Truckers protest vaccine mandates, block US-Canada bridge | USA TODAY

Truckers protesting Canada's vaccine mandate have blocked the Ambassador Bridge, an important trade route between the U.S. and Canada.

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The movement of truckers protesting vaccine mandates in Canada has expanded south across the border and federal authorities warn a coast-to-coast convoy could disrupt the Super Bowl this weekend, President Joe Biden’s State of the Union address next month – and potentially anything in between.

“The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has received reports of truck drivers planning to potentially block roads in major metropolitan cities in the United States in protest of, among other things, vaccine mandates for truck drivers,” the department warned in a Feb. 8 bulletin sent to state and local law enforcement partners and obtained by USA TODAY.

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#AmbassadorBridge #TruckerProtest #VaccineMandate

Truckers protest vaccine mandates, block US-Canada bridge | USA TODAY


  1. My favorite part was the politician pretending he cared about working class families. Peaceful civil disobedience for the win.

  2. America truckers you have to step up to the plate and help these Canadian truckers, you have the power to end this all now…for us all. 🇳🇿

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