Questions are building about the White House response to coronavirus. A whistleblower report said federal workers weren’t given training or protective gear when dealing with quarantined Americans evacuated from areas where the virus was present. Government health officials and scientists have reportedly been directed to clear all statements and appearances with VP Pence’s office. And when faced with a stock market plunging amid worries about the outbreak’s impact, President Trump accused Democrats and the media of scaremongering, and downplayed the risk of an outbreak. Aired on 02/27/20.
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Troubling Reports About Trump Administration’s Coronavirus Outbreak Response – Day That Was | MSNBC
anything they do it too late now… very hard to stop the spread
Ur buggin
There was a sample of the virus taken in December after the outbreak, they knew it had the potential to get out of control and did nothing to prevent it. They allowed international travel, and brought back infected people to their home countries to spread the virus. They know what they are doing, thin the herd so they can keep control over the population. The Chip is on its way to a local pharmacy near everyone everywhere, and it will be free to get it implanted.
mandatory testing should be deployed fast
Timing is/was everything !
Ooh, too much paranoia
This is a scary situation and although the spread in North America can be slowed, providing more opportunity to prepare for large numbers and to discover best treatment practices, it will probably spread — but this is a natural disease process. There is no man behind the curtain
Nothing more disgusting than human suffering being used as a political tool.
@Quit LashonHara sorry, that was meant for Jean, my apologies
@Theresa Stiffler . Yep, T rump is responsible for the whole kit-and-kaboodle. Can’t blame anyone else. It”s all in his lap. The stable genius at work again, after another round of cheating at golf.
@Antoine Hicks Preach
Coronavirus is proved to have multiple origins instead of only in China. The first case in Italy have no contact with people from China and she detected as having flu in Hawaii but then diagnosed in Italy as coronavirus few days later. And scientists around the world found China’s coronavirus is type C, while there are all five types found in America. America should already had many coronavirus cases months before China’s outbreak. Think about the super-flu, there are more than 20,000 cases dead during 10.1 2019 to 2.1 2020 in the US. The super-flu have many similar symptoms with coronavirus, and it may intentional ignored and treated as flu because there is no test kits. Even now, the US gov still don’t have enough test kits to confirm potential cases. Only less than 300 test cases available in the entire country, in comparison Wuhan have more than 100,000 test kits per day which is why you found many cases reported in China! Protect yourself with face mask if are going to crowds!
Hey, I got a great idea, let’s try the whistleblower thing again.
Watching this news crap feels like I’m being talked down to..
@Kristy Bishop i highly doubt that. The facts say Trump supporters are self reliant, hate big government, love our guns and laugh at people on welfare like you.
Steve C, no I’m not on welfare. But as you may not know the majority of people on welfare are republicans.
Do you really think being accusatory helps when attempting to make your failed point? It doesn’t.
Learn to debate before you try and come at me.
Oh and real facts help too.
Most of these sheeple believe what ever they are told, by a person paid to say it.
hmm Russian bot – such a US sore point to be poking but not phrased quite like someone who would feel that way … I also notice an unusually high number of dislikes on the piece. That is always a red flag that the bots are about.
This guy is a complete sleaze.
@Tyler Street Are you sure? I’m gonna check right across the street at the Federal Building on Maui….
@The King Of Waffles do your thing bud
@Tyler Street You are referring to Fast And Furious under the George Bush administration right?
@Noe Berengena If only you had two unbiased brain cells to rub together; you would be aware the Democrats have been little more than propagandists since Trump arrived in Washington. I say this as a liberal. Not a neoliberal authoritarian, an actual traditional liberal. It has been amazing to witness how few amongst us are able to deduce reality for themselves. Russian hoaxes, Ukrainian hoaxes, and TDS that has proven to be a very pervasive mental condition for millions of plebeian sponges.
Sars who?
Ha, ICU have a sense of humor…
Veris ?
Hurricane what?
SARS = South African Revenue Service
I believe this is a world wide event, not a world wide conspiracy. And because of that, should be handle with extreme urgency…
Everyone in the US (atleast conservatives) better remove their kids from school & hunker down NOW or it will enter your home & you will keep reinfecting yourselves. That is what my family is doing. Live off your preps that libs have always called us crazy for until this blows over. Also grab some more ammo….never hurts…we have to watch out for the Corona but even more so those infected with TDS
Error_404 Not Found Error_404 Not Found China supplies drugs, car parts, and most of the stuff the world wants. That means a shortage of nearly everything we need, now how are businesses going to be able to function? I heard of Jaguar in the U.K. having to bring out parts for their cars in suitcases because of the supply chain coming to a standstill. Chinese people have been prohibited in going to work, people are being forcibly arrested if they are found on the streets when in lockdown. Also people who are showing signs of the virus are being seized and transported to hospitals. Anyone found to be doing business in Wuhan the city where the virus originated has been arrested and I’ve seen videos of the police smashing up shops. It’s really scary.
Trump did the right thing by his travel-ban on any source of the virus (i.e., China). The “news” manufacturers will tell any lie in an effort to blame Trump for the very existence of the virus; and, no matter what he does, they will complain.
@Brenda Heeligan Start making our own and say fk China!
I was laughing btw
@Sei91 Trump just proposed a 16% cut to the CDC a few weeks back. Beyond that, Trump has been pushing to dismantle Obamacare which has increased the number of uninsured Americans, meaning they are less likely to go to the hospital if they catch this disease and need treatment.
Paul Y I wouldn’t doubt it not everyone Trump picks is the best it’s probably why he changes ppl up so often. And no I didn’t see that.
