Tory strategist on O’Toole’s polling numbers: “‘Nowhere to go but up”

Conservative strategist Jamie Ellerton discusses new poll showing Erin O'Toole is facing some troubling numbers.

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Tory strategist on O'Toole's polling numbers: "'Nowhere to go but up"


  1. Ofools a joke he will cut heathcare other benfits for sure from all provinces etc

  2. O’Toole is to soft. I’m a conservative and O’Toole doesn’t do it for me. I’m gonna vote for him if/when the election happens but Erin needs to be a stronger leader

    1. He needs to step down. Completely useless as leader, maybe even worse than Scheer which is hard to believe.

    2. I am a liberal but I am considering O’toole for next election. ! That’s how bad Canadian leaders are.

    1. @Punk Rachmaninoff as your drama teacher hero runs our country into the ground and is a lapdog of a genocidal commie regime.

    1. You better hope CPC WIN or we have BLACKFACE!!!
      VERY SIMPLE who to vote for instead of CRITICIZING!!!!

  3. Get used to Dictator Blackface because he will hold power for at least 2 more decades. Probably won’t be a Canada by then.

    1. What makes you think literally *any* conservative would stand a chance right now? Who do you think would be better? Pierre Poilievre is the only one I think stands a chance and he has been clear that he doesn’t have leadership aspirations so the conservatives are pretty sunk right now.

  4. Sorry, O’Toole, but you blew your chance to earn my vote by rolling over and failing to do any substantive challenging of the Liberals on any of their OOVID policies.

    1. So, continue to support libs? or one of the other basically liberal parties? I’ve watched him attempt to hold them to account and I’d support him. Really right now we just need not liberal. Doesn’t have to be pretty… just has to “get her done”.

    2. @G Suidkra If I have the option in my riding, the PPC candidate gets my vote. If I don’t have that option, then I’ll either pick a candidate from a smaller party or abstain altogether.

      The Liberals, NDP, and Conservatives are all equally corrupt.

  5. My strong and independent ex wife divorced me due to disability and stole everything from me, save your self men and don’t cohabitate or get married.

    1. i think your confusing the same person O tool is A tool (of the liberals.). Now if only we could elect a politician who could come up with solutions other than to tax Canadians to the poor house.

  6. Don’t count O’Toole out. Can’t stand Trudeau, or Singh, or Paul. I kind of like Bernier.

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