Truckers shut down US-bound bridge to protest vaccine mandate | USA TODAY

US-bound bridge partly reopens after shutdown by trucker vaccine protest

The Ambassador Bridge between Detroit and Canada began to reopen after shutdown by truckers protesting vaccine mandates.

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    1. @Bob Bobbington What, exactly, is the strawman here? You guys are for protests that block traffic as long as white right-wingers are doing it. Remember when Florida made it a crime to block traffic and made it legal to run over protestors blocking traffic for BLM and you guys cheered? Pepperidge Farm remembers…

    2. @Fortitudine Vincimus The big difference, the truckers are peaceful and not siding with antifa. And, the truckers aren’t communists.

    3. @Krogul The Destroyer Oh yeah… so peaceful blaring their horns (some with train horns) all day and all night, roughing up and intimidating anyone who complains about it while blocking everyone wanting to travel.

  1. Israel National News, 2/3/22: According to Prof. Yaakov Jerris, director of Israel’s Ichilov Hospital’s coronavirus ward: *“Right now, most of our severe cases are vaccinated,”* Jerris told Channel 13 News. “They had at least three injections. Between seventy and eighty percent of the serious cases are vaccinated. So, the vaccine has no significance regarding severe illness, which is why just twenty to twenty-five percent of our patients are unvaccinated.”

    Jerris also revealed some of the confusion in reporting cases. Speaking at a cabinet meeting on Sunday, he told ministers, “Defining a serious patient is problematic. For example, a patient with a chronic lung disease always had a low level of oxygen, but now he has a positive coronavirus test result which technically makes him a ‘serious coronavirus patient,’ but that’s not accurate. The patient is only in a difficult condition because he has a serious underlying illness.”

  2. As a 8 yr marine vet 2000-2008 it feels good to see America fight against Tyranny….LETS GO TRUCKERS…..LOVE ALL THE way from Venice Ca 90291…KEEEP THE FIGHT..DONT STOP TILL THE GOVT GIVES U WHAT U GUYS WANT…

  3. You know the American Government requires those truckers to be fully vaccinated, right? It ain’t the Canadian Government preventing them from leaving

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