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Shalom/Peace family. Put down the gun people. Thou shall not kill.
Shalom my Israelite family

Help the police get the guns and the 87’s.
But do it cautiously, most likely some of the 87s also have link to the police
Who is going to turn up in court and give evidence against this accused killer.
Lawd God

People are scared for there life because some of the police’s cannot be trusted. And i think it’s full time these foolishness stop. What do you get out of it when you take the life of another ….what? ??
Hi Guys

Have charged this accused person for murder doesn’t mean he will be found guilty in a court of law.
Person or persons who are witness or witnesses will have to testify in court.
Yes once the security force’s leave then these criminals and murderers gangsters come out and start killing innocent people again
Some of these criminals and murderers gangsters don’t even have food to eat they let these so call Don’s telling them what to do
Yes man labourite a kill out labourite what a site
Things would be so much better if the residence had faith in the Police force
These criminals are getting from bad to worse, put down the guns and stop killing your brothers and sisters, also a lot of you criminals are just followers anyone can press your button be a leader of your own and stop the killing my God man.