Paul Y are you a Trump hater?
Matt H are you Trump hater?
Matt H you can’t compare the gop to Obama than the dnc to trump. It’s not even close. Your insane. Completely mindless
By the next mosquito season we will return to the Dark Ages.
@Huff Boy By the way, something I forgot until I read it elsewhere: Most of our medicines are made in China. So try to get a 90-day supply as soon as possible. You probably can’t get more than a 90-day supply of RX meds.
In fact, most of what we use is made in China and our supply lines are probably going to dry up. The disruption to manufactures and ag in China is pretty great. Anything you can’t do without for a few months probably needs to be purchased in quantity now.
If we make it to the next mosquito season…
CrazyLegsMcGee yeah we’re pretty much doomed if that happens
lets see if that guy can still laugh and crack jks when he gets the virus himself
My Goddess Shasta bc it’s a lie … he never said he was furious .
What do people expect from a man without empathy.
Trump is the joke”!!!
This is the time to stock up on food items and wear a face mask.
@旮旯北京 life is a constant struggle. Suicide is prevalent. Drug addiction and depression are rampant. It takes great fortitude to be optimistic but we go forth with the will to improve the world and Daily life we so Cherish.
@john patterson . Which version of the Bible are you quoting and which part do you specify? Old Testament? YOU are the hypocrite. YOU should be afraid but you are too stupid to realize. YOU are nothing but a troll looking for an argument.
@Wilson Orshal This might be “Your” Life don’t generalize

Make the test free!
Get a job, they are free to get. They also pay you to buy things you need.
Your A Democrat for sure…

No such thing as a free lunch.
A career beaurocrat that “hasn’t necessarily been getting along with the WH” is no shock.
“its going to disappear, like miracle” :””D how is this guy even president
@MatchstalkMan What he meant was that one day we will wake up and it won’t be news anymore. It’s not hard to know what he meant if your mind isn’t clouded by partisan politics. If you don’t think any other president would be downplaying it you must live in a fairy tale. Of course he is going to down play it because usually in cases like this the panic is worse than the cause of the crisis. Cutting budgets was never even an issue until this came along, I never heard one peep from anyone that it was a bad idea from either side of the aisle. Plus right now we can’t say what the right and wrong thing is. If we stay under a 1000 people I would say they did their jobs well. We are no where near that number now.
What happens to the flu every summer? Do we make that disappear?
@WrizzleDVM no it still stays, it just isnt as prevalent in the summer months. The flu is seasonal meaning it comes back every single year during the months of September to May.
Com on Donald, you Chosen One, rise to the top of the Capitol Building and with a wave of your tiny hands make the virus “go away”!
He should walk into the isolation wards and cure all those infected. God’s Chosen One talks about miracles. Let’s let him show us his power.
Johhe just said one day it will be gone. Just like all other flus. I guess he should play it up like the media and tell you we are all going to die. The swine flu went away, the bird flu went away and about 3 other illnesses went away in the past 30 years that the media played up like the end of the world, or you can go with msnbc and live in fear of this or that, depending of who said something.
Or he could wave a YUGE Sharpie.
@Kenny Cyrus We never really know what is coming down the turnpike. For instance we could be hit by a surprise asteroid. Ka-Boom! Good bye carbon-based lifeforms. Nice knowing you, kiddo.
So many hyperbolic reactions.
This is gonna make soooo many %1ers more wealthy as they take advantage of the dropping Stock Market.
@shanebrownlee69 wait sorry I assumed you were ridiculing Op in the previous comment my bad
@KITKAT21 I’d agree that the 1% will make more money, though. They aren’t rich from making poor financial decisions. I just don’t understand the reasoning behind attacking them when they basically create these businesses that make guys like me a comfortable living.
@shanebrownlee69 Exactly
@shanebrownlee69 Well, it’s clear that you are the one being brainwashed. You cannot possibly think that all the 1% is where they are at by hard work and discipline. That is just too much and you really need to learn a bit more about finance. I was taught to develop retirement plans for business owners and I ended up calling it “1000 ways to screw the Rank & File.” I felt dirty just knowing about it. I suggest you study the business model of the US’s wealthiest family, the Waltons. I will not go into detail, but they are subsidized at every level by both federal, state and local governments. Further, the 1% has bought up our government reps and now are even dumping dark money into our Supreme Court choices. Even if we discuss other companies you need to understand that they hire people educated primarily in our public schools and universities, use our public roads to transport people and products, etc. No one does it all on his own. Your suggestion that a man can take $20 and make a living on it from the financial markets is almost frightening in its misconception. However, you go ahead and think that if you like, and I hope your almost child-like faith never gets tested too much. I am now out of this conversation, because I suspect there is no way to break down your denial.
@Pink Crayon ahh, the maturity shows again! Had to toss an insult on the way out after deflecting again, huh?
Look, unless you are running a multimillion dollar fortune 500 company, I’d say that you’re merely speculating on how every 1%er has made their money. There are more self-made millionaires in the United States than ever before, by the way.
What about tossing the OP some of that cash? Apparently you’re that much of a good person. /sarcasm
Orangutan Man claims that the coronavirus will “just miraculously disappear” just like the Liar-in-Chief told the world that Mexico would pay for the wall.
He was talking about the fact we are coming out of winter and it’s warming up. Viruses like these don’t spread nearly as easily in warmer weather. Blaming Trump for the Coronavirus will do nothing more than continue to showcase your mental instability, so by all means please continue.
Reminds me of when tRump was tossing out paper towels in Puerto Rico after the hurricane.