A tour boat left White Island, New Zealand, shortly before a volcano erupted, but decided to turn around and help rescue the survivors. CNN's Will Ripley reports. #CNN #News
Tour boat turned around to rescue volcano victims

A tour boat left White Island, New Zealand, shortly before a volcano erupted, but decided to turn around and help rescue the survivors. CNN's Will Ripley reports. #CNN #News
There are always heroes!
@Qunited States Patriot Kill Trump 2020
millieo what did the first responders do to help? Watch the video again
@millieo they pulled people off the island smothered in volcanic soot.
@cj p I know. I was thinking about risking a life to retrieve dead bodies, thinking they were the tourists on the wall of the caldera. Like in hurricanes if people don’t leave in a mandatory evacuation emergency services won’t respond until it us safe.
It’s always wonderful, especially in these MEAN TIMES to hear that doing good deeds is not outdated
@Qunited States Patriot tRumpTards disinformation campaign….lol, does not work on the educated
@MajesG then it should work wonders with you, low IQ shitstain Demotard.
@cj p fox news conspiracy….lol
@Qunited States Patriot I know why your so angry…..shorted between the legs just like tRump….lol
HUGE thank you to the men and women who worked to help rescue these people!!!
@Florida Crypto R keep being an internet tough guy. That’s what cowards do.
A reminder: Instead of that utterance, go DO something good .. #FalseFlag
@Qunited States Patriot .. are you mad since I made you and your 2 friends on social media look really stupid? You falsely accused and threatned me like they did. Do what you threatned me with and be done with it. Your two assclowns threatned violence upon me. I would love for you 3 idiots together to come do it so I can make you my bitches. This talk of a civil war you bitches think that will happen after your hero gets impeached by the house is a total joke. I will be waiting for your 2 crackhead friends who live in my area to come fulfill their threats upon me. Hopefully you live in the area as well to join them go down like your pathedic hero next week.
@Heather Mimi Wahlquist …. If I only lived closer to the new Zealand incident in the volcano eruption , I would use my personal boat to do what I could but unfortunately it’s near a 24 hour plane flight for me not including I can not take my boat. All I can do is send financial contributions to the rescue personal to help with their missions and to the families impacted. But I wish I could help. I am having my RV loaded up with donations for the military base mass shooting in Florida. I wish I could for the Pearl harbor mass shooting but I can’t get there with my RV.
@Heather Mimi Wahlquist … By any chance do you know of any legitimate financial donation sites for the victims where people can send money to? Of course only legitimate sites as in these events, criminals scam and I am not for sending my money to criminals.
HUGE thank you to the men and women who worked to help rescue these people!
Did you just gender those beings? How dare you!
Thank the boat too.
Selfless Heroes.
Where is gretta?
Shouldnt she be there and keep that person of the year mantle?
She could repremand the volcano for polluting and stealing her childhood.
Note to self, stay away from active volcanos
@Nightmare Core yet you just watched a CNN video

@Flav Throwbackz nightmare core is just another kool-aid drinker. don’t feed the trolls
@F Watkins ok Boomer
@Flav Throwbackz

