Trudeau announces funding boost to Canada Child Benefit

Trudeau says he would make maternity leave tax exempt, and he would boost child benefits. CTV's Glen McGregor reports.

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Trudeau announces funding boost to Canada Child Benefit


  1. He’s stumping alright, promising more money he doesn’t have.

    enslaving your children to a debt filled future.

  2. How about you just reduce taxes in whole so everybody can better deal with their issues rather than promising to take from peter to pay paul .
    Justin’s a crook.

  3. There is a face that evokes such nasty reaction in my brain …I just cannot stand the sight of him …can I just punch in the nose?

    1. Trudeau will continue borrowing money to pay for his promises…like Greece or Venezuela… Canadians will become debt slaves. Businesses will continue to flee our country due to Trudeau’s insane polices.

  4. Dickhead at his finest….. He loves giving our money away but only to Canadians before an election…… I’m sick of politicians…….

  5. trudeau has put canada in billions of dollars in debt in just four years including buying a pipeline for 4.5 billion. in 2015 he
    made promises like ” i will balance the budget in 2019” and like many other promises he made to get elected but didn’t
    keep. now hes all over the country making promises of more money everywhere to everything. lets not be fooled by him this time. lets not let him buy another election unless he spends his own money.

  6. He is a narcissist and, I am sure he suffers from the same disease his, mother does! He should NOT be a leader of anything, In my opinion!

    1. pierre trudaeu gave the Bank of Canada to Rothchild. justin gets credit from his banker friends to cover the deficit and then pays back with real money and interest. banks are legally allowed to loan out 10 times what they have in deposits. 1 million in deposits cna give 10 million in credit, 10 million at 5 percent a year is 500 grand.

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