years? 3.99 currently.
@Joseph I am sure the liberals will thank you for voting ppc when they win
@Joseph im sure trudeau will thank you for voting ppc when they win
@Joseph I refuse to contribute to your evil way of life. I’m gone horizontal and collecting welfare. Laying in bed all day and smoking weed is expensive. Wage donkeys should work harder, I need a raise.
Npd are the same hypocrites
@Tony P 1.42 here today
Now liberals don’t have a problem with a public gathering because they are liberals, “rules for thee not for me”
@wifferste ss try sept 2019
@Aephοra what a hypocrite
@N.R takes one to know one
@wifferste ss TV told them September
@Aephοra You’re not getting any free money.
Dictator rules only apply to the slave class
The Webster dictionary definition of Hypocrisy. The rules only apply to the citizens, not the bureaucrats.
Trudeau doesn’t care about others. Disgusting po s.
@gurka321 What about his political policy for the past 6 years? Are we just gonna ignore that?
Disgusting isnt it because it’s 100% true. I’m not playing by the rules anymore. Just remember, cheat the bureaucrats like they cheat you.
@Aephοra he had policy?
Citizens? We used to be but now we are slaves
Two sets of rules! One for me and one for thee. This nation is on life support, if Trudeau is re-elected he will pull the plug! A vote for Trudeau is a vote for NO morals!
If the conservatives did that liberals would’ve been outraged
Where’s our outrage? We’re not outraged by stupidity. There were literal anti-mask parties thrown all through 2020, and anti-vax parties thrown in 2021.
Don’t think it was liberals hosting an attending those
Vote Bernier! The rest are all corrupt
Of corse he defends it …it’s only wrong when somone else does it
I mean the right has been throwing anti-mask and anti-vax parties for almost 2 years now. I think it’s only fair
@James Grant absolutely not, but I’m still gonna vote for him as long as I can
If 87 year old Jean is maskless in those close quarters I guess the powers that be know something that we do not.
@M e r a k i i i well said
Que voulez-vous!
Social distance? The best example of hypocrisy. Do as I say not what I do.
He’s a classical example of rules for thy but not for me
Our kids are told where to go and when but these guys cram up 400 indoors for high fives?
right has done it since 202, it’s only fair
@Aephοra or this so called Pandemic isn’t exactly what they claim, isn’t it? Actions speak louder than words, lets reopen full steam ahead!
This is Trudeau’s HYPOCRISY at its core !!!! RULES FOR THEE, NOT FOR ME !!!!!!!!!! VOTE HIM OUT !!!!!!!!! VOTE FOR ANYONE BUT TRUDEAU !!!!!
@Bob MC but an O’Toole admin isn’t your daddy’s Conservative party any more… He said it himself today. They’re the blue liberals, now. I say, vote for the *real* Conservative party.
@Bob MC Two birds of the same feather , PPC voters are the real conservatives.
Vote him out? How would anyone else be different? You’re fooling yourself, you partisan.
@Bob MC Ah yes, because a conservative would be better….. not like conservatives have been throwing anti-mask and anti-vax parties all 2020 and 2021 or anything
are you being serious right now?
The New Democrats have a better chancve of winning thasn the conservatives. It’s a lost cause, Canada was worse under Harper.
Trudeau called an election during probably the worst pandemic in a 100 years. He doesn’t care about anyone but himself.
Are you kidding…pandemic to bring in bbb
OR He knows it’s all a ruse! Actions speak louder than words…. Wake the F up!
@moira oneill 6uild 6ack 6etter! please spell it correctly!
poor little kids have to keep two meters apart from each other inside classrooms and yet these folks are packed like sardines in one room. i mean, the evidence just keeps on giving regarding this charade of a fiasco wannabe covid pandemic.
Yeah, with actions like this he shows how “dangerous” the virus is. But then turning around and demand mandate vaccines. Disgusting!
He already demonstrated that last year when
1) he told everyone to stay home during Easter BUT he went to the PM retreat in Harrington Lake, QC to see his family
2) took a knee for George Floyd with no social distancing.
Certainly, you’re not serious? Hospital ICU’s are filling up and most new customers are unvaccinated. How would you account for this, Doctor?
@Hugo Stiglitz so if that is so, why is Trudeau not careful and sticks to the rules he applies on everybody else???
When he does it, it’s fine. When someone else does it, it’s wrong. He’s an entitled brat to the core.