Longtime Civil Rights leader and pioneer Rep. Maxine Waters joins The Beat with Ari Melber to discuss the court appearance of the officers involved in the killing of George Floyd, and the latest developments in the historic case. In this exchange with MSNBC’s Chief Legal Correspondent Ari Melber, the two discuss the limitations of relying on “tradition” to move legislation. Waters argues “The only way” to hold our officials “accountable” is “with the protests of people taking to the streets in the ways we have witnessed.” (This interview is from MSNBC’s “The Beat with Ari Melber, a news show covering politics, law and culture airing nightly at 6pm ET on MSNBC. ). Aired on 6/29/2020.
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'Tradition Has Not Worked For Us': See Maxine Waters Ask BLM Activists To Keep Up The Pressure
Unlike all the other equal rights marches in America’s history, this is the first time that white people have overwhelmingly supported it. With their help, black people, and soon, many other minority groups will finally be treated as equals under the law. Racial supremacy has no place in this country, I’m happy to see the races coming together for a common good.
Love ya, Maxine. Sorry you got stuck with having to defend Biden instead of Bernie.
My parents matched with Dr King in Selma and Mississippi in 1962. Whites were there but not in the numbers now. Dr King would be so happy to see us all marching together.
Love ya, Maxine. Sorry you got stuck with having to defend Biden instead of Bernie.
Oh no, Maxine’s not a racist.
Definitely not a racist just tired of watching one group of people continually oppressed by others. It’s sickening and needs to end . Those who can make changes and refuse- must go!
Yes, she is partially correct. The tradition of voting for a left wing or right wing white supremacist has not worked. Which is why the NEW TRADITION is voting for TANGIBLES SPECIFICALLY FOR #FBA. If neither party pledges specific TANGIBLES then you can forget about Black society showing up to vote for either devil. #CutThe
Two of my favorite people. Ari and Maxine!
That’s what I’m afraid of, once the protest are over it’s right to blah blah blah an yak yak yak an nothing gets done
gobigorange Now, now! Pessimism isn’t helpful! Actual, real change is finally at hand! Be vigilant, get involved yourself and enjoy a cheeseburger this Fourth of July!
NOPE …. Senators Booker and Harris are gonna MAKE SURE that it ALL happens! Did you see her just bounce TX Sen Conyn’s head off the floor??! He tried to smear her, the bills they have up for police reform, and she TOTALLY BUSTED HIM! Was great!
@Indred Kold-Fusion what change do you want
Are you kidding me. Lol education, education, education!
The thing that the right fear the most is any challenge to their ignorance.
i think the right fears terrorist organizations like blm killing innocent children like they did last night in chaz. one deceased the other in critical condition.
Maxine Waters is a lifelong Civil Rights Leader & Advocate just like Reverend Al Sharpton, Elijah Cummins, Nelson Mandela & Martin Luther King & Malcolm X, Fredrick Douglas & Andrew Young. Has anybody noticed ironically they are all Black & people of color fighting for everybody’s Rights irregardless of race! Where oh where is the White Messiah or Great White Hope/Dope a Rope? Surely its not the Self Anointed & Self Appointed, Chosen One commonly known as DJtRump aka David Dennison aka CadetBonespurs aka Cheeto aka Cheetolini aka Mango Mussolini aka Agolf tWittler aka Groper in Chief & many other disparaging nicknames!
@Uncle Ruckus I was trying to keep an uplifting spirit. I could discuss many of the terrible things Maxine Waters has done and good things she has fought against, but the original poster seems ever so slightly skewed in Maxine’s accomplishments.

They only pull us out when it’s time for the vote. After that, they’ll go back to protecting the rights of the undocumented — over ours.
I like martin luther king ,malcom x.nelson mandela,frederick douglass, but the rest are thugs.
Where is the great white hope??? Are you serious..all the people you mentioned became millionaires with their continued race baiting…I never undrestood why black people had to have their own LEADERS..I prefer to do my OWN thinking…GOD is my leader…(whatever color he is)…
Exactly. They are working for ALL of We The People!
Almost 20% of Detroit’s budget that is Wayne county Michigan goes to the police department they are homeless people everywhere people with no insurance people lose in their homes but we have plenty of police to keep downtown Detroit safe not in the communities
Ari Melber is one of the good guys……thanks mate….from Australia
Maxine is just and right.
*I swear: MSNBC is turning into the Onion ever since they said riots are peaceful with the background burning.*
BLM founder: we are trained Marxists
Karl Marx: *Used the N Word in his letters*
*And who trained them, Karl Marx, from his grave or was it Trump’s good friend Vladimir Putin?*
Its getting old that racists are trying to put words to other people and try to define BLM, instead of seeing and hearing their aim, which is stop police brutality, mass incarseration, funding of schools and affordable housing and medicare for all. Why don’t you think everyone has a right to health care no matter their finances?
People: How many Republicans you want held accountable, Maxine?
Maxine Waters: Yes.
Who’s Rachael Justice?
I admire her so as she is a brave stand up woman.
I love Mrs Waters she is so knowledgeable and very smart. I love listening to her views they are always so enlightening. Thank you for your service Mrs Waters