A Toronto family's red-eye flight turned into a nightmare Monday. Camilla DiGiuseppe reports.
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So, when everybody on the flight removes their masks to eat and drink, the virus takes a nap and it’s perfectly safe but an exempted (mask) baby is gonna endanger them all……..
@Marshmellafella look up what a bio suit looks like these bs face coverings do nothing it’s modern day enslavement
xxskitsxx15 If you think that wearing a face mask is enslavement, you might want to educate yourself on slavery.
Who is saying that the mask protects the wearer? Wearing a mask reduces the range by which an infected individual can spread the virus. The mask is worn to protect others, it reduces risk of spread, but by no means eliminates it. The only way be truly protected is by adequate physical distancing.
Marshmellafella keep sipping the kool-aid
Nobody uses common sense, I also wonder if it would’ve been handled different if the family had a whiter skin color. My guess is yes.
You say it well!
A 19 month old can’t tell the difference between “keeping the public safe”, and someone trying to suffocate them.
Jonathan Edward , anyone still talking about pandemic is a complete moron!
Airline industries got a huge hit and was bailed out by the government that’s why they are more than happy to implement all the draconian nonsense!
@Gbrik74 They are also grossly exaggerating the deaths, don’t get me wrong even 10,000 deaths is still horrible, but they are counting every death as covid related as long as they had one anti-body in them. The Lancet also did a study showing how around 55-60% of all tests are false positives.
Gbrik74 what bailout? I didn’t hear that.
JMAC LIVES the crew would not have called the police otherwise
@T Skillen you sure about that? Was that why the rest of the passengers were saying “we saw the whole thing”. If the crew were acting so reasonably, why were the passengers in objection? The video evidence is contrary to your assertion.
As a parent, if they were trying to get a toddler and an infant to both wear masks, bahahaha, yeah right, might as well just say kids aren’t allowed on flights anymore.
I think they should do that.
Just the three year old
Kia soley , should do what, ban kids from flights?
Gbrik74 nope just the ones who can’t wear masks
Kia soley , you never had little kids, hence your dumb answer or you are a COVIDIDIOT that sees it everywhere.
I thought they were wrong for taking my $400.westjet dollars away for not using it during covid so it expired but this makes me want to fly with another airline completely. Keep the $400 and use it for the bankruptcy settlement. Bye Bye.
Putting a mask on a baby is cruel. This is so sad.
Humanity has definitely been lost, so sad.
Tessa Hadwen Godless nations will crumble!!
Disgraceful. Wtf?
What a stupid thing to do, how silly these staff members are what a shame for the company
The flight was cancelled because the crew didn’t feel safe after seeing the reaction of the rest of the passengers. Thats like saying indirectly that the crew knew they were in the wrong and had overreacted to the situation. So feeling embarrassed and humiliated,they decided to cancel the flight instead and try to put the blame on the family. How low can you get???
That’s a lot of assuming..get the mask Nay sayers riled up is no fun..with everyone adding their two cents..and telling the police and crew to Efe off..do You think that’s safe?
Easy to cancel flight when you have only ten passengers on board. Lol
At least they did not beat them or shoot them. Be grateful that the abuse did not go physical.
They will sue and get a pile from this
And they should! We don’t live in China! No one should be treated like that in Canada.
Simple solution: Stop flying WestJet
Horder Phelps This company totally downhill since sold to new owner……fly Air Canada
Where is common sense? What baby or toddler wants to be muffled?
Westjet is gone in bad hands already… used to be one best and now worst…
Whitehill Pl New owner new rules…….bad company now
There were witnesses that verified that the older child was wearing a mask.
That’s why I’d rather give my business to reputable airlines like delta, they sanitize the plane in between flights and don’t fill up every seat. wokejet and ac are flying garbagecans
Yea this doesn’t make me want to fly west jet. At west jet we can guarantee staff are SOULLESS and horribly trained. Let the firing begin!
Not even a 2 year old will want to keep a mask on during a flight..
Ego wins once more; letting the passengers suffer for no fault of their own.
They should have started coughing, sneezing and farting on everyone.