Prime Minister Trudeau wouldn't comment on any possible outcomes in the U.S. election, but says he will be ready to work with whoever wins.
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Trump 2020!!
I hope trump wins and shows him how to be a leader…..AGAIN
Trudeaus been elected more times
He did comment during the last American election. He said negative things about Trump.
Boo boo.
Work with or receive order from?
Receive orders from the guy who said Canada was a threat to national security?
audit WE….
Null question to null answer.
He doesn’t really have a choice
Why can’t he give a straight answer ? I don’t think he can.
He has none; he has been hiding for the past 9 months with few occurrences in public while the global & domestic eco-disasters have loomed.
Ugh it’s called not interfering with the election dummy
I hope Trump investigates Trudeau for corruption under the new trade deal (USMCA Chapter 27).
Trudeau will Just prorogue himself or take a vacation in Rideau cottage
That’s not how it works, sport.
Anybody seen Richie ?
He will work on children with creepy Joe
Not hard to be TOLD what to do when there’s no BACKBONE! yes uncle Sam
After all the nasty anti-Trump propaganda the Canadian government and MSM have been spreading for months and months, I don’t see why he would give Trudeau the time of day.
This coming from a guy …. who doesn’t work.
Trudeau can’t even work with his own cabinet … he keeps firing them for being competent or they quit when they are incompetent.
Canada UM will UM be UM ready UM to UM work UM with UM Donald UM
He is a global leader for China. !
Investigation on trudo
As long as this guy is sill Prime Minister, I won’t apply citizenship in Canada.
I’d say the lesser of two evils would be better but it’s a tie with those two