The price tag for damage to crops is still being finalized but our reporter Kelesha Williams visited farmlands in Saint Catherine, Jamaica which were devastated by tropical storm Elsa.
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Omg I’m the first one to veiw
Oh no without the farmer we die for hungry walk bare footed wow harsh
but by the grace of god they will survive.
Omg the primister is not doing eneting because they spend money on foolishness and we have no money i the economy and head bartlet is stupid he is not only tourism not only that can help we are too cheap and our money has no value
Look at your at you wrote, then you have the confidence to be calling someone stupid….are you serious right now.
Esla a distroy farm yet still she neva hate the snow man
No i am the first
Get drones to fly over to see any damages if you can’t get into the farm to survey damages until you can do so safely! It’s technology that can help, reasonably priced .
Yes these are one of the reasons they make this technology correct
Now every farma in Jamaica have kar. Me memba when the only thing a farma have was a machete and water
boots. Progress my friend and big up all
Who says that money doesn’t grow on trees must think again.
But farma man unnu no know say you can’t drive those types of vehicles in the mud, yu nuh mus get stuck man.
I don’t think your statement applies to everyone back them. Cause my great grand parents and grand parents were farmers and they had: drays, donkey and mule which was the form of transportation available back then those were their cars. Today, although we still have some donkeys we also upgraded to cars and four wheel viechels. Farmers were always progressing.
Give God thanks for life!
Those 4x4s have options…4H and 4L…i wonder if they know how to use them
They also have on street tiers. They need to put on off road tires like Maxis Buckshot at least on the rear.
All thing works together for your good…Sure i understood fear grip first ..But God still in charge…Where impossible for men iys jus rigjt 4 the lord….Farmer jus God. If you jus God 4 growth so jus 4 the lost…But I speak return and greater every b4 …4 u shall be the head not tail .the lender not the borrow watch God
thank God the storm passes.

Farmers need better road access, better drainage and more capital with more marketing overseas.
God bless the farmers. I love farmers so much both animal and crop farmers than criminal politicians in the office living large in the expense of the poor masses without contributing nothing.
Drone to yu ting and get horses and donkeys for backup.!