Toronto Deputy Mayor Stephen Holyday is asking the premier of Ontario to reconsider the closures of golf courses and tennis courts.
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Over three weeks ago the Texas Rangers played in front of a full crowd. 38,000 fans. Daily new cases (7 day average) have leveled off in Texas over the past month, while deaths and hospitalization have gone down substantially. Positivity rate decreased to 4.2% on April 25th.
They have had a lot more vaccines and also a higher infection rate, they have more successfully achieved herd immunity due to those factors, We have not.
@J J and yet million rounds played in Ontario by just shy of two million golfers with zero [COVID-19] cases in the province due to the game of golf.
@J J Ontario active case count has fallen 9.5% in just 8 days. The spring peak has been passed, almost exactly one year after the peak passed in 2020.
LTC cases and deaths have been nearly zero for two months.
The survival/recovery rate is 99.07% for non-LTC cases in Ontario.
Turn off the news. Turn on the actual source data websites and examine the data for yourself. It is the only way to be properly informed. The politicians and “journalists” are most certainly not interested in accurately informing you about the virus (or anything else).
Are you in Ontario? Do you miss golf? True North Golf is here for you to get your golf fix during lockdown

Golf is for old farts
Lame af
Ontario is the worst place on Earth right now.
Take a trip to India if you need a break. The weather is nice and warm.
@TCinthe6 sad that you have to compare Ontario to a third world country says a lot doesn’t it.
@KC N Lol
Yes it is and the rents are to high
Nova Scotia didn’t even shut their outdoor amenities for the next 2 weeks.
Of course when it affects Politicians it`s a problem , but when it affect the general public it`s not a problem
It’s about time
Think, this is no time to start thinking. Vaccinate 18 – 35 year olds immediately.
Baaaaa Baaaaaa comrade how about you put that crap where the sun dont shine
Golf is a thing of the past
Oh boo who no fun for the rich county clubbers