A tree found in the rubble on ground zero survived and was replanted. It is now a symbol of the resilience throughout the U.S. after the tragic events of 9/11.
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#GroundZero #SurvivorTree #September11
Cant believe it’s been 20 years.
Democrats support TRANS-KIDS
Biden 2024!
@Mark Evans But if he does, imagine how far his brain will have deteriorated. It’ll be funny. I’d for him just for the laugh. However, he might become one of those mean and racist dementia people. That would be fun too
Put it on his epitaph
Tree 2024
His words are true. There is always good that comes from tragedies.
If Donald tRump was a treee he’s be bestie a mightie oakie dokie treee I think!
I got to think you’re probably about 13 years old now
Marky Mark : I be virgun when 13/14 no more virgun & me loose virguntity. Marky Mark dont be targets whenn whts inna yer walet. Yu singul? Lotsa muney huney? Lubov yer lonng timey! I thnk I lubov yu!
We saved a tree but 20 years in Afghanistan only saved us a nickel a gallon in gas
All for a 150 Million a day….those defense contractors got it all.
Never forget that the Republicans used 9/11 as a false basis for launching the Iraq War.
Conspiracy theory much? The earth ain’t flat!
20 minutes 415 views 12 comments 4.49M subscribers… priceless
What’s the species of the tree? Because as all libs know oaks, maples, and birch are all born with privilege. Let’s hope it’s an elm. It can be a role model for other elms.
Yawn off princess,you’re boring..
Wtf are you babbling about??
It would be nice for one day September 11 that there is no hateful angry comments between people with opposing views of politics .
I wish so too… But that us just not the country we live in anymore.
America has changed over the past 20 years and pretty much all, not for the better.
It was a Patriotic romantic narrative of passengers on flight 93 fighting back. Maybe they did. But a U.S. pilot shot the plane down with a sparrow missile.
How ‘bout reporting on real news?
After reading the clearly labeled title did you think this was news that you wanted to see?
@Roger Wilco
Is this legal?
Isaiah 9:10
They need to send a seedling to Gander. Gander WAS the survivor tree for 7,000 people. And it’s become the symbol of Operation Yellow Ribbon, that last minute rescue that Canada just jumped into with barely a second thought. Besides, Gander’s seen its share of tragedy. An American flight crashed outside the town decades ago, and there was nothing anyone could do.
The tree of life. I love trees!
You know this is making all these reports sick, now they have to praise law-enforcement and the military… remember last year…I can’t wait to hear Joy Reid lol Oh My Lord the acting that psycho is gonna have to do now…