Should probably make a mental note to not eat rat poison as well. I dunno, just in case.
Stay away from volcanoes..
It’s the equivalent of not wanting to get bit by the shark and staying out of the water, except this time there are dorsal fins circling your boat, and your wetsuit is a giant seal outfit and your jumping into a chum filled section of the ocean. Risk management 101
Liberal Perspective And stay away from fake CNN! Former CIA ‘director’ Muslimbro Commie, illegal ‘Hammer’ John Brennanbaboon cs and his Deep State Clapper Hussein Dystopia, Pelosi, Nadler, Shifty please dont Jump Ship
We know ALL about you and its not fake! Its all documented! We still need you, to destroy also the rest of liars! CIA/FBI Traitors, while cheating in corruption! ”CIA Traitor Colby said: “The CIA owns
everyone of any significance in the major media”.
CIA’s Michael Morell (Traitor Deputy Director): “The intelligence ‘deep state’ did in fact go to war
with Trump”. CIA Director Traitor Casey (1981): “We know our Disinformation Program is complete when everything the American public believes it is false”
The CIA ‘Ukraine’ traitor and fake ‘WHISTLEBLOWERS’ (where are they?) and his Deep State are in big panic! Because Best Pres Ever Trump is the real, honest, brave, godly patriot
We are never tired to win in and after 2020!
@Rob M Technically you are correct however *ALL* of New Zealand is a very real & daily seismic risk. Its nick-named the “Shaky Isles” for a reason. So 5 million people daily jump into that chum filled section of ocean. I’m doing it right now .. will I get bitten by a shark … quite possibly .. you just never know. Should we close the entire country because we are too afraid to even go near it? Reality check AND Residual Risk 1 v risk management 101. Are you also advocating closing Yellowstone/Hawaii too?
Time to ban volcanoes
@David Howard hes not making fun of dead kids…. Hes making fun of people like you.
I bet California is the first to do it.
cj p oh was it obvious that he and the people who liked his comment actually don’t mind if people visit active volcanos and die. I assumed it was an initial responsive concern awith a subtle comedic element. I suppose the other people who responded to me are also just messing with me too. My bad
@David Howard not to worry, there are still billions of us to carry on civilization
Volcano control now!!!
So when you walking around and see white smoke shooting out from the ground and thinking this stable as a rock?
@T ofcourse I feel for the victims here and hope they went to heaven, but my kind of vaca is usually not involve walking around smoky volcano but rather drinking and fishing. Trust me, I understood geography just like you do, I know there a time line on average when they erupt, and what the consequences. And for that reason me and mountain done part way. For nations that under volcano, my country in part of the Ring of Fire in Asia so I fully aware of that and when the fat lady sing, I will open my most expensive bottle and enjoy the view if there are nowhere to run. Until then, I dont walk around active volcano leisurely. Am definitely not stopping you.
@Truth Kangen Cant stop me – I live in NZ .. there is no escaping them here. I have 5 volcanoes within 80 ks of my back yard. I have seen 2 eruptions in my life time and experienced thousands of quakes. We mitigate the risk but otherwise give it little thought. We’re certainly not afraid of it but always threat it with great respect. BTW: You shouldn’t drink and fish considering your delicate sensitivities to danger .. very risky.
@cj p Victims? Not sure I would call them that. They DELIBERATELY sought to go there. If a person chooses to get drunk, get behind the wheel, and ends up killing themselves in an accident, are they a victim? NO. And their life insurance won’t pay out either if it is determined they were at fault. (lost my Grandpa to a drunk driver). I don’t have much sympathy for those who CHOOSE to put themselves AND others in harms way. I do feel bad for their families. They should be happy their relative died doing something they loved.
IMO, leaving the remains of those is a safer idea than risking more lives recovering bodies that are already buried, and at least passed doing something they enjoyed. Let them rest in peace on the volcano, don’t risk others lives to find rotting flesh.
@Brandon B obviously that’s what I mean. I don’t mean go get the bodies even it’s unsafe. Scientists and others are assessing when the safest time is likely to be. They are planning on going tomorrow morning if it’s safe enough. Rescuers have already been.
I agree , after an eruption of this size there will be little left other than bones, if even that.
Endangering other lives is senseless and the remains should be left until the island may be safely accessed.
Exactly. Imagine how many members of the families of the 29 men killed in pike river are watching this with breaking hearts, pike river exploded in 2010 and our nation is still waiting for the promised recovery mission that never came. So yeah, to the people saying imagine if that was your family… Well since 2010 we’ve left our own to rot in a hole but here we are making an instant recovery mission because it involded foreigners so it’s more important that we look good on the world stage. Absolutely disgusting.
@Laura Walker imagine how the families of pike river mine are feeling right now then. They are watching other people’s loved ones recovered off an active volcano that could explode again and kill all rescuers all because it was tourists that were involved and nz survives off tourism, if we didn’t do the recovery this fast it has an impact on the world stage but pike river was nationals so we can just sweep it under the carpet.
@StarkRaving Ralph you have such a story book outlook on life. I envy you.
Wow…..this is heartbreaking….especially since I live on a volcanic island….peace!
Humans are so vunerable in face of mother nature.
RIP the victims
infront of the face of GOD
Cory Palmer there is no god
@Nate sorry I’m not going to argue with someone who doesn’t exist
Cory Palmer exactly!
Stay away from the damn volcanoes.
Today’s people are beyond stupid.
Not a lick of common sense.
But ya know what they say about common sense.
@cough pillbox
In all seriousness people should not be near active volcanoes. Even researchers are at risk when in the vicinity of such volcano’s. That has always been known to be the cast.
@Tymal Leco Yup.
Even worse… People who buy 414 stainless steel wall hanger swords.
@cj p Who does that?
Yea were dumb? Let’s see the places you visited on Instagram.
NATURE has all-ways been the ‘best’ terrorist. Kills or tortures everything.
You sound jealous.
cj p
Nah. I was merely stating a fact. You may be projecting something about your SELF.
You were GUESSING so check into researching “Psychological Projection.”
PS – How can I “sound” when you were not hearing me?
Persons reveal themSELF.
URGENT: NK is expected to test an ICBM when Trump is in Florida for holiday.
URGENT: North Korea might be finished if they are stupid enough to attempted it.
You suggesting we invade?
So how would china react.
@bighand69 newsflash Russia and NK are BFf and Putin and trump are BFf. I think NK is safe. They just need to send a friendly letter.
Are they sending it to Florida?
Just don’t go near ACTIVE volcanos
Definitely not trying to be rude but that’s exactly the reason why we shouldnt be having access to places like this. You wont catch me no where near an active volcano
May those who survived be treated with the best of care: physical, emotional and spiritual. People who love them, or have ever met them, or heard of them and the tradegy are are praying for them to fight until they are healthy and can find happiness again. God bless you all.
God Bless All, you are in my prayers
you want other people to risk their life to retrieve DEAD bodies…. have some respect for other people ffs.
Honestly, I totally get your logic. But you gotta remember the people doing this WANT to do it. Nobody is forcing anyone to do anything.
I don’t know but I’m starting to think that going inside an active volcano might not be a good idea…