TREND LINE: Will Canada-U.S. border closure cause our massive COVID-19 deficit to rise?

CTV News' Michael Stittle and Nanos Research's Nik Nanos discuss the government's historic fiscal snapshot that revealed a projected deficit in the hundreds of billions.

As COVID-19 cases continue to skyrocket in the United States, Michael and Nik look into new polling showing an overwhelming majority of Canadians want to keep the border closed.

Finally, Nik and Michael breakdown the latest numbers that show just how divided Canadians are when it comes to how to fix systemic racism in the RCMP.

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TREND LINE: Will Canada-U.S. border closure cause our massive COVID-19 deficit to rise?


    1. @Death Omg Ice should hire you since you can magically see someone’s legal status! Please tell, how do you do that? Is it their face or their appearance?

    2. Don’t know but we definitely shouldn’t give any more money to JTs mom I mean the WE foundation.

  1. We accumulate debt by spending what we do not have. Conservation of assets is the simplest solution. Spend on only Canadian goods supplied by Canadian owned and operated business. This will self stimulate our own economy. When restarting economy markets will benefit if profits are distributed among many instead of monopolized or polarized between a fewer number of profit hungry hippo’s. Imagine canada is a game of hungry hippo’s but we are all on the same team. Gobble all the business marble’s evenly and restart the game in another round. repeat this profit everyone has positive cash flow on a monthly round. Then re invest by spending within our own Team (nation).

    1. Sprenzy that can change in a minute. So maybe yi7 hardly use it now, but an accident can happen or an illness like cancer.

    2. We need a new economic system to bring back our buying power and restore balance. I hope one day we have radical change in the way our money works.

    3. @Sprenzy Are there any computers manufactured in Canada. Assembling chinese made cards and drives does not count as made in Canada.
      While you are at it find a made in Canada Camera.

    1. You do realize polls have been dead right on in Canada for the last 10 years, right? The CPC has chosen an Rush Limbaugh belief system, in a country where 2/3 of Canada identify as progressive socially, while many of those are economic conservatively. To be truth, most of my progressive conservative friend have completely left the CPC and the polls might actually be far worse for the CPC with the PPC emerging.

    1. Larissa Dueck they shouldn’t be driving to Alaska through Canada in the first f-ing place! Stay the f@#$ home!

    2. @Larissa Dueck As americans do you expect canada to refuse it’s right to exercise its sovereignty in the name of national security? You have no RIGHT as an american to come into canada. it’s a priviledge that can be taken away. The price of a flight to alaska is comparable to the price of fuel. If some american’s are going to use the direct travel loophole and abuse it, then I’m okay in the name of keeping canadians healthy in the mean time, with closing the border including this loophole. Canadian Border Services has actively been deporting vacationers in BC who are spending whole weekends camping at popular campsites. Keep on moving homie, the drive isn’t that long, I’ve done it.

    3. You and your friends are very very veryyy dumb 🙂 congrats
      If you want we ship you guys to Florida

  2. If oit was the other way around trump would have the national guard at the border,
    Keep our border closed until they have less the 50 cases a day .

    1. @Larissa Dueck the 19 year old drunks can fly instead of just driving over for a cheap night out. Sounds like a great idea..

  3. I knew this would happen.. watch the news there gonna start holding the deficits over our heads like its our fault…..cant wait for the follow up(we pay)… when its a world crisis the world leaders should agree on money dont matter til its over…..

    1. Charles, we are going to have to pay for this….that is just reality. Let’s make Canada safe and re-open safely and we will deal with the deficit.

  4. The Canadian government relies on keeping the services open , and the American government relies more on their economic prospect .

  5. “Think of our tourist sector. That means we won’t have Americans coming to Canada spreading the virus in ways that are completely uncontrollable.” There, i corrected what you said for you, you’re welcome!

  6. If we stay closed we can essentially reduce covid cases to so little Canada can revive its own economy and tour other provinces. We don’t need outside tourism especially because most of the winter months we don’t have it anyway

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