webrad98 I respectfully disagree. I think she handled herself excellently,
she answered all of the Congressmans question very directly and honestly
with no BS in between, what more could you ask for?
Oh man, this was hard to watch. This is what the State Department has as
officials? If this shill of a woman spoke any slower i would fall into
bullshit dreamland.
like the video but is from July 7 2016! old news! as alternative media we
accuracy is key to stopping mainstream B.S. its not about views just truth.
Hillary sucks!
FOR THE LOVE OF IT ALL. is she on drugs? is this why court cases take 10
years? DUHHH yeaaaa ummmmmm. and we come to that like this and I just don’t
“Did you take the cookie out the cookie jar”?
“No? Then, tell me what other person within the confines of this home had
both the capacity to remove and the motive to consume said cookie”? And,
upon consuming said cookie, name for me one other person who would have the
incentive to not only cover up one’s actions but also attempt to deceive
this parenting body as to those actions”?
Wow what is going on with this woman’s teeth???? Mr Ed II…..
She’s been drugged. Probably needed an anti anxiety medication like Xanax.
webrad98 I respectfully disagree. I think she handled herself excellently,
she answered all of the Congressmans question very directly and honestly
with no BS in between, what more could you ask for?
Oh man, this was hard to watch. This is what the State Department has as
officials? If this shill of a woman spoke any slower i would fall into
bullshit dreamland.
WHO Poisoned our Troops in Iraq ?????????????????????
Protect our Protectors
that creature disturbs me
Is this from today?
Joshua Garbe yes
like the video but is from July 7 2016! old news! as alternative media we
accuracy is key to stopping mainstream B.S. its not about views just truth.
Hillary sucks!
Oh well!!!.. as long as lying Hillary has assured you, it must be true.
What a fucking bunch of idiots.
She’s talking so softly. Does she have a sleeping baby in her lap?
unbelievable this poor mindless excuse for a human being actually works for
the government……no wonder we are in deep crap…..
great job trey now when is she goin to be in Orange suit huh
unbelievable corruption
If there is a movie about all this, I want Matthew McConaughey to portray
Trey Gowdy.
Ryan Baloy yesssssss pleeease
Trey is a TRUE HERO!!!!
Obama, Hillary, and Comey should be in prison.
FOR THE LOVE OF IT ALL. is she on drugs? is this why court cases take 10

years? DUHHH yeaaaa ummmmmm. and we come to that like this and I just don’t
“Did you take the cookie out the cookie jar”?
“No? Then, tell me what other person within the confines of this home had
both the capacity to remove and the motive to consume said cookie”? And,
upon consuming said cookie, name for me one other person who would have the
incentive to not only cover up one’s actions but also attempt to deceive
this parenting body as to those actions”?