Texas Gov. Greg Abbott's new inspections have more than doubled wait times for truckers entering the U.S., threatening to impact the supply chain.
RELATED: Truckers to protest in DC ahead of the State of the Union
Hundreds of trucks lined up Tuesday at the Zaragoza International Bridge connecting El Paso and Ciudad Juárez, Mexico. Some truckers slept in their cabs. Others stood outside for fresh air. One skipped rope to pass the time.
What began as border crossing delays last weekend turned into protests this week at crossings that handle $440 billion in goods annually. Truckers usually wait two or three hours to cross the Rio Grande here. After Texas Gov. Greg Abbott announced new state trooper inspections at ports of entry, truckers this week suddenly found themselves in 10-plus hour lines.
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#Truckers #Border #Mexico
You guys are lying the Mexicans are doing our job
They’re just making sure they’re not smuggling any weapons or drugs or anything related that’s dangerous over the boarder. I would be on high alert about this stuff too especially since there’s a war going on
You left off people. They smuggle people over in those trailers daily.
So they are protesting waiting by, waiting even longer on purpose?
No no no. Wow no. Did you even attempt to watch the video or even read the description?
Abbot increased inspections so now it’s taking longer at the border.
Maybe not the inspection but the time delays.
This is what they mean when they say “Don’t cut off your nose to spite your face.”
Not really, you need to re learn the expression cause you’re using it wrong. You just cringed all over everyone and embarrassed yourself
@Hoorldsk “Cutting off one’s nose to spite one’s face” is an expression used to describe a needlessly self-destructive over-reaction to a problem: “Don’t cut off your nose to spite your face” is a warning against acting out of pique, or against pursuing revenge in a way that would damage oneself more than the object of one’s anger.
I didn’t think that would need further explanation…
There should also be a law that companies need to pay the drivers while sitting to cross the boarder. We get paid by the mile.
Correct me if I’m wrong but my neighbor (a trucker of 15 yrs) told me that when truckers are waiting for x amount of hours (depending on the company) they start to get paid 15 dollars an hour.
@iamthe partyone I’m talking about company drivers.
@joaquin lepiz most companies only pay while sitting to get loaded/unloaded. Called detention pay
Imagine having to wait 6 to 12 hours just to get your truck checked. You would only be able to start your shift at the boarder and burn your whole clock.
@Yourealdaddy420 ! It’s everyone’s fault but their own.
Seems like maybe we should stop paying truckers by the mile
I can live without Avocados for a while.
Let more drugs in she means ,,
self inflicted gridlock.. I’m holding on to that one
Just wait till they all shut down.
@J K It will flood red.
Think Texas is tired of processing some of the 3,400,000, 3.4 million immigrants that will enter America this year, across the Mexican border. The bus company ought to do good this year, as long as they don’t have to pay for diesel.
You do know that half of this number is LEGAL immigration, right? If you don’t like something that’s legal, you should get the law changed, not carp about it. I don’t like payday loan sharks, but I don’t come to where you watch videos and nag about it.
Peace be upon you.
@cmleoj I said nothing about illegal. The word is not in my text. Peace to you also.
Of course they would. It’s eating into their profits.
I think this pandemic has taught people the importance of multiple streams of income, unfortunately having a job doesn’t mean security rather having different investments is the real deal
You’re right, but i will advice everybody who is into cryptos to Stick with ETH and BTC as much as you can. everyone sells when it starts to fall, which some points it will, the dream may be lost because it being too volatile for companies to get behind.
Investments are the stepping Stones to success, I wanted to trade BTC but got confused by the fluctuations in price
I think this pandemic has taught people the importance of multiple streams of income, unfortunately having a job doesn’t mean security rather having different investments is the real deal
The economic hardship, recession, unemployment and loss of jobs caused by covid 19 pandemic is enough to push people into financial ventures..
You’re right, but i will advice everybody who is into cryptos to Stick with ETH and BTC as much as you can. everyone sells when it starts to fall, which some points it will, the dream may be lost because it being too volatile for companies to get behind.
Investments are the stepping Stones to success, I wanted to trade BTC but got confused by the fluctuations in price
If you have one sufficient, secure source of moolah, why chase your tail?
Abbot has already lifted the rule. It was a bad idea.
Why would they stop??? If they did stop then all kinds of drugs And Human Trafficking would slip through. And potential Terrorists!
Mexico sends us good manufactured goods at a good price. THANK YOU MEXICO!!!
Kudos to the hard working Mexican laborers in the border factories. You deserve a raise!
Just what we need to exacerbate supply and inflation issues. Surely Abbott is putting party ahead of country, as usual