Surveillance footage from a museum in Italy shows a Austrian tourist sitting on a 200-year-old statue to pose for a photograph and breaking three of its toes off.
#CNN #News
Surveillance footage from a museum in Italy shows a Austrian tourist sitting on a 200-year-old statue to pose for a photograph and breaking three of its toes off.
#CNN #News
That’s why humans can’t have nice things.
@S Jones statue lives matter
True or not?
Fake News !! Would be roped off if it had real value, its a decoy !!!The real one is in Jeff Epsteins sex room!!!
Some humans can.
This is why we can’t have nice things.
Just fence the ignorant idiots out.
You break you buy
Thank god he wasn’t american!
That was my exact first thought too. Sadly, that is our deserved reputation.
@Big Earl
That’s too funny
Or the Maga hat
bunnylover That too!!!
I’m surprised visitors are able to get that close to the art in the first place
@Orbit Mercury Exactly. I have been to Chaco Culture National Historical Park that has ancient petroglyphs and there was graffiti all over it. There’s also graffiti on the petroglyphs at Petroglyph National Park as well.
Thomas Smith ya but to me it’s garbage. Nothing like the original.
Puck Daily it’s a 200 year old replica… that’s how.
Well, it’s common sense, I go to museums where there are no velvet ropes or other types of restraints to keep tourists at a safe distance, but I know well that the artifacts/displays should only be appreciated with your eyes.
Not an American as we are banned from entry? Excellent the best kind of problem, not my problem!
You guys got enough problems at the moment!
I feel bad for the guy, he was obviously raised by wolves.
Ivares Kesner I only say that because may be smartest thing she ever said. I will never vote for personal reasons working for the welfare and jail system. News to you. Both infiltrated with corruption. But if you care about your health look into it.
wolves dont break nice things
From the looks of him I would guess he was raised by pigs. When I was young and taken to nice places, I was told “Do not touch”. It only came naturally that I did not need to be told “Do not sit on the exhibits”.
Not by wolves, but by fools.
Just a copy. Thats good. But yes, stupid and expensive move.
Javier Fernandez
I blame the museum more than the tourist.
Javier Fernandez never know
Independent here who doesn’t vote for personal reasons so I just say facts. Probably smartest thing she said in 4 years. Look at facts, sources of facts, data and data source. Don’t believe a man talking to masses ever. Your life may depend on it
Its just a statue. Rioters destroyed hundreds.
@0 0 This one wasn’t of a racist loser, though. Not the same.
Homer Simpson. On holiday.
I like the way that he just casually walks away like nothing happened.
He was probably whistling too. It reminds me of myself as a child when I broke something. 

I thought maybe he TOOK one or more of the toes when I first saw the video! Hard to see.
Hi, Phil Swift here for Flex Seal! When a fat tourist breaks your statue, just use Flex Seal!
@Terry G I love that guy, especially when he shoots holes in the boat.
Bet that is the most expensive trip that guys ever gonna be on.
It’s a plaster copy, not the original, thankfully. It’s the embarrassment lol. Although he doesn’t strike me as the sharpest tool in the museum shed…
What the hell are people thinking?! Are they thinking at all? Just no respect!
Was the statue roped off? That is no excuse, but most ppl are dum dum’s imo.
Husband: “…oops!”
Wife: “OMG! I can’t take you anywhere!!!”
Charge them. They wanted the pic and didn’t care. Typical.
Charge them? It’s just a statue dumbass. Its not human being
@0 0 that’s exactly what I was thinking and to add too that…..why doesn’t cnn cover the statues being torn down so very militiously.
Diddy Doodat Hush child. Mind your manners.
@Diddy Doodat I guess it would be okay to burn down somebody’s house then. I mean it’s just a house right?
Italy: “You see, this is why we can’t have nice sh*t!!”

I’m just surprised that they allowed him to get that close.
It’s common sense! You don’t need a sign to tell you that. When you go to a museum you should know the golden rule is to look and don’t touch. I’ve been to many museums that don’t have any restraints. They encourage you to take close looks at their displays, but they also expect you respect the property and don’t touch. These types of people know they shouldn’t, but they want their photos so they can get likes on their Facebook page. These types of people are careless and selfish.
These are the same kind of people who fall off the cliff of the Grand Canyon doing a selfie.
What I have a bigger problem with is HE did not go straight to the staff and tell on himself. That’s the unforgivable part!