PM Justin Trudeau and Alberta Premier Jason Kenney announce a deal to make child-care services in the province more affordable.
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Go away Trudeau
You had your chance 3 times. lol. Are you even Canadian with that brand new troll acct?
@roof pizza what are Canadians?
Kenny lining up at the federal trough, oh Alberta.
Roof the paid S h i L L
@Mian N That’s the Best you got -6%er- 5%er? LOL.
Children are not limited to AB.
Trudeau should be looking at affordable child care for every Province based on each and every Province.
It should be implemented, Now , for every childcare across Canada.
Where ya been?
There are other plans to bribe premieres in other provinces.
Christina lock yourself up!
Lock him up along with his side kick .
That’s what Commies and dictators do. Are you a commie or support authoritarians? We fought wars over that, remember? Ya wanna burn books as well is my bet.
BTW, if you do a google search of your image the results are less than flattering. HAHAHAHAHAHA.
Harper sold our water rights off to corps.
Did Trudeau think Child Care was thought of as just a social program? Not one parent thinks that!
Time will tell whether this bears fruit across Canada.
Completely agree! When I see it, I’ll believe it!
why is it up to tax payers to subsidize your childcare…if your so wonderful than pay your own childcare, Or shut up and say thank you..but be real, this is a privilege not a right, I dont have children but my taxes are still going to subsidize your just say thanks
It is when it’s used to indoctrinate children.
I’ll reserve judgement until i actually see it happen.
Parents give up their rights to educate their own children, in exchange for an unreasonable low price. With their income controlled by the government, no sane childcare giver would listen to parents.
i bet ya money gonna come outa tax payers pockets just like there takin more off peoples checks startin next year.. -.- how os this gonna help.. lol
Yep. It will be tied to a carbon credit scheme too.
With Inflation in full force,that money will buy 5 dollars worth of todays supplies by then.
More free money more inflation you better hqve that 200k annual job to survive in this country
u must be fairly well off. if u were more poor u wouldn’t say that
Worst PM ever.
Didn’t see Harper or Mulroney help with childcare. You had 3 chances to elect someone other than Trudeau and failed every time. LOL.
Congratulations Premier Kenney on retrieving over 3 billion back to Alberta to support childcare. I expect those within your own party or those wanting to destroy the UCP including other conservative parties and the NDP will never acknowledge this success.
Early chiIdhood lndoctrination? Not exactly a win.
Trudeau is giving this to every province, Kenny just whined about it longer than most.
Where is his concern about the parents who dependeded on their jobs in the energy sector?He’s offering crumbs from his government table,and that’s not enough to feed anyone!
Lock them up!