For the first time in Canadian history, the federal government is enacting the Emergencies Act to bring the ongoing trucker convoy protests and blockades to an end.
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“This is about keeping Canadians safe…..”
Canadians are in danger?
He is the only Danger 2 Canadians
I don’t feel safe in downtown Ottawa…
@Demonic_Foxy13 go to your safe space and cry.
@Demonic_Foxy13 yeah those bouncy castles are menacing
@Dustin Mills no I’d like to go around my home city where I live, this is not a protest this is an occupation, These are not protesters these are terrorists and they have shown that over and over again… They are criminals and they should be treated as such
This is a terrible precedent to set.
Trudeau just made himself a dictator. Canada is under siege by it’s own government.
@Valiazaner and like half of the population. Trudeau did a bang up job brainwashing the dumbasses. Theyre still dancing to his tune.
@Matt Cardinal they will have to answer as well.
All current situation is because of him. He is like a dictators who use their power to against their peoples and protect dictator themselves. I feel w very sad.
Restoring confidence by force. That will go down well….
The War Measures Act worked well on those Quebec subhumans, let’s see how we like it.
Am I right? Or am I right?
They tried the soft approach and it didn’t work.
Protesters were politely asked to leave 2 weeks ago, and they responded by disrespecting the citizens of Ottawa.
So now it’s time to bring in the big(ger) guns.
The protest has totally lost credibility.
“If you don’t love me, I’ll MAKE you love me! You like my new socks”?
@K DANIEL Whatever trudea
@K DANIEL 46% agree with them. The gov’t has lost all credibility.
Wow Justin, just wow. I never ever disliked the government so much ever in my entire life!
No one cares.
go vote him out next election then.
we live in a democracy
@Zebra 3 troll
@Zebra 3 Said the little govern me harder liberal troll! LMAO!
I have – welcome to the club! Take a look at Michael Malice’s stuff if you want to learn about the anarchist mindset! This was an inevitability !!
“Temporary Measures”. Fell for that one before
How many times has it been now?
@Victor Bostitch 6
Disgusting abuse of power. Wow. Is he insane?
It’s okay guys, the Emergency Measures Act is “temporary.” Just two weeks to flatten the curve!
Tanks are perfect for flattening anything!
The government is here to help you lol.
This does quite the opposite of “restoring confidence in our institutions”
One needs to ask themselves… did you really have confidence in him before?
In 1962, John F. Kennedy famously said, “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.”
And Trudeau wants violence….. dictator boy will fall
The world is laughing.
A gross overreaction, this is insane. We need to stand up to this as peaceful Canadian citizens.
Emergencies act does not apply here. Go read it for yourself
Did this guy just say he’s protecting people’s jobs? And he it with a straight face
I was thinking the same thing!
He are trying to protect his job.
If this dictator isn’t removed NOW well
Let’s all just hope that spirit and savagery that Canada has reserved for wartime wakes up soon or else we’re fucked
He just started a civil war
Shameless coward. How can he show his face?
Trudeau loved the trucker protests in India. Democracy is great until it happens to him.
I expected something like this, He’s reacting because of that hot Cuban blood.
The only person I’m worried about effecting my life in an unpleasant way is the prime minister. I support the truckers and their message