Triggered Trump Rages Over Ad Blasting His Coronavirus Response | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

Fmr. Republican Steve Schmidt reacts to the ad from his group, the Lincoln Project, taking on Trump's COVID-19 response which caused a furious reaction from the president. Aired on 5/5/2020.
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Triggered Trump Rages Over Ad Blasting His Coronavirus Response | The 11th Hour | MSNBC


    1. Did you not hear, that Lysol thing was ment sarcastically. It all makes sense now. When he said he would build a wall and the Mexicans would pay for it, sarcasm. That he was a stable genius, sarcasm. That he knows what he is doing, sarcasm.
      Yes, it all makes sense now.

  1. me: types something in the comments section of a politics-related video
    half of the population of the US: “so you have chosen death.”

    1. Bill Ashbrook He could be advised by the greatest minds of all time, but I doubt Joe would remember any of it. Either that or he’d start talking about it and just ramble off about something completely random mid-sentence. Happens any other time he talks.

    2. @Aaron Landry Certainly can’t be worse than the guy with the cotton candy hair. Trump can’t complete a sentence and stay on topic till he gets to the end. Interesting The CV is getting closer & closer. 🤜🤛

    3. Aaron Landry the elites are the 1 percent that owns most of the us dollars. Are you young and just learning politics? It’s all good but educate yourself

  2. Trump was awakened by this ad at 1 (AM) in the morning as if America had just been attacked by foreign invaders.

    1. Jessica Ang what were they Chinese army attacking us again how you think that deadly virus 🦠 got to NYC and all of the states and countries How ? ☢️ radioactive 5G just triggering every state ? Opening day for BB was going be in Arizona No one really had Virus 🦠 there so that’s why going have MLB games next day the map show Arizona was all red on map that virus hit it come on now theirs something not right don’t add up I never shop in 1$ stores again I’m very adamant by asinine ppl .. love my Country USA 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸✌🏼✌🏼💪🏼☘️🤔😷👍🏻🤷🏻‍♀️🇺🇸

    2. That’s crazy that’s lame news aka fake news there’ll crazy and liars to make up fake reports coz just some ppl that believe what they read ppl need stop Judging The president and ppl by the cover period judgements negative ppl Are Toxic and miserable 😩 lol 😂 NYC Rocks 😂🇺🇸🇺🇸💪🏼✌🏼☘️🙏🏼💜😎🤷🏻‍♀️

    1. Memetastic Bot If you have any skills in rhyme or song writing.. you should put something together 🤗✌🏻✌🏻

  3. “These are losers”
    Also trump
    “The virus will magically go away”
    One million confirmed cases later
    Trump “I give my self a 10 out of 10”

    1. @Lucas S Ah yes, and they also said the Titanic was unsinkable. Actually funny thing is that it’s been mutating since it came to be known, as does pretty much everything. Mutations don’t necessarily mean anything of course, unless the mutation has an impact, which, when dealing with such stuff, is much rather a question of when, then a question of if.
      Yes, look at me, very smug.

    2. You know a lot of virology. Strange for someone who obviously didn’t get very far in school.

  4. The “leader” of the country with the highest Corona Virus death toll

    Calling others “stone cold losers”

    Kind of says it all.

    1. Actually,.not. New York City is its own world, its own country and the center for commerce around the entire world. The situation is far more complex than we see in the media. Believe me. I had a security clearance just under the President’s cabinet under another administration as an analyst. These are VERY complex times. Everyone involved in decision making should be cut some slack.

    2. @US Business Design You’re fukkin’ lying…

      You know, YT “rubes” who think others are as stupid as themselves are really
      quite “annoying”…👈😡

  5. The most shocking part of this piece is that Fox aired the ad. Although it’s probably more their greed rather than them growing a spine and airing facts.

  6. You can’t deny there’s a lot of comedy when Trump gets angry about something. His shrunken pumpkin head starts to swell and he starts talking even more in circles and with those hands of his. Honestly they should probably hand cover his hands behind his back just to see if his head finally explodes.

  7. #IMPOTUS busy whining about
    how it’s so unfair 😭
    ” I don’t get no respect from
    nobody 😭❗
    Reminds me of Rodney
    Dangerfield LOL 😜😂

  8. Ask oldyeller where’s fema and the masks and 15 min test if he wants to open the factories ?

  9. The irony of Trump’ wife with her “be best” program is disgraceful. Be best at what? Be best as the most ineffective, dangerous, and illiterate president in American history? If true, the First Lady should be be very proud of her husband as he succeeded.

  10. That child needs a spanking and a good long time out to learn we don’t talk about people like that!🤐My 2year old wouldn’t even speak like he does.

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