During question period on Tuesday, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau called for the Conservatives to condemn Ontario's use of the notwithstanding clause as Tory leader Pierre Poilievre pushed for an audit into the federal government's ArriveCAN app.
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The hypocrisy is dazzling.
Why didn’t Trudeau condemn Quebecs use of the notwithstanding clause when Quebec used it for their language law
@Youssef Camara Le Québec une société libérale? Quelle blague? Projet de loi 101 limitant les droits linguistiques, Projet de loi 96 renforçant davantage ces “droits”, Projet de loi 21 limitant les droits religieux, Les adultes ne peuvent plus choisir la langue d’enseignement et d’éducation, ne peuvent plus avoir de documents juridiques en anglais uniquement en français, société libérale mon cul. Dites-le comme c’est le cas dans la société québécoise du français pur seulement. Aucun droit pour quiconque n’est pas francophone.
Yeah…. Quebec gets away with a lot, I regret voting for ford, hard to tell what someone is like until they start acting like a dictator. Section 33 of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, gives provincial legislatures the ability, through legislation, to override certain portions of the charter for five year. I’m all for flexibility in our constitution, but if you give someone a way to wiggle out of something you can be sure they will do it.
Poilievre doesnt care about low income Canadians or worker rights and he sure isn’t hurting..How much does he make per year in his politician career job ?
@Samuel Smith with tha flexibility, 1867 Canada
would have been impossible. Frustrating, yes. But the alternative can be our neighbor south of our border. Endless gridlock between the different branches of the government.
@Youssef Camara It doesn’t matter anyway. The French were conquered in 1763 and willingly forfeited their sovereignty to the crown. Therefore, any talk of seceding is actually sedition.
He says the same thing every time, just in a different order with some added snarky parliamentary flare. Trudeau doesn’t even need to be there at this point, he talks a lot for someone who never says anything and he’s too into himself to care to listen anyway.
And his room temperature IQ supporters still lap it up
@Robert B and there’s nothing we can do about it because Singh is a coward and a lackey. Lol
No discussion of priorities and policies, plenty of finger pointing. These guys should all have this on the top of their resumes – “x years of experience throwing my colleagues under the bus.” Undermining each other is exactly what they spend most of their time doing anyway, right?
I hate the notwithstanding clause, but why does Trudeau condemn its usage in Ontario but not on Quebec?
Double standards? Or can someone put a link where he condemned the use of the notwithstanding clause for Quebec?
@Passive Income & Finance Education I live in Ontario and make little more than 35,000 year…say something else really stupid. Bell end
@Derrick Strickert Well you dont like your job go get a different one.
_why does Trudeau condemn its usage in Ontario but not on Quebec?_
Why? Because he is a duplicitous snake just like his other half and partner in crime, Jagmeet Singh.
Poilievre doesnt care about low income Canadians or worker rights and he sure isn’t hurting..How much does he make per year in his politician career job ?
@Passive Income & Finance Education how so? They are the most prosperous province aren’t they! For starters We need the transcanada and provincial borders to have free access. Quebec has threatened and milked the rest of Canada for a century: we take Montreal and the rest of the province Quebec City can make itself an isolated independent city
This guy talking about protecting people’s rights? What a joke!
Only the unionized ….. everyone else have no rights!
The clapping at the end of each intervention is reminiscent of a “yo mama” joke battle.
We have the worst politicians in charge in this amazingly beautiful country.
@majie 101 True, my apologies to clowns everywhere…
But can smoke weed
Our government “is” a joke battle, no mama’s needed lol
It’s just about as meaningful too.
there’s not a politician in that room that’s hurting financially and this is just a mess
They all got hefty raises throughout the pandemic and this year… way more than the average Canadian! They vote on it for themselves…
I can assure you that many of them are hurting terribly. They likely all run their household budgets the same as the run the country’s budget. We have all seen the ding-dongs that make $200k a year and are still on the verge of bankruptcy, spending and spending like the money supply will never end.
Just remember this simple axiom which applies to every level of government:
99% of politicians are absolutely corrupt. The other 1% are probably corrupt.
Poilievre doesnt care about low income Canadians or worker rights and he sure isn’t hurting..How much does he make per year in his politician career job ?
Poilievre doesnt care about low income Canadians or worker rights and he sure isn’t hurting..How much does he make per year in his politician career job ?
We are astonished every day when the PM And others refuse to answer questions and refuse to take responsibility for their reckless spending and the poverty they are creating while getting wealthier themselves.
call in the auditors
So basically they just ask eachother questions n then neither of them answer
And get paid for not answering
you got it. it’s called question period, not answer period
Did Pm trudeau just say defend human rights and freedoms … Really , no way!
Mr. Emergencies act for a peaceful protest asking anyone to condemn the notwithstanding clause is some laughable theatre.
uneducated boob alarm
Yes, call in the auditors!
“Right Honourable” and “Prime Minister” don’t belong in the same sentence.
They need to put a cap on personal spending so the politicians know right away that they went over their budget and have to pay out of their pocket
Remember what he told Veterans, That we where asking for more than they the government can give. He gave money to countries that didn’t ask
Trudeau talking about Canadians rights after all the crap he’s pulled?
Funny that, Trudeau thinks that the Tories should negotiate instead of enact legislation almost the opposite of the trucker issue where he called on the emergency act.
Poilievre ought to have added, “The notwithstanding clause is part of your father’s charter that you have promised to stand up and fight for, yet here you are destroying worker’s rights and freedoms